A massive kudos to all the DMs and players involved with the Demon Rift plot over the last several years. It was quite a ride, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say FINALLY, what a relief to have it behind us!
I'm going to extend my kudos to everyone, DM and players alike, that ever interacted with Albryanna over the 11 years of her existence. It is only because of you, the community, that I was able to develop her as fully as I had, and without you she never would have become what she ultimately became. I loved every moment role-playing her, and hope others enjoyed her character as well.
An extra dose of special kudos goes to MCPlay for working Albry's final moments into the finale. I truly could not have asked for a more perfect, amazing way to end her story.
This was a very tough decision to make, but one I'm glad I followed through with. As one tale ends, another begins, and I look forward to dishing out more kudos through the toon that takes her place.
Kudos to the entire DM team for all they do everyday… Thanks.
…and Dorakhan and the other devs. +1
:nod: :dance: :boogie::sing: :w00t:
Kudos to the entire DM team for all they do everyday… Thanks.
Extended kudos to MCP, he finished the unfinishable and gave us a lot of epic fights and encounters in the way.
I mean, you all know it was not only one Balor and we still came out victorious!
I also take the opportunity to thank to all the DMs and players who were involved in this as liberating Jiyyd didn't only consist in one last even but a series of numerous events that built up the whole EPIC thing.
More thanks to DM Rust for adding flavor to the place.
Thank you MCP for finishing this, and thank you everyone for the patience and effort you've put into this.
Lots of fun even for us newbies thanks for running it.
Thank you MCP for finishing this, and thank you everyone for the patience and effort you've put into this.
Praise to the Ceiling Cat!
Thank you MCP for finishing this, and thank you everyone for the patience and effort you've put into this.
Huge kudos agreed, also ditto with Sciolist, there's nothing quite so terrifying as being a weedy sorcerer blinded and stunned knowing there's a bunch of Balors a few feet ahead of you
Yes, huge kudos to all involved. Like sciolist I felt more like a spectator for most of it as the juggernaut rolled on. I think I stood guard over the stunned and feared players at the rear most of the time. With Aoth screaming GO, GO GO, when she was not dying, it actually felt like the charge of the Light Brigade. I should have had some blaring music going on.
The culmination with the Helmites was extremely rewarding at the end.
Thank you all for letting me be part of this.
Yes, Kudos for demon management from the players, and MCP's eventing.
It felt very frail and awkward (in a good way for a back rank archer!) to be either stunned or blinded at the back, hoping that where the fog cleared there'd still be players up and fighting.
Kudos to the conclusion of a very long plot…
It's been a long rocky road from the N'jast war, to the present we've been through a lot of server update, player changes, and character changes. Kudo's to everyone who contributed over the years.To me this even was a full circle, I was there when it started, I was there when it ended and for much of it in between... I can say it was a very meaningful ending. Somthing About my Blackguard Bringing Glyphimhor into the battle and my Paladin assisting in taking him out was... just so crazy to me.
Kudos, Kudos, Kudos to every single person who has contributed to this over the MANY years.
And I think I know everyone will understand with this one:
Har har!
And I think I know everyone will understand with this one:
Kudos to Dm Rusty for adding a little spice here and there!
I second that! Very nice little touches that make the server feel alive!
Also, here's a shoutout for the new players joining us recently!
Kudos to Dm Rusty for adding a little spice here and there!
Kudos to DM Rusty for some little kobolds and much more prepared Orcs last night. It's always nice to see people trap and lock their homes.
Kudos to Gonnar for some great feedback and storytelling advice and collaboration, really helped me think around some conundrums I've been having!
Thanks to the DM's and players on the kobold attack on Peltarch. I liked the kobold strategies and the setup of the entire event. Even kobolds can be a great challenge if managed correctly and the players got a chance to see that in action. Nothing is quite as frightening as getting hit by a stun or hold and then pilled on by a dozen little angry beings intent on carving you up.
Also kudos to the higher levels on stepping back and letting the newer blood go at the treasure exchange.