Maya was sitting at the edge of one of the riff along Nars Pass, her gaze locked on the small children doll coated with blood in her hands. She was staring at it as if it was hiding some deep meaningfull answers to the turmoil of crushing thoughts spinning in her head.
The wind carrying the freezing chill haunting theses lands was making her clothes float around her rather frail shape. But since it happened... She was stuck, as if her body was barely more than an empty shell she was floating in.
It all started with a trip to Jiyyd's ruins. Maya had heard before of some ancient monastery... Or what was left of it there. She was feeling dragged by the hope to find something left there, maybe some knowledge to strenghten her own technics, maybe something usefull to her. There wasn't so many monk orders around, none she was really aware of.
Maya was expecting a lot of things, but none of them were prepared to face the awfull trolls there. As they were trying to survive a pretty vicious one, a man in armor appeared, studying them with a strange glance. Everything went fast, too fast. From what Maya was barely able to remember through the blurry tunnel of fast paced action, the time it took her to distance that troll, when she come back to Keeva, one of thoses mens in armor, a renegade, was trying to separate the sorcerer's head from her body.
Maya took him down, saving her friend, her veins still burning with adrenaline, but the relief she felt at the thought Keeva was safe was short lived by the others gazes locked on them. As they were running away to leave Jiyyd alive, Maya noticed the fundations of some catapults in the distance. The catapults were designed to become impressive. Worse than anything she saw before. At this point, she had little doubts they would be able to reach the other side of the Scar and spread death there.
Maya did what she could to spread the word, warn as many as possible, and, to her relief, some answered. Maya was intense, the fear to see another caravan attacked, to see more people dying after the time she spent bandaging and trying to save the people suffering from the last attack. She was almost still able to feel the blood covering her hands then.
But it was just a big lie... As Maya and the General Thorn went to scout Jiyyd again, then came accross many catapults, much more. The General didn't took long to realize what Maya's lack of military experience missed. The position of theses new catapults... Wasn't making sense.
It was a distraction...
The orange tint filling the sky a few minutes later confirmed it, as some catapults, hidden elsewhere, were spreading hell in the distance, screams echoing from the distance. They made their way back as fast as they could, but it was too late...
Another caravan... But this time... There was no one to save... Childrens... Womens... Mens... Nothing left but destroyed bodies and a strong smell of copper. Maya felt herself break. Was it a trap from the start ? Was it a change of plan to lure them after they realized the news would spread with witnesses escaping ? It was hard to say. But her mind was simply unable to process anymore, the voices of the soldiers coming to help echoing to her ear like a really distant muffled noise.
Next to a teared off so little arm, in the general poodle of blood and destruction covering the area, a little children toy was there, displaying an embroidered smile partially coated with blood with a strange feeling of irony. She grabbed it on the floor, her blood pounding in her temples, and moved a bit aside to slide down along a tree trunk, unable to stop tears from rolling over her cheeks.
Traumatized, visions of the dead bodies spinning in her head long after the soldiers finished to take care of the bodies, she eventually managed to stood, a dreadfull determination spinning in her head. Pale like a ghost, still tainted with blood, she moved back to Nars Pass, close to that bridge were, no matter the effort, some scoundrels and thugs would always come back to try to ambush some travelers.
One of them would know. They HAD to know. She needed it almost as bad as she needed to breath.. To find something to focus on ; the hope to finally put an end to all theses deaths and this suffering.
Keeva found her, standing broken, unable to articulate a word, the bloody doll still in her hand. She tried to comfort her friend, to bring her away, but they were interrupted by a group of grim faces in heavy armors. The kind of armors Maya recognized way too well already... The renegades.
One of them was walking in front, visibly pleased to fall on the two vulnerable looking womens. The two others walking behind with crossbows, and the man with a mass and a shield, weren't looking less intimidating. The leader's words weren't even making sense to Maya's ears. Something was twitching in her gaze as she stared at them, her reddish eyes and the stains of the tears over her face contrasting with that inhuman pallor she was displaying.
Maya wasn't listening to them, asking a few times... Or rather... Ordering Keeva to leave. But her friend wouldn't. Keeva was trying to convince them to let them leave. The renegades strangely agreed, provided the two womens would surrender their gold and their belongings. But nothing in this world would have moved Maya's away. A part of her knew she belonged here, as much as she did back then with Marvin, when they were still childrens. She was probably about to die, this time... definitely. But she was at peace with it.
The second it was obvious to them she wouldn't surrender her gold.. The moment they joked about the catapults... That instant they would make a move... Maya was ready. She gave a vial to Keeva, as discretly as she could, expecting her to flee, then bring one to her lips, disappearing in front of their eyes.
If there was a limit to the amount of potions you can sip down, Maya was way past over it. She pulled roughly a bunch of vial from her leather bag, dropping them quickly in her mouth, swallowing gulp after gulp, a decent amount of the potions leaking over her chin and dripping on her clothes. The magic mixtures were already making her whole body tickles, then radiate with an intense feeling of power. It was almost too much to bear... But compared to her state of mind, it was just a distant reminder she had a physical body.
She appeared as she crashed into the leader, the velvet gloves around her hands, a gift from Reemul, turning almost as hard as stone as she extended her fingers, striking the space between his helmet and the torso of his armor. The man tried to hit her with the pommel of his sword to create some distance as he was emitting some gurgling noise, struggling to breath, but she was already all over him, hitting his joints, using his body as a shield against the crossbow holders.
The one with an heavy mass and a shield was already starting to cast some divine spell. Maybe it was by luck, or maybe an alternate divine intervention, but at this time Reemul suddenly appeared, charging forward with his horse to take him down. Maya was lost in her own frenesy. A bolt whistled in the air, flying toward her. She turned toward it just in time to catch it, her heart beating like crazy. She broke the bolt, staring at the woman holding the crossbow who was looking back at her with an hatefull expression. Before she was able to load again, Maya ran toward her, jumped to strike her with both feets, then, falling on her back from the momentum, she kicked herself up on her knees with a kip up and closed the distance with the stunned woman trying to stand. She spinned to land a low kick straight in her skull, watching her collapse to the floor, her neck making a weird angle.
Maya glanced around, rage, frustration and an intense pain burning in her chest. She was physically fine, but as much as she could have tried to prevent it was for greater goods, she wasn't in control. She lost herself to pure anger, seeking revenge for the horrors she just witnessed. It wasn't satisfying. She was feeling as if a fire was burning deep inside of her, wanting to consume more and more, its hunger growing with each more bite. The fact she killed them was only adding more weight to the pressure about to crush her down. She wanted to cry, to scream, but she was suddenly feeling nothing but really cold.
And among the many thoughts spinning in her confused and traumatized head, one was pounding faster than the others. Whether she won a bit of time getting rid of thoses or not... There was still catapults out there. More of thoses mens... And probably more caravans to be attacked.