Clownbaby kudos as above, for the Druid-flavored fun additions, too. Yay AE ^_^
Ew Bulette drool!
Kudos to Clownbaby for stirring some unexpected excitement on a regular ole Thursday evening! I loved the giant stone fist, just a shame there was no Nica petrification trouble. xD
Kudos to Thurgood yet again, without him the forums would never run properly. (Problem seems to be solved) We all owe you large buddy, you the man!
Echoing Karni's kudos. Was a great weekend of events filled with laughs and tense moments. It's days like those that keep me hooked on Narfell.
Huge kudos to DM SquirrelCaster for another action-packed adventure into the frigid mountains.
And kudos to the adventuring party, as well. Despite having a ton of RL work to do, I'm glad you were able to drag ol' Z out of the craft hall to help you on your quest. I had a blast.
Seconded kudos from Karni's post, above.
The total unexpected (And my first) Squirrelcaster event was hilariously fun, a little scary, and satisfying to the core.
Thank you!
The intrigue from Bloodyroad has me on my toes, and I can't wait for more.
What a good weekend. ^_^
Big kudos to both Squirrelcaster and Bloodyroar for filling the weekend with fun events, expected and unexpected both - and to the awesome players who shared in the shenanigans! Elvadriel's panicking in the great escape from the smuggler's cove is probably what made me giggle the most. xD
Kudos to DM & players involved in Mor'Salen plot.
Kudas for sure for DM SquirrelCaster, the mining trip was awesome and sich a good group of adventurers
Huge thanks to DM SquirrelCaster for helping Z finally fill an order, for a custom yew bow, he's had for well over a RL year (actually 2 orders).
I really appreciate the support!
Additional kudos to the adventurers who braved the frigid Coldstones to explore and to help Z on his quest! Good times!
Kudos to DM SquirrelCaster for spicing up an impromptu crafting trip out to the Coldstones! And a special thanks to him for letting Z finally find the tree he's pined over for so long. Yew are awesome
Going to dish additional kudos to CB for giving Bufflin some excitement of his own. Even I wasn't sure if he would follow through with the punishment until the last second
Shouting out belated kudos to DM Bloodyroar and the Phenomenal Five for a chilling adventure this past weekend! Difficulty was very well balanced throughout. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Kudos to DM Bloodyroar and the Suicidal Five for the frost-bitten adventure Sunday evening! I was on the verge of despairing about making the event happen at all, but ended up having a great time!
That group name⦠:x
Kudos to DM Bloodyroar and the Suicidal Five for the frost-bitten adventure Sunday evening! I was on the verge of despairing about making the event happen at all, but ended up having a great time!
I would love to give a heartfelt kudos to all the players and DMs who have made my time here in Narfell such a joy.
I think you're all great. Even though you're the reason I can't quit this game and get on with a normal life.
Actually β¦
Thanks everyone.