Mayhem at City Hall!

  • Strollers in the commerce district can see, on an upper balcony, a stark naked Rath Ashald beating on the locked door back in and shrieking about 'that diminuitive archcriminal'.

    Guards are dashing about the ground floor, looking an odd mix of grim, sheepish, and rather put upon.

    What can it mean?

  • Sometime private gentleman, Perriwig P. Doubleday, is taking his morning constitutional in the district before a slap up brunch. At first he takes the infuriated sobbing for a new turn of his stomach, before his beady, monocled gaze peeps upward at the wagging Senator's sceptre, jiggling in the cold Icelace air in its highly undignified manner. He gasps, momentarily scandalised, but soon bucks up marvellously. Pointing at Ashald's exposed member, Perriwig confides to Caramella…

    "Good news, dearie! According to the shadow from that sundial they've erected up there, its time for a bite. Scone with your jam, ma'am?"

    With that, he troops off for a well deserved crumb or two, quite forgetting the whole thing…

  • Yana says nothing, but there's obviously a glint of amusement in her eyes as she goes about her duties.