Hin boasting of besting a powerful wizard

  • Dev

    Roughly mid day at the Mermaid, an eccentric hin is seen hopping around tables boasting of besting a powerful wizard with his own arcane aptitude and stunning charm. When asked for details like name and place, he gets quiet and changes the subject.

    "Oh, you should have seen me friends. If it weren't for my quick wit and arcane prowess that other mages have the ability to sense, I would not be here talking with you today."

  • Banned

    When Lauriella hears the news of Droims tale she shakes her head and smiles. Next time she sees him she gives him a smile and a wink.

  • Dev

    Droim holds up a small rod that glows in the darkness of the mermaid "aye and it was with this very staff that I told the witch to let me free of her grasp. She had no choice but to teleport me here I tell you. It was truly the most intense battle of wits and will that I've ever been in. To put it all in perspective, at one point, I fended off a penguin from a woman with child!"

  • "I believe him." One commoner said at a tavern "He had one o' them magic sticks, right? Who else has one of 'em but a mage."

    The other drunk commoners nod in agreement.