
  • Kudos to MCPlay and the demon fight crew.

    The trek to the danger zone was suspenseful, the teams worked together WAY better than expected, and the danger was SO real. Even dying in the event wasn't the worst thing, cause we still won, and it was a fair death due to my own mistake.

    Well DM'ed, well played, and we're WELL on our way to being out of this Plot! 😛

    Kudos to all!

  • I don't think I've ever seen a group of PCs half that size work so well together. Kudos to all of you, sticking to your subparty and getting the job done.

    Nice tactical use of a map too, MCPlay! I wish I could have stayed for the whole thing.

  • Kudos to all players that came yesterday. We worked as a proper team to succeed!
    And Kudos to DM Ceiling Cat for getting one step closer to finish this damn plot 😛

  • Lot of fun tonight thanks.

  • Kudos to the demon(lich phylactery) finale and all in attendance/dms

  • Kudos to the players who got together and went gnoll hunting. That has been the first time I have been through the entire gnoll cave in years, was a lot of fun.

  • Kudos to Infernal and Uly for the undead event this morning. worth staying up til 530am for 😛

  • Kudos to the group that took Tindra down into the barrows. I don't think I was down there before and it was a fun little adventure.

  • Kudos to DM Infernal, Shaes player and everyone else in Junah. Fun and balanced adventure, great boss and a great way to start the day! ( Even if I had to wake up ay 4 am. )

  • @6ba3c5473c=JerrickRafe:

    Kudos to Hekatonchieres and the Rp group in the commons last night. I genuinely laughed loud enough to startle my heavy sleeper of a dog awake last night, and am impressed how IC attitudes are so consistent over time with so many folks!

    Makes for great RP


  • Kudos to Hekatonchieres and the Rp group in the commons last night. I genuinely laughed loud enough to startle my heavy sleeper of a dog awake last night, and am impressed how IC attitudes are so consistent over time with so many folks!

    Makes for great RP

  • Kudos to those who ventured down into Arnath to fight against the quaggoths.

  • Thanks to DM CeilingCat, and the party of noble adventurers.

    Caling felt a bit scared but was happy to hide.
    More traps, next time! 🙂

  • +1
    I enjoyed how there were enough enemies to make everyone useful, and few enough high lvl enemies to keep the high lvl party members tied up while the weaker ones are able to stay at a safe distance without straight up abandoning the higher lvl players.
    and that it did require thought and rp.

  • To add to Jerrick's, the style was pretty cool and it was great to see some neat callbacks to old happenings!

  • Kudos to MCPlay and the adventurers on the demon-adjacent trip last night! I had a blast, and it was awesome to see people really thinking things through and accomplishing a mission together!

  • Kudos to the young group of adventurers who keep adventuring with Warzivar, you all make playing him a lot more fun than I had ever anticipated.

    Extra Kudos to the recent Underdark Adventures from today and the night before, nothing like walking in with the right party for the right challenge, struggling and winning out in the end with more cuts and bumps to count!

    Keep the fun going and keep the adventures fresh!

  • Doubling down on the above. Fantastic RP, and a fun lil plot!

  • Thanks a bunch to Caoihm for the vampire goodness down south and to everyone who came along on the first or second trip, and the rp afterwards. Everyone's rp was super compelling!

  • Kudos to Gonnar for running a fun little trojan horse thing, and everyone else for hanging out!