Why do you want to be a Narfell DM?
I'm eager to pursue the persistent world aspects of the server, and to embrace the variety of events people enjoy, pretty much with every event very accessible to players. Noting the ease of introducing persistent elements into the server. I would be eager to engage a not-too-demanding pipeline of regular events, with enough time between them to ensure actions of players and consequences have been factored into the next event. At the end of a long series of events, expect to see locations subtly (or dramatically) change, new arrivals in old areas and the balance of power shift within places you know as PC's and other places you don't know (yet).
How long have you been a community member on Narfell?
I started playing in 2004 Absent for a while, and i've been back a few years now.
If the playerbase wish for this kind of DMing, then i'll spend a few weeks testing out things, and getting used to the scale of the server now, and conferring with team members and players alike on the kind of sessions they like in PnP, and online here and in other games, and learning more about aspects of their characters that aren't widely known.
What relevant experience do you have DMing (either Narfell, other PW’s, or PnP)?
Online only in Narfell (With Linah, Vino, Yith, Pinksharky, Basmans, Wykith etc back in those days. PnP, i've DMed D&D but also Warhammer Fantasy, and Cyberpunk.
In Narfell i helped run the Eastlander War, the Shar and Auril cult threat, as well as the recurring Tree of Azuth happenings. I also ran a no. of faith based plots, and personal plots too.
Other than that i'm a lore junkie in Forgotten Realms, and i'm still trying to determine a way of extracting all the juicy lore from Baldurs Gate 3 books My approach is to happen across a snippet of interesting lore, and then spin off ideas to see what sticks into the current status of Narfell, usually after looking back at any previous references in the forum history.
What level of experience do you have with the DM client?
Not for a few years, and i'm sure there are a lot more tools now than ever. I'll be reviewing clowbaby's video again i'm sure in the next couple of weeks.
Describe, in detail, your DMing style and what you expect from players in your plots/events.
Players lead the actions arising from news around the world and it's surrounding regions and it's up to them how they respond to it. Players are rewarded for consistency of character response, and i'm always happy to have conversations about their characters motivations after events privately. I'm also happy to receive actions taken outside of "the pertinent dramatic or action event or session".
Also, that NPC factions directly react to player actions if noticed, and that friendly NPC groups may react with or against the wishes of players. Sometimes allies have to be interacted with as well as enemy.
Key in my interests in the past is Intrigue, the borders and powerful NPC or monstrous groups working within our setting, and tactical challenges involving terrain, environmental factors and faith based plots.
The actions of those groups also have an effect on the world. Players also get known to different groups, and NPC's and will become known to them for the benefit of the players objectives or the NPC groups objectives.
What is your stance on players using forum/discord communication with you to advance plots?
It's not necessary, but players are welcome to use it, and it will be obvious when there are times when players can communicate their characters "actions", to news outside of a "main event". There will be a number of ways of contacting myself with actions taken, the format and "warmup" to my events will ensure any and all PC's can have a reaction subtle or overt to them, be that in a planned game session, which will be organised in advance for key events, or written up in the forums by myself in the appropriate plot-thread.
I will prioritise discord, and I have an email address also set-up for correspondence.
How do you plan on being inclusive and involving all players/groups/organizations?
I plan on building up with small encounters the run up to scheduled events for players who are logged in when i play. (This will mainly be between 2000 GMT to 2200 GMT on Fridays or Saturday. Events will not be long affairs, and will form a chapter-end to some ongoing narrative published online and explored in some small way in-game during incidental sessions.
REWARDS: Key will be explicit IC appropriate reactions, NPC faction attention and in-game rewards as well as XP for those players who disseminate overtly, secretly or initiate actions with myself in respect of incidental events and respond after key scheduled events.
REWARDS: I also reward, player creativity, books written, backstories written, diaries and other posts on the forum which advance the plot. Key though is the manner in which players use the forums, and welcome players advising where and when they are posting in response to plot.
How many sessions and/or hours per week/month do you plan to DM for?
I would usually expect to do 2 main events per month, with "warm-up" happenings / small incidental encounters between these times. Typically events will wait until player actions have been factored before the next event occurs. All sessions will be announced days in advance, and reminded usually through in-game and forum activity to remind players that things are happening, and they better get involved or the world will move on without them.
What are the days/times (time zone) that you anticipate DMing for?
Between 2000 GMT to 2200 GMT on Fridays or Saturdays for "Main Events". Smaller news or warmup happenings will occur at similar hours as a response to players being logged in and active, and especially in the area related to the ongoing plot. This is designed to maintain consistency, and planning for players. If this slot is outside your usual playtime there will be ways of interacting with the incidental warm-ups so long as your character is active at keeping up with the plot via other characters.
Discord: Darkpowder.
Main Characters:
Ravos Calchais - Kings Council delegate for House Daedalus
Vasold Ulrich - Order of the Golden Lion
Augustus Farthingdale - Wizard
Vertus Dahl - Faithful of Kossuth