15 years ago
After much delay, word quickly spreads from City Hall that the Senate has instructed the Herald to release the election results. By the time Damian Fisher emerges onto the balcony of City Hall, the square below is already filled with people eager to hear the outcome, though notably there are very few Wavebreakers watching.
"Citizens of Peltarch! We have been united in mourning these past few tenday for the loss of one of our greatest sons, Kaster Lavindo. Yet we should not believe that we are weakened by his loss…rather we are strengthened by his passing, by the life he led, a life he spent in service to all of us.
I have come to you today to pronounce your judgement upon our City and upon these times. Two new Senators have been elected, as we prepare to bury one. They come to their new position at an uncertain time for Peltarch. Yet I am certain we all share the common hope that these new servants of the Jewel will take from Kaster Lavindo inspiration enough to join our respected Senate in their efforts on Peltarch's behalf. May the Gods grant them the courage and tenacity we all need of them!
I present to you now, the victors of the electoral contest! With the most votes and Peltarch's first Dwarven Senator, Senator Bofauk Faltek! And only narrowly behind in votes, Senator Enenan Snydders!"
The Herald steps back as the two newly elected Senators join him on the balcony to wave down at the crowd, some of whom heckled the Herald during his speech, particularly the phrase "respected Senate". Heffa speaks first, addressing the crowd with the grave manner only dwarves can muster.
"Ye have me gratitude for yer support an' patience these past few months. Things have gone from bad to worse over the course o' these campaigns. I made promises to ye, an' I mean to keep 'em. Now more'n ever, Peltarch needs the security of her defenses. She needs her Southern Watchtower back. We need our market properly renewed. We need our trade link wi' Oscura t'be clad in iron, so our merchants can stop worryin' about losin' their investments there!
An' I have a message t'me fellow Senators. I may 'ave critisized ye some in the campaign but it was nay for any cheap shot t'get votes, when I join ye at the table I'll be lookin' to work, not play politics. I hope ye'll forgive any o' me bluntness an' work with me. For the Jewel."
The crowd murmurs appreciatively at Heffa's speech, some of his more obvious supporters cheering him on, before Enenan's arcanely amplified voice cuts through the air silencing them.
"I echo my fellow victor's sentiments. The Senate has been plagued with division and indecision on matters such as the Oscura Trade Agreement. I would urge my new colleagues to take the opportunity of this election to reexamine their service to Peltarch, reexamine Peltarch's needs and problems, and work as one again for the Jewel's sake.
Having had the support of the Guilds of Peltarch during this electoral campaign, I intend to make good my promise to keep them from ever being marginalized again, whilst ensuring that any disagreements with the Senate never again threaten our precious law and order. Our streets must be cleansed of rioting and upheaval. And they will be. I must commend the Peltarch Guard on their efforts to maintain the peace over these trying months, and I intend to make supplementing their efforts my highest priority on the Senate."
As Lord Snydders ends his speech, somewhat abruptly, and to scattered applause from the merchants and guildsmen in the crowd, the two new Senators reenter City Hall to complete the ceremonial induction into the Senate and join their colleagues in the Chamber.