
  • Kudos to DM SquirrelCaster for spicing up an impromptu crafting trip out to the Coldstones! And a special thanks to him for letting Z finally find the tree he's pined over for so long. Yew are awesome πŸ˜‰

    Going to dish additional kudos to CB for giving Bufflin some excitement of his own. Even I wasn't sure if he would follow through with the punishment until the last second πŸ˜„

  • Shouting out belated kudos to DM Bloodyroar and the Phenomenal Five for a chilling adventure this past weekend! Difficulty was very well balanced throughout. Looking forward to the next chapter. πŸ™‚

  • @89347f497b=Karnivor:

    Kudos to DM Bloodyroar and the Suicidal Five for the frost-bitten adventure Sunday evening! I was on the verge of despairing about making the event happen at all, but ended up having a great time! πŸ™‚

    That group name… :x

  • Kudos to DM Bloodyroar and the Suicidal Five for the frost-bitten adventure Sunday evening! I was on the verge of despairing about making the event happen at all, but ended up having a great time! πŸ™‚

  • Legion

    I would love to give a heartfelt kudos to all the players and DMs who have made my time here in Narfell such a joy.

    I think you're all great. Even though you're the reason I can't quit this game and get on with a normal life.

    Actually …

    Thanks everyone.