Lady Varya Tiller would be seen removing the notices as she walks about the city. To angry people that approach her, she would reply in various ways.
"This may seem unfair, but with current arrangements we have created more jobs in the farm lands"
To anyone speaking disrespectfully to the king:
"We have conflict with lizardfolks of the east, giants and orcs of the west, bandits and gnolls in the south. People might think its unfair, but we are to trust in our King's wisdom to help maintain relations with others. The dwarves are very proud but have suffered heavy losses, whether they did it the right way or not, this is them asking for help."
To those that may have heard her say any disparaging remarks in the past about the dwarves on the day they accompanied the king and try to call her out on her hypocrisy, she would admit what she said was wrong at the heat of the moment.
There may be lingering negative sentiments from the paladina, but Varya looks to be making an effort to bury or dispel them for the greater good of Peltarch and the Narfell region on the whole.