Martial Law

  • General Frederic Del'Rosa comes on a brief stay to the city itself to make an announcement

    "Citizens of Peltarch.

    Due to the ongoing war going on offense so close to the city, I hereby declare Martial Law. In these troubled times, we require fast actions. This decision did not come easy to me, but I do believe it is the best course of action at the moment.

    Once the brave men of Peltarch have reclaimed the pass and the war has ended, the Martial Law will cease. Peltarch WILL be stronger than ever before.

    Long live the Jewel!"

  • Senator Talindra listens to the General's announcement with a smile on her face. She says little, but if asked anything by the people she makes it apparent the General has her full trust in the difficult times to come.

  • _While the citizens of Peltarch are indeed happy to give their support to General Del'Rosa - and that the Senate's power has been effectively taken away from them with this action, a few onlookers note that no Senators are present to affirm the action.

    In fact - Senators Greywing, Faultek, and Reshor have simply not been seen in public more than once or twice for the better part of a year. While it has become readily evident that the people have no love for the majority of the Senate, something seems slightly amiss here and even the most vocal opponents of their tenure have to admit something is strange._