Alliances, Guilds, etc...
:twisted: Yeah baby.
I still wish Salina was around though. I would have loved to meet her. Even though she didn't much like elves.
Well I have myself a monk of the Dark Moon wandering the streets of Narfell (Shar worshipping Sorceror/Monk) who would be interested in meeting other like minded people who would be interested in spreading misery and extinguishing all that is light from the world.
Good and evil, both are fractured in their own ways. However, I should let you know that in Peltarch soon there may well be growing potential for mages to join a movement with some sway.
More I would not care to say, yet….simply know that a new power is rising like the Phoenix from the ashes of Peltarch.
The Lady returns....
insert dramatic, faintly macabre music here
I'd like to see the evil forces of Narfell unite under a common goal for prosperity(pillage), community(plunder), justice (murder), and peace(dominance).
We should all work together as a family(conquerers)
Well Ashe doesn't admit he's a Cyrist. He says he follows Bhaal. I had planned to use the banites to get rid of law (I won whoever won) but I think they all got killed off before I got a chance to do so.
I have a plan to frame someone for a murder just need to do some planning and get access to Narfell…
also got some plans to try bring back the defiler.... dm approval pending on that one.
I recently made a madman that worships Cyric… maybe we could get something started. :twisted: Then there could be a Bane/Cyric/whoeverelsewantstojoinin war in Narfell, where the good side watches the action and waits for their enemies to kill each other or something...
Ashe would be interested in a NPC run Assassin's guild (similar to Kyra's thieves guild) based somewhere near (or under :)) Peltarch.
If a Cyrist church exists he would also join that.