Belade passes the conversation, covered in blood, her armour dented in places, scars and tattoos visible on all parts of her body that aren't covered. All in all, she looks like she's been in some fights, walking tall and proud, holding up a nice looking gem to the sun as she goes, putting it away as she passes Zora.
Lookin' for some adventure are ye lad? Ye can come along next time me and my mates go out. We've been running into Ettins, petrified wolves that spawn weird shite, Sauri at the kobolds, not to mention the shite that's usually there. And, by the way, here's my card.
Hands him a small card;
You can sign me up for that NAC thingy. The name's Belade, and giving the foes of Sune a right good trashing is what I do.