The Conspiracy
The following is written onto a collection of parchments and bound into a small leather folder. They are not published or distributed in any way. These are very much the private thoughts of Martoushca as she attempts to make sense of Peltarch's current political situation. The parchments are written in Hin script.
The Conspiracy
Some of this may be false.
Tyr knows. Tyr guide me.
Initially posing as a priest of Tyr, Koreth Gradually gained political and military power in Peltarch and attempted to install himself as potentate. The "Peltarch Civil War" ended with the death of thousands. His rebellion was eventually put down.
I start with this because of Thel's comments found in the public senate records. He stated that attempting to place a king over Peltarch was illegal and an act of treason. Thel cited the acts of Koreth as a precedent for any plot to install a monarchy to be an illegal act.
- "I hath no interest in Kingship nor do I support anything that would break the laws of this city."
- "No Senator I know of no such plan (to install a monarchy), for such a plan wouldst usurp the legal rule of law in this city."
- "There hadst better be good reason for assuming I wouldst know of an illegal attempt to usurp the will of the people with a monarchy, theocracy or other dictatorial governance"
Full details concerning Koreth's rebellion can be found in the Lighthouse Library.
Senate Undermined.-
Senior Senator Rath Ashald killed, replaced By Mariston Thel of the Order of the Divine Shield
Thel begins to propose and grant special powers that "Added the Defenders to the ranks of the Guard", effectively creating a military police state. The Senate were once able to draw their personal guard from Defender ranks. Defenders now answer to Magistracy.
Senators begin to disappear. One (myself) returned with years of memory missing.
Enenan Snydders managed to survive the assault against the senate and maintains a position of power in the King's Council.
Siamorphean infiltration-
Del Rosa, Devotee to Siamorphe's "Divine Right" replaces Neverith as General over the Defenders.
General De'Rosa uses the skirmish against the gnolls on the pass to illegally declares Martial Law in Peltarch. Only the senate can legally handover to martial law, but remaining senators seem unwilling or powerless to oppose this move. At this point most remaining senators are members or allies of the Order of Divine Shield. De'Rosa falsely states that there will be an election for a new senate after the war.
At this point foreign clerics of Siamorphe begin their "test" on Peltarch's citizens. They use magic to confirm "noble bloodlines", but are secretly searching for an heir to Tidus' empty throne.
George is presented as a candidate for the throne by the agents of Siamorphe. General De'Rosa declares that instead of voting for new senators, that the city will choose between a scattered and utterly undermined senate and a monarch. A "choose between turd and treasure" scenario. Only those who were willing to receive a blessing from Siamorphe were allowed to vote.
I was commanded to assist with the enchantment of a crown. When I proposed that the crown hold an enchantment that would only allow the truth to be spoken I am violently opposed by Del'Rosa and Phoenixfeather - Even to the point where there was a spiritual "wrestle" during the enchantment. I could not overcome their passion to defend the "right" to speak dishonestly.
Possible Demonic Connection-
Defender Shallyah states publicly that she would bring her axe down upon the neck of anyone attempting to install a monarchy over Peltarch. She is later slain by a massive demon.
During the "war" against the gnolls we had to descend into the hells to "rescue" De'Rosa. Despite the peril we were in, his unconscious form seemed to be in no danger at all. We never did discover Why De'Rosa was taken by a demon to his abode. I am not sure if De'Rosa's episode with a demon is connected with Shallyah's defeat at the hands of a demon. Just noting the coincidental similarity._
((Bumping for possible recent IC relevance. While previously contained in privately held documents, Marty is sharing this information publicly, and with Peltarch's press.))
EDIT: Also fixed up the old links to other forum posts that were broken. They should now lead to the actual form posts they are referring to. This is so anyone investigating the validity of these statements can see that they are on the public record.