Norwick's envoys and the goblins of the West Rawlins

  • makes no comment and shrugs as he walks off looking unconcerned. She exchanges a glance with Wren.

    So who da fark meh handin da ale tuh lassy?

    looks to Ragnhild and then Sqee

  • Wren clearly recognizes the dwarf, and is just as clearly shocked to see him here, although she hides her surprise quickly.

  • Belin grunts watching the scene

    <d>Kin? she asks by way of question regarding his presence to the dwarf as he nods to her.</d>

  • While remaining fairly quiet through the preceeding, one of the tribes seem to be keeping a very watchful eye on the group of outsiders. The leader and the few he allows to sit with him all appear to be shamans, openly bearing tattoos of goblin runes all over their bodies. To those who are familiar with reading the goblin symbols, the tattoos praise Maglubiyet and call on him for strength. The shaman leader only pauses in his careful watch to talk to his fellow shamans.

  • Sqee is then cut off by a commotion down the tunnel. A red haired and bearded dwarf dressed in black armor that seemingly absorbs all light with red markings that seem to flow like fresh blood down the armor looks coldly at the four mailed guards by the door with an axe of obvious dwarven make in his hands.

    Dwarf: <gob>Nay be gettin in my way greenskins. I ain above splitting ye in half just because.

    :: the dwarf looks over to Sqee and pushes thru the guards almost knocking two of them over::

    Dwarf: Ye! Been lookin for ya. Whar that ore ye promised? Got weapons to make.

    The four guards try to compose themselves and look to Sqee for orders. Sqee smiles faintly and waves the guards back to their posts. Not even waiting for Sqee to respond the dwarf walks over to the nearest spit much to a nearby blue liveried goblin's horror and cuts off a large chunk of meat with his axe then turns around to the party brushing a few errant beads in his hair off to the side with the back of his hand.

    Dwarf: An wha we got here? ::the dwarf eyes the party face by face til he eyes Belin to whom he simply nods to::

    Sqee: My apologies master smith. I assure you the ore will be taken to you very soon. These are ….

    The dwarf then interrupts Sqee waving him off as he begins to walk away taking bites of the sizzling meat in his hand between words.

    Dwarf: I know em enuff already. The ones I don't ain be ones I need to know. Jus get me my ore. Nay need words, need ore.

    The dwarf then heads back out the tunnel seemingly ignoring everyone around him though he does spare a glance at the guards who take a step back from him.</gob>

  • Sqee surveys the various goblin chiefs watching them chatting among their respective tribe members he then turns his attention to the blue liveried goblins to note their duties being performed. Seemingly content with what he sees he turns to walk down the bonfire with his hands hidden in his robes sleeves and approaches the party seemingly paying all of his attention to Rag

    Sqee: :: bows slightly:: Chieftains daughter, :: gestures towards the rock:: if you would be so kind to take your place. ::smiles and points to the goblin standing uncomfortably by the rock:: Poor Vrek is quite confounded on what to do as his duty is to serve whomever sits on the rock.

    Sqee then turns to Harmony seemingly bemused.

    Sqee: You have many questions I am sure. However this is not the time to answer them all. Let it just be said I am of no tribe but am of all tribes. I am of the goblin tribe. Think of me as the wind if you wish. The wind is everywhere yet nowhere with no form or color, and is often not noticed. I am merely the speaker here as it is. I bear no allegiance to any tribe but to all goblins. Hopefully that is sufficient?

    :: turning back to Rag::

    Sqee: There is much we need to talk about Chieftains daughter. ::gestures towards the rock:: Walk with me Chieftains Daughter. These assembled :: pause:: Chiefs will not support you in what you want. Most came hoping to persuade the Bloody Tooth to support them in their cause.

    Many years ago when Skara ruled the east woods and Ugog the west most tribes of the area followed one or the other or were destroyed. When Skara and Ugog met their fates their followers broke down into their respective tribes and they went their ways as they had in the years before led by various powerful leaders that survived their master's demise. One of the tribes that came about was the Grim Creepers who once served as shamans for Skara. When Skara died they managed to survive and stole away with many books and scrolls on old magic found in the fallen city. For many years no one heard from them as they holed up in deep recesses of the east wood. Eventually word spread of that they consorted with demons and that their caves were filled with magical sigils and they performed rituals that were against even goblin standards . For many months their drums sounded in the woods and all manner demons were seen in or above the woods. A number were slain by long legs. Eventually a young warrior persuaded some of the tribes that the Grim Creepers were a danger to them and they stormed their camps in a massive assault seemingly destroying the Grim Creepers and driving the few survivors deep into the caves. Unfortunately their leader was one of the ones that escaped under magic. This young warrior was said to have stood toe to toe with demons and slew each in hand. At the end of the fight another warrior pointed out the large demon tooth embedded in his arm that had gone unnoticed during the fight. In typical goblin fashion he pulled the tooth out saying "bloody tooth ruin good armor".


    A number of goblins pledged their loyalty to him that day and he created his own tribe. They weren't many in number but all proud strong warriors.

    Years passed and rumors spread that the Grim Creepers were back. Then word spread that the Bloody Tooth was destroyed by an unknown force. The next night chiefs began to die. One by one all the great goblin leaders fell without a sign of their attacker leaving their tribes to in fight among children and other powerful tribe members. Tribes split into new ones leaving many small groups with weak chiefs fighting to gain supremacy of each other. Then the Kal'Vargen came and crushed all those that stood before them.

    ::gestures at the assembled chiefs::

    These are but a few of the tribes, the ones that chose to come for their own reasons, but all are about the same.

    There is no unified goblin force to help you Chieftains Daughter. We have no single leader in which to lead them out of their feuds.

  • Watching the entirely scene thoughtfully with a calculated look, Harmony wears a facade of mixture curiosity and wonder, for this is her first to see a proper goblin congregation. In a way she realised, that the goblins are indifferent than 'us'.

    "I had attempted to do the bidding of serving the goblins Ragnhild. However it seemed, they remain wary of I still as you had observed.

    I have some fine ales regardless, one I whisked at the risks of the militia's displeasure for they were not informed I had taken from their closet. I shall give to the goblins as a form of a modest tribute."

    With that Harmony inquires Wren what the respective goblin chief had said and eventually, offering a nod of understanding. She turns to face Squee, offering him a humble bow and speaks.

    "I am curious, one known as Squee I speak to. For I had observed, your voice seems to carry much weight as well as, the ability to a degree, bring out respect from the respective chiefs present.

    I wish to know if I may, what role and tribe, do you represent in this circle we see? For you seemed to be more than what you be, you had initially presented yourself to us."

  • (( any attempts to offer Sqee or the chieftains anything is intercepted by a one of the blue liveried goblins who stands in the way and waits to take whatever is offered.))

    As you consider what to offer the goblins an observant eye will catch that each group seems to stick to themselves near their leader. The only goblins seemingly moving about are the goblins in blue who seem to be the only ones providing food and drink and then only to the chiefs.

    As the blue liveried goblin that spill the ale is pushed the room erupts in chuckling and laughing seemingly amusing the assembled goblins. With a seemingly humbled look the pushed goblin gathers up the now empty goblet and refills it then offers it to Rag. Meanwhile, another blue liveried goblin seems to be standing near the empty rock with a platter of meat and a confounded look on it's face.

  • grunts and looks around

    meh un fine dwarven lass. Meh got plenty o ale. Meh will take yer ale later tuh make up fer summa what dis lot drink though if'n yuh nay mind sharin.

    Belin reaches into a pouch at her hip and pulls out some ale bottles. Then follows by setting down another bag and pulling out a box carrying even more ale bottles. Then proceeds to pull out a bag which assuredly has yet more ale bottles in it.

    Yuh let me know how much and to who lassy. dark shrewd eyes peer around at the goblins. She spits on the ground clearing her throat

  • Ragnhild stares down at the goblin, looming over it with her superior height. Her eyes are slivers of ice, her face an unreadable mask as she lifts the blue-clad creature up by the scruff of it's neck, using just one arm. The goblin dangles in her firm grip for a long, tense moment before she speaks in a clear, if horribly accented tongue:

    <gob>Ale go here.

    She points to her mouth with her free hand, baring strong white teeth in a wide grin. Giggling loudly, she drops the goblin onto the floor, giving him a friendly pat on the back that sends the poor thing sprawling several meters forwards. Still grinning, she comments more quietly to her own party:

    "Gobbalin kind have right idea, all talk go much better vith lots and lots ale. Have fine collection ales in my pack, mushroom ale, creamy stouts, best bitter, dwarven pale ale, everithing. Am not certain that I myself should serve, perhaps best one of you act as servant? They believe you so alredi, for better or vorse huh. Offer to chieftains and Sqee, and think best you no spill. Be a terribel thing to vaste morr ale!"</gob>

  • Sqee seems to listen intently to Wren's words as mutterings among the Goblin Chiefs increase. Quite a bit of chuckling seems to have been invoked in the goblins as Wren's speech unfolds. When Wren is finished Sqee removes his gaze from the party and looks about to the assembled goblins to gauge their response. Each goblin chief speaks for himself as their followers are relatively quiet as the chiefs speak.

    (( a some what young and tawny goblin dressed in skins and carrying a scimitar with a large talon thru his nose is first))

    Talon Chief: <gob>Why no kill you now? Maybe taste good on spit.

    (( hard to tell their age or sex as they are in a long cowled robe complete with an bone mask and gloves))

    Crow Feet Chief: <gob>You speak for the Bloody Tooth? Where is Grahk? I did not come here to speak with his daughter nor her servants. I came to seek Grahk himself. I see Grahk's daughter to whom I give due respect but I see no other goblinkin so I know not whom you represent. Only goblinkin have voice here, not the town of longlegs.

    (( dressed in battered mail and rusty helm gives a strong contrast to their relatively unscarred flesh))

    Broken Arrow Chief: <gob>Me hear lots words. Where tribe to fight? Bloody Tooth join Broken Arrows and maybe me no kill you now.

    (( wearing leathers and a deep black fur cloak with a shortbow of halfling make on his lap he merely sips at his goblet waving away a blue liveried goblin before giving a response))

    Black Bear Chief: <gob>:: chuckles then snorts waving his hand dismissively at Wren::

    ((an obviously young goblin in padded armor sits nervously on their block of stone looking up a goblin dressed in mail at his side whom whispers something to the Chief))

    Three Feathers Chief: <gob>uhm..tribe say :: looks at the guard:: kill now…no good time :: nods to himself::

    (( a one eyed goblin armored in mail with a shield leaning against the stone leans forward resting his hands on his knees before speaking))

    Skull Splitter Chief: <gob>loot good?

    (( a very old goblin female sits on the stone in a mass of clothing and furs))

    Bloody Bloods Chief: <gob>too cold here, ale too warm. :: pulls the clothing and furs tighter around her seemingly oblivious to the conversation::

    The other tribes seem to answer non specifically and non noncommittally. After the answers given Sqee raises his hand to silence the room which is answered by silence beyond the sound of the blue liveried moving about from the goblins.

    Sqee: <gob>::looking about at the assembled chiefs:: Bloody Tooth calls on the chiefs assembled here to wage war against the accursed Kal'Vargen. Eat, drink and choose your words wisely. Bloody Tooth will hear your answers when both run out.

    A blue liveried goblin takes up the goblet by the empty stone and fills it from the cask and approaches Rag with it. A few steps before reaching her the goblin seemingly trips spraying Rag with ale. The goblin quickly pushes itself up looking towards Rag as the assembled goblins suddenly go absolutely silent and stare watching Rag.</gob></gob></gob></gob></gob></gob></gob></gob>

  • ((to keep this clean and streamlined i am going to delete any non-connected comments to this closed thread. Everyone is welcome to read it, but unless you were involved from the beginning you cannot comment. Please send me a PM if you have any questions.



  • //Please Nae-J, I hope you would read the instructions I had written in the opening of this thread before posting anything.

    As a reminder:

    This thread is only reserved for those who are participating in the plot and I kindly ask that it is not to be hijacked by those not involved.

    Thank you.

  • _For the remainder of the exchanges or possible dealings involved, Harmony speaks little to none. Instead she observes the rest of the group participating the remainder of the exchanges, only speaking up when asked or inquired.

    She takes her place and positions in the sidelines, so as she is deemed to be insignificant compared to the other companions travelling with her. Watching the others without intervention in the following dealings that may be made between Norwick and the goblins._

    "Norwick is no longer in my hands. Perhaps they may represent the future generation instead."

  • Seeing no obvious reaction to the flurry of introductions, Wren presses ahead with the pitch…

    <goblin>"For a long time you have fought with Norwick and Norwick has fought with you. Much blood has been shed and that is good. We would have killed you all and taken your lands if we could have. You would have burned Norwick and sacrificed us to your gods had you been able.

    "That is how our two peoples lived together, and it was tolerable to both.

    "Now the Tainted Ones have come. We know they are stronger than you are. We watch as they push you ever westward. Soon you will have nowhere to go, nowhere in the woods to retreat to. Then you will die.

    "We do not care if you live or die. We would prefer you to die. But we are not stupid. We know that once you are gone the Tainted Ones will be able to turn their full strength on us. We do not know if we are strong enough to prevail against that.

    "We learn things from watching goblins. We learn that one tall human warrior can beat a goblin shortie… but a swarm of many at once can bring him down.

    "We propose to work together with you to fight the Tainted Ones. Not because we like you, or because we want to be your friends. Because unless something is done, they will kill you, and then they will come to kill us."</goblin>

  • Already standing a few steps behind Ragnhild, at Wren’s feigning of submission to her, Elyl lowers his head in deference as Ragnhild is introduced. When possible during the interchange he scans the room.

  • Belin hulks in a surly unmovable wall fashion. She is either stuck or just refusing to move perhaps for fear she'll touch or draw her weapon. Her dark brown almost black eyes hawk the goblins her keen dwarven trading skills sizing up each goblins worth in gold.

  • Celebring bows to Ragnhild courteously, although his eyes are focused anywhere but her, looking sidelong to the left and right as he scans the darkness skeptically. Eyeing the goblins, uncertain of them as he waits for a reaction.

  • Harmony follows on with a submissive bow to Ragnhild, taking some steps back until she stands behind Ragnhild's leading form, waiting for the next response the group may be receiving from the lair of goblin chiefs.

  • Standing tall and proud, Ragnhild calmly accepts Wren's cringing submission as if it was nothing more than her rightful due. She touches her fist to her chest in a strict, formal greeting gesture as she is introduced, her ice blue eyes seeking out the chieftains, nodding respectfully to each one in turn. As her gaze passes the empty seat, a deep sorrow fills her eyes, the emotion threatening to break through the formal mask.