Tarot Deck
Same deal as the regular deck. One submission per person. First come first serve. After it is finished it will be available for sale.
Submit a picture of your character and what card you want your character to be.
Currently Chosen:
Knight of Cups: Leena
Five of Cups: Ute
Seven of Swords: Shadow Priestess
Lovers: Isolde and Nate
Devil: Lilriana
Fool: Rubo
Magician: Attentus
Wheel of Fortune: Kharbeh
Death: Chaevre
Knight of Wands: AstolfoHere is a helpful link that should show you the tarot cards and their meanings.
Astolfo for Knight of Wands
@stcroix Which character?
Chaevre' Death card, picture you made
Seven Wands!
Wheel of Fortune: Kharbeh
The Magician: Attentus.
His portrait: [ http://fav.me/dcdipl8 ].
His history and screenshot: [ http://fav.me/dcb2fqu ].
Rubo can be The Fool
Can Liriana have the devil?
- Will find a picture!
Pending Karni's approval, put Isolde Garibaldi and Nate Wingates for the lovers. A slow-dance sort of pose, such as at a ball or something, would be awesome.
https://narfell.us/forum/topic/28534/isolde-garibaldi - includes description
https://narfell.us/forum/topic/28724/nate-wingates - includes portraits
Shadow lady >.> Whatever card seems appropriate, since I don't remember Tarot offhand.
What a cool idea! Since I use a deck when I play Ute, I suppose I should jump on this. Ute is Five of Cups all the way. I'll get a picture to you in PM tomorrow.
Leena! With any of her pictures you already made, for whichever card you think appropriate!