Diary of a Fuzzy Sorceress

  • Entry 77

    Arlinn is back. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. She was a good friend, but I did hear that she murdered some Oscuran guards in cold blood and that was why she ran away. She seems to be doing alright, I guess. She's a mother now apparently. Something felt a bit off though. Ah well, maybe it's just motherhood giving her a new outlook?

    Rith is being considered for being a Protector of the Circle. I think she's a good ally to have for sure. And of course, I trust her with my life already. My only concern is that we have Talos followers, and I do worry that we'd somehow offend Lathander by having her join. For obvious reasons, I don't have any desire to offend Lathander.

    Sometimes it hits me that I'm a popular person. I'll be talking to somebody, and another person comes over asking if I can spare some time for a talk. And then another person comes over. And another. I hope Soliel wasn't getting too discouraged. Speaking of whom, a friend of Soliel is worried about her. Asked me to talk to her.

    Oh, and Benji's got something planned for his girl. I must admit I'm rather curious how he'll pop the question, but I'll be nice and not pry. I'll just wait patiently and ask him the details after he does it.

  • ((OOC warning: Swears a plenty in this diary entry.))

    Entry 76

    Gods-damned, evil, fucking BITCH!

    Calm yourself, Lorie. It'll do no good to get worked up right now. Figures that I have a mostly good day, but can't end it on the nice note. Instead I get the Dark Enchantress promising to take me back.


    Dammit, broke my quill. Using Rith's now. Taking a moment to calm down

    As I said, the day was going good. I met this elven soldier from Silverymoon, Jadin. He was quite lost and asking if anybody knew where the rest of his platoon were. They had all been ambushed by bugbears and it seems that Jadin is the only survivor. He was quite gracious for my offering to help, and offered his services as a body guard.

    I did find it rather amusing. Not that I mean to dismiss his skills (which aren't bad, actually, I'd find out later). It's just that I'm far from being a defenseless damsel in distress.

    Another thing that lifted my spirits was seeing Aelthas and Rith talking together. They looked like they are getting to be friends, which is a relief. I just wish that Rary and Aelthas didn't insult each other and then start fighting outside the gate. That was rather distressing. I mean, they just kept going and going… using I don't know how expensive potion after potion after potion after spell-reagent after... I'm glad Ronan stopped it with his giant-green-hand spell.

    I did end up shocking Jadin with the revelation that I'm a werecat (and Aelthas a werewolf). He's had bad dealings with lycanthropes so was very nervous and scared of me at first, but I think I did prove that I am not one to worry about. It was funny seeing Ronan join in the monster fun by turning himself into a zombie with a spell, and then Rith tried Turning him with her god's grace and it worked! Though I have to be honest, the ugly-zombie look doesn't suit Ronan.

    After the silliness, Rith and I took Jadin out into the woods and showed him various places and warned of various dangers. He does seem to be a capable swordsman. And he throws knives very well. That's a skill you don't often see. Maybe I should introduce him to Yana? She's the only other person I know of that throws knives.

    Coming back to town is when things went nasty. That's when the Dark Enchantress showed up.
    I will not be her pet again. NEVER.

  • Entry 75

    Today was mostly relaxing for myself. Sadly, it wasn't for others. Jerrick wanted to go see if he could find the "Burning Man" and so a large group including Rith, Ronan, Thorn, Vash't, Badger, and others went with him. From what I was told, they fought their way to where the remains of the elven camp lie. The battle was quite fierce. The tainted bugbears and banshees proved to be formidable foes. The tentacle spell is especially nasty. Vash't died, which Rith felt terrible about. Everybody kept telling her that she shouldn't fell bad about herself, because if it wasn't for her healing powers and quick thinking, more would have been dead. Thankfully, Vash't answered the call to return to life.

    I met an elf fellow who claims to be both a woodsman and a wizard. I found it interesting to see another mage who also was a woodsman. I'll have to talk to him more. I do wonder why he thinks I'm familiar though.

    And I met this half-orc who also claimed to have known of me before. He kept asking if I knew various people who have long been gone. Something's not right about this fellow though. My instincts say not to trust him.

    After leaving the half-orc I joined Jerric, Rith, Vash't, and Fadia at the inn for some drink and merriment. By Selûne, did Rith and I get drunk. We had a lot of fun though, and Jerrick ended up carrying me over his shoulder to a bedroom for some other fun. So now that is two men I have gotten carried away with. Literally.

    We left Rith with Vash't. I wonder how the rest of the night went for them.

  • My heart still trembles even now, the morning after. She returned! Thank Selûne and Lathander both, she came back!

    As I was writing, I heard voice call out, "Lorie!" I honestly thought I was just hearing things, that my sorrow was playing tricks on me. The door to my room then burst open and standing in the doorway was Rith! I scrambled to my feet and jumped into her hug with so quickly I almost knocked the two of us over! She babbled on about being sorry and such, and I just held her tight unable to say a word, crying tears of joy.

    And who do you think strolled in with a silly grin? Jerrick. And Tojan.

    Selûne, I can hardly believe those two. Tojan snuck into Rith's backpack as she left, thinking that she could stop her. And Jerrick took off as soon as he got her goodbye letter and stopped her in her path. He literally blocked off the road. If I wasn't so overcome by Rith's return, I think I might have been tempted to slap their smug faces.

    Rith and I made a promise to each other, as sisters. "Don't ever go away."

    We spent much of the night enjoying our reunion. Ronan and Fadia then stopped by and things started to feel normal again. However, Rith was completely tired out and fell asleep. And then I started to feel sleepy. I guess all that crying tired us both out. Jerrick helped me get her to bed and then I soon feel asleep too.

    Not even a nightmare dared to shake my happiness last night.

  • Entry 74

    I feel like my world is falling apart somehow. Rith left. I hoped and prayed that she could stay. She wanted to so much. I'm not surprised she left though. It tears me up, but I promise I will see her again. Even if I have to hunt her down, I will see my sister again. Dammit, it's just not fair to her…

    Jerrick's disappeared too, but that's not really surprising me. He deals with Fae, and sometimes they whisk him away for some task. I became used to that before we declared our love for each other. Something feels off though, like his vanishing was too sudden.

    I'm worried sick about Tojan. She's usually here at the Fuzzy Den, or at the druid glen chatting with her pixie friends, or at Jerrick's house. I can't find her anywhere. I think... hope she's okay. I can't even feel her through our bond, so she must be really far away.

    Selûne, help me. I can't take this. I feel so alone right now. Why is this hap-

  • _~Interlude~
    ~Pixie Quest 2: Funny With the Sunny~
    ~Part 3~

    Sunny walked through the forest, pausing only when absolutely necessary. Her steps seemed to get heavier with each hour as she couldn't help but feel like she was going the wrong way. Her superiors ordered it though, and so she kept going. Step by step by step.

    Tojan quickly decided to herself that travel by backpack was no fun. She still had no idea what she was going to do though. "Okay, I'll wait a day or two and reveal myself. Then what? Make Sunny escort me back home and try to keep her there. But what if she won't? I guess I'll have to keep her company on her trip. Oh, dear, I really should have thought this out more."

    Eventually, Sunny reaches the edge of the forest. The open road to Cormyr stretched out before her. The late afternoon sun began to set, painting the sky in colorful hues as the day's last sunlight stretched through the trees. She kept walking, keeping a steady momentum despite her feelings of remorse. While Tojan couldn't see her from the backpack, she could tell Sunny was still all gloomy.

    As Sunny crested a small hill, she was greeted with a bizarre sight. A barrier of fallen logs and branches blocked the road. The many branches all are bent and twisted without breaking, shaped into words._


    _The first line sits on top of the second, which spans the width of the road, blocking it completely. The word "Love" was shaped very carefully, looking as if it was written in an elegant script.

    Sunny stood in shock for a moment. It was more than she could bear. First, Tojan's words and now this sign, obviously made for her. She sank to her knees, unable to move any further, and covered her face with her hands and wept.

    Curiousity got the better of Tojan, and she poked her head out of the side pocket to see what was going on. Her eyes grew wide at the barrier before Sunny. It could only be one person, she concluded. "Wow, Fang…. Just... Wow..."

    The priestess trembled as she sobbed. "Why? Why do you do this to me?" she called out.

    Thankfully, the reply came swiftly.

    "Because I'm not in the habit of giving up the things I love without a fight, even if those things are people." Fang stepped out and vaulted over his barricade. With what looked like an effortless gesture, he moved the barricade out of the road with his druidic magic. He walked to Sunny with a few deliberate steps and crouched before her.

    "Surely this can't be that bad. Reasons to stay, subtle signals that we'll make you if you try to leave. That and I have this sneaking suspicion that if I throw you over my shoulder right now and walk you back to Narfell kicking and screaming, that negates_ your responsibility for your actions, and Lathander can take it up with me himself and ask why I took his servant back to where she's not only _needed, but loved."

    He stood blocking the road with a cocky grin, "We can argue if you want, but I won't let you pass."

    Tojan couldn't help but giggle with amusement at Fang.

    Sunny looked up to Fang with a helpless look.

    "Go on, you know you are wanting to," he stated simply.

    She shook her head and glanced back at her pack as she realized Tojan decided to stick around. "You won't let me go, right?" she asked, her voice pleading as it trembled.

    "Not even if you try that blade barrier nonsense," came Fang's reply. "I'll walk_ around _it. Pick you up. Walk you back. Probably dunk you in the lake at some point for being silly. Then take you home to Kitty. Brush your hair and help you clean up your wet armor."

    He gave a nod that looked wise, yet still felt a bit goofy. "But I'll do it all very threateningly, so you take me seriously. Mm hm."

    She had all she could take. Sunny began to sob as her feelings boiled over. Her heart pounded painfully in her chest and she felt as if she could hardly breathe. After a few moments, she stood up and held her arms out, like a kid wanting a hug from her daddy. Fang stepped forward, but instead of hugging her, he took a quick step around. Sunny could barely react, as he caught her by surprise. With a quick snap, her right pauldron fell to the ground, followed by other pieces of her armor.

    "I'm getting a proper hug, dammit!" he said.

    A smiling Tojan fluttered out of the backpack, and gave a wave to Fang. Still she couldn't help but feel like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

    "I hate you both," Sunny sobbed, though it was quite obvious she meant the exact opposite. "You damn… little... scheming... bastards."

    Tojan giggled a bit and joked back, "I was just winging it."

    Finally, Fang is done removing each plate of Sunny's armor. He then proceeded to scoop her up into a big bear hug, lifting her off the ground in the process. Sunny herself could only hold onto him in surprise with arms wrapped around his neck.

    "Now... I could walk your happy ass all the way back to Norwick like this, armor and all... but that's no fitting entrance for the return of a Tiger Rider, is it?"

    Sunny couldn't help but giggle at how adorable he was with his silliness.

    "That's what I thought." He nodded with a triumphant smile then turned to the pixie and he joked "Tojan, could you get her pack?"

    "Aw, shucks... manual labor?" she joked right back.

    Soon enough, Sunny, the Glorious Tiger Rider, sat on top of her trusty feline with Tojan on top of Fang's fuzzy head. With great leaps and bounds, Fang the tiger carried both back home, to the Fuzzy Den._

    ((OOC note: Sunny's lines care of Emerwyn, Fang's care of Jerrick.))

  • _~Interlude~
    ~Pixie Quest 2: Funny With the Sunny~
    ~Part 2

    The day seemed to stretch on for Tojan. Here she was, stuck in Sunny's backpack, who was obviously leaving. She knew she sould probably reveal herself, yet she was a little confused and so remained hidden. Dark Kitty and Fang both didn't want Sunny to leave. Sunny didn't want Sunny to leave. Tojan had seen Dark Kitty sneak outside at dawn and pray to Sunny's god for Sunny to stay. And yet, here she was leaving. Why isn't Lathander stopping her? He really should give this Sunny a sign to stay.

    "Oh, but maybe he DID!" The thought brought a smile of excitement to Tojan's face. "Of course, of course! Surely, my being here was meant to be. He's giving me the chance to set things right and, as a Power Pixie, I won't fail!"

    Tojan thought and thought and thought about what she would say to Sunny. It took most of the day, but she figured she had a good speech prepared to lecture Sunny with. Night started to settle, and she could feel the pack was set down and she could hear Sunny setting up a campfire to cook with. The thought of food made Tojan's tummy rumble. She hadn't eaten all day. Perhaps Sunny had a snack hidden away where the pixie hid? She fumbled around deep into the backpack, forgetting about getting out to talk to Sunny.

    Suddenly, the walls of the backpack crushed in on the pixie! Sunny had decided to use the pack as a cushion, still unaware of her stowaway. Tojan cried out in pain as she was squeezed. Instantly, the weight lifted away and Sunny called out to the darkness, perhaps thinking some foe was spying on her.

    "Ow! My wings," Tojan wimpered painfully from her hiding place. She could feel her sparkly wings were bent and twisted and hurt. She tried to climb back up to the top of the pack, wincing and groaning from her bruises and broken wings.

    "T-tojan?" Sunny asked, recognizing the voice coming from her pack.

    "Hi, Sunny…"

    "Hey, Sparkly. What- How did you get in there?" Her voice was full of surprise at this turn of events.

    The blonde priestess could see the pixie was struggling and so she helped her out the backpack. Sunny cupped her hands so the pixie could rest. Tojan had a pathetic look, all bruised and with broken wings, but was relieved to be out. Feeling sorry for the sprite, Sunny looked her over and hoped she didn't do too much damage to the wings.

    "I'm sorry, dear. I couldn't know... why were you there anyways?"

    Tojan winced as the priestess touched a wing, "Ow... um... surprise?"

    Sunny simply responded with a silent look that said, "No jokes, missy."

    Tojan went off into a rant about how she was cold in the cave and searched around for a place to keep warm and ended in Sunny's clothing.

    "Oh dear. I must have packed you in the rush, and you didn't wake up."

    "It was a funny way to wake up, upside down and bouncing around!" The pixie giggled a bit, despite her bruises and damaged wings.

    Sunny didn't seem to be phased by the pixie's attempt at being cute. "How long have you been awake? Why didn't you come out earlier! Now we're way off your home and you probably don't know the way back." She peered at Tojan with a questioning gaze, "Or do you?"

    Now, Tojan thought that was a rather good question to ask, and glanced around at all the trees. "Um... Well, you are walking so we can't be too far... maybe... Um..."

    "Well, I've been walking southwest following the position of the sun. You should be able to get back on your own, yes?"

    "Maybe." Tojan gave her wings a testing flutter, and winced at the pain. "Maybe not."

    Sunny now felt even worse than she already had. Not only was she leaving her friends without a proper last farewell, she now held her best friend's pixie who was now crippled. At hearing Sunny's sad sigh, Tojan remembered what she meant to do. She struggled a moment to remember her speech. She soon gave up and decided to stick with the "little Miss Innocent" routine.

    "Where are you going, Sunny?"

    "Sunny... has to leave, dear. Her people needs her."

    "Leave? But you just got here."

    "We killed the undead dragon and healed the forest... a bit at least. Now they need me to help other people, and heal other forests. It's what I must do..." Sunny sighed sadly.

    Tojan's tone changed a bit, sounding a little upset and a little indignant. "So you must leave like Feather did?"

    "I guess. I would like to stay but I can't choose. I'm really going to miss Dark Kitty and Fang, and the others. And you, Sparkly." Sunny's voice broke and stumbled as she said the 'pixie names' of her dear friends.

    The pixie shook her head and sighed, perhaps looking a bit more upset. "Well, that just... Oh, the timing of it all."


    "With the plan to fight nightmares and rescue Kitty and Dark Kitty and make everybody happy..." Tojan let her voice trail off and looked up at Sunny. The priestess winced a bit as she felt her heart stung by the pixie's well aimed verbal arrow. Tojan pressed on the attack. "Let alone the fact that this is just like with Feather. Family means a lot to both Kitties."

    "I... Fang will care for her. He's much stronger than me, and apparently much better person too." Sunny's eyes began to tear up.

    "Fang is very good for Dark Kitty, yes. But Sunny is a good person, too."

    "I... I need to go, Sparkly." Sunny suddenly started to break camp; her face looked less like a Sunny and more like a Rainy. "I'll heal your wings, and you go back with Dark Kitty okay? Tell her I love her so much. But Sunny needs to go."

    Tojan sighed, realizing she perhaps dug too far with her words. "I understand how you feel, Sunny. I do. I don't agree with it, but I understand."

    "It's... I can't choose, Sparkly. If I stay I probably lose my power to help Dark Kitty. I become weak and misserable... and I don't want Dark Kitty to see me like that. I prefer her to remember me as her strong and caring sister, not as a crippled girl that can't care for herself."

    "How can you help her if you aren't here though?" Tojan asked desperately.

    "Sparkly, you're making this so very hard for me. If I go now... I can help other people. If I stay, I can't. And I probably can't help Dark Kitty in any case. My god... or those that speak in the name of my god... call me to help in other lands. Do you understand?"

    The pixie replied with a little cuss in her own language; it sounded much like an off key bell cracking.

    "I must continue walking, Sparkly. I'm one day from the road and I'm already late."

    Tojan grasped out at straws to keep Sunny from going, "At least get some sleep, yes? It'd do no good if you pass out in the woods."

    Sunny agreed and used her magic to heal the pixie and prepared for bed. Tojan helped herself to some of the uneaten chicken that Sunny cooked and sighed.

    "Sorry if I make things difficult, Sunny. I didn't mean to."

    "It's okay Sparkly. Nobody told me that my job would be easy." Sunny eventually fell asleep as exhaustion claimed her.

    Tojan hid herself when Sunny woke up. If she were to have any chance at changing her friend's mind, it needed to be without a final farewell. Stealth was one of a pixie's greatest strengths, as they are able to turn invisible with but a passing thought. She waited as Sunny cleaned up her camp and packed her belongings. When the priestess knelt down for her morning prayers, the pixie acted.
    Swiftly, Tojan reached the pack, and slipped in a side pocket where she hoped she would not be crushed as easily.
    "Oh, the things I do for my Kitty."
    ((OOC note: All of Sunny's conversation was written courtesy of Emerwyn via roleplaying.))_

  • _~Interlude~
    ~Pixie Quest 2, Funny With the Sunny~
    ~Part 1~

    "Brrrr." Tojan was cold. That was the problem, sometimes, when living in a cave. It could get very cold. The hot spring helped keep the master bedroom warm, but that sometimes would get a bit humid and too much moisture was not good for pixie wings. Her glossamer wings would tire out trying to flutter with the extra weight of water, and her sparkles would get all clumped up. No, Tojan wanted warm and dry.

    She fluttered through the cave looking for someplace warm. Pinky's room was swiftly ruled out. He didn't appreciate the decorating she attempted the last time she went in there. Wolf Brother's old room was too stuffy, the door rarely opened since he passed away long ago. And Lill's old room was still locked.

    The only option left Kitty's old room where Sunny now slept. "Ah, surely Sunny would not mind some company," said Tojan to herself. Fang and Dark Kitty took an almost instant liking to Sunny, and Tojan also was quite impressed with the pious woman. Most people act confused or annoyed when Tojan gives them their Name. Sunny instead played along and gave Tojan a Name!

    Tojan fluttered into the room, still shivering. "Sunny's sleeping, I don't want to wake her. And I don't really want to sleep on her or her bed, in case she rolls over." Tojan looked about and spied a pile of clothing on the floor near a bag. With a triumphant giggle, Tojan buried herself in the clothing. Now that she finally was warm, she could go to sleep.

    It was an interesting way to wake up, Tojan admitted to herself. The first thing Tojan noticed was that she was a bit upside down, still wrapped up in clothing. The second thing she noticed was that she was being bounced with a steady rhythm. The third thing she noticed was that she felt smothered. She couldn't help but be a little bit bothered by it. She struggled and wiggled out of the pile of clothing she was wrapped up in and finally saw a bit of light.
    "I'm in Sunny's bag? And it's outside? And it's moving like we are walking?" Tojan shook the cobwebs from her head as she realized what's going on. She climbed up and peeked out of the bag.
    Tojan was uncertain of a few things. First, she couldn't tell where Sunny was besides on a path in the woods. Second, Tojan wondered if she should say something or not?
    She couldn't shake the feeling that she somehow got herself into a spot of trouble._

  • A letter is tucked in between the pages here. Tear drops blur the ink in some spots, an obvious sign the reader couldn't help but cry. Along with the letter is a tulip, pressed flat by the pages of the book.

    Hey Lorie.

    I just want you to know what you already know. You're one of the people that has meant it all to me. Probably the one person that I've felt closer. I really treasured every minute with you, and I know that feeling will always remains in my mind, when I think of you. Lorie, whatever anyone ever tells to you - you are golden.

    I am horrible with goodbyes, so I didn't dare to say it in your face. I could not, because I'm dying already as I write this. I could not look at your eyes and tell you. Please understand it, Lorie, I beg you, do not hate me.

    Perhaps our paths will cross again in future. You make me a small favour, and take much care of Jerrick. Give him all the love you can, he cares for you like I've never seen a person care for another. You both deserve to be happy.

    With whatever love is remaining in my broken heart, I bid you farewell. So long, my beloved friend.

    • Rith

  • Entry 73

    The good news is that things are much quieter now that the Dracolich and the Hungry One are gone. The taint has been vanishing and the south end of Norwick has seen a fair amount of peace and quiet.

    The bad news is that it won't last. There are other threats.

    I wish the fact that there are those threats would be enough to keep Rith here.

    The day started off fairly quiet. Jerrick and I strolled to town, meeting friends on the way and he tossed out the suggestion of finding a nice quiet spot in the woods to relax and share food and drink. His plan didn't take off though, as we noticed a nearly naked man running out into the woods. Jerrick went after him, and Rith and I followed, and others followed us. The man had gotten beaten up by goblins in the old town ruins, so Jerrick being a good person decided to help recover them and all of us followed.

    You know, it irks me that people are so willing to say he isn't a nice person when he continuously goes out of his way to help even complete strangers.

    We found goblins, of the Moldy Rat tribe, but not the man's belongings. Jerrick tried tracking by scent as a wolf, and led us south near the lake. As he and others scouted about, Rith noticed an odd gathering of goblins on the island in the center of the lake. I cast a few protective spells and shapeshifted into my feline form and the two of us charged the goblins. I gave a loud roar as I pounced at a couple of shaman from the Moldy Rat tribe. She and I fought off many a goblin, none of them weaklings. I wonder if we interrupted some ritual. We were soon joined by others, who heard my roar. Our combined might crushed the goblins, naturally. It was fortunate that Rith spotted the goblins, the man's belongings were in a bag held by one of the shaman.

    Satisfied by the good deed done, we returned to town and waited while Jerrick went in to gather lots of drink. We found a nice spot in the Howling Woods and had a nice day of relaxing. Our conversations touched many subjects, one of which was the fact that Rith had orders to leave. I feel asleep hugging her; I think we both had too much wine.

    And of course, I had another nightmare. A different one though. I don't think it was the Fae's doing. This was my own mind mourning the inevitable, that Rith must leave.

    Please, Lathander, change this. Hasn't she earned this reward?

  • ((OOC - F-bomb being dropped again. And now edited for blue ink…))

    Entry 72

    Yesterday left me feeling emotionally drained.

    A number of my friends are like family to me. I mean I really see them as family. And a small group of those family also see each other as family. Sadly, the family has fallen apart. They don't trust each other, they see each other as having insulted the other… And this damn jealousy over Rith!

    Rith... she's received a letter from Cormyr. She's to return within two weeks.

    It's not fair. She's been a light of comfort in our hearts. She's helped rally people to fight a threat to us all. She's made friends of many of us, and family of a few of us. And as much as it hurts me, I think it hurts her more. Time after time after time after time she goes through this. She has to tear her heart and leave after she just starts to feel like she belongs.

    It's not fucking fair.

  • _~Interlude~
    ~A Morning Prayer~

    Tindra woke up with a start. She let the bad dream that bothered her fade away and took comfort in Jerrick's arm around her as he still slept. She pondered going back to sleep. She decided not to. Instead Tindra slipped out of bed, carfully so as to not wake her love.

    The blonde woman walked over to her belongings and pulled out a few things. She grabbed her armor and slipped it on and strapped her sword to the belt. She intended to go outside and knew better than to be unprepared. Then she grabbed a neatly folded altar cloth, which bore the marks of Lathander. Ready for her task, she quietly exited her room.

    Tindra tip-toed passed the room of her cave that Rith occupied. She didn't want to wake anybody her or Jerrick. This was a task she wanted to do alone. With a quiet click of the gate, she exited her home, jokingly called "the Fuzzy Den," and stepped outside.

    She smiled to herself at her fortunate timing. The sun was just rising to the east, she could see the sky lighten between the trees of the Rawlinswood. She would not have to wait. The half-elf climbed up the hill above her cave entrance and sat. She unfolded the altar cloth dedicated to the Morninglord and spread it out on her lap. As she prepared to pray, she couldn't help but recall an old friend who used to drum in the morning sun. A small smile briefly touched her lips and her fingers tapped a rhythm on her thigh for a brief moment. With a quick sigh, Tindra folded her hands together over the holy cloth, and looked through the trees at the rising sun and prayed.

    "Lathander, Morninglord, I greet your rays of light with the knowledge of a brand new day before me, and give thanks for your warmth and love. I know I am not one of your faithful, but I respect you and the hope you give to the world.

    "I pray this morning to you about your servant and my friend, Rith Phoenixfeather. I have only known her for a short time, yet she has touched my heart dearly. She is a wonderful example of your teachings, and her love has been a comforting balm for the ills that plague me.

    "Please let her stay in these lands. I realise I sound selfish, but I also feel that she needs to stay for reasons other than myself. She has lifted the spirits of many, and I believe we all could benefit from her.

    "Most of all, Morninglord, it is not for others or for myself that I ask this. It is for Rith herself. I can see it hurts her. She is in a place for a short while and discovers close friends as she serves you, only to have to break those bonds of friendship and love as she is sent someplace else. It breaks her own heart to do so.

    "Please, Lathander, I beg you… I know you to be a compassionate god. Allow Rith that compassion. Let her stay. Let her belong. Let her love."

    Tindra remained quietly for a few moments after she finished her prayer. Only the sounds of the woods greeted her ears as the sun rose further. She then folded up the altar cloth and walked back to into her home to prepare breakfast._

  • Entry 71

    I was shocked by this note from Caelisar. A little part of me wondered if it's a joke. The Dark Enchantress appearing? Sure, I'll believe that. I'll make sure to have my special arrows ready. But then he wrote that after the Enchantress, a hooded man who spoke with rolling R's was also looking for me. But Illusif is dead, right? How can that be? Both Caelisar and Rasuil say they had seen him, so I was inclined to believe it. I'd get my proof later, it turns out.

    Rith and I got quite silly. She had a delightful idea to swap clothing and see if we could fool Jerrick and others. She even found a spell to disguise our voices! We were having fun with it, we even fooled Jerrick. Though, we started to get in over our heads. I think we fooled Jerrick too well. Good thing he didn't try to kiss "me"!

    While we were setting off fireworks (still disguised as Rith, mind you), a hooded man approached the south gate. Dear Selûne, it WAS Illusif. I was happy to see him well. And I'm rather glad he went along with the charade I was doing. Oh, I know Illusif saw through the disguise. I could tell by his words. He didn't stay long, sadly. He did warn that circumstances here have changed. It's a bit ominus. And with the Enchantress also appearing, I can't help but suspect that he's back because she will be up to something.

    While our charade was nice diversion, I didn't like seeing Ronan and Jerrick arguing. The two used to be great friends, but now they seem to only piss each other off. It doesn't help that it seems like Jerrick can do no good in Ronan's eyes, especially when it comes to me. He doesn't like Rith either. Bet he also thinks Jerrick is sleeping with her.

    Fight Night was fun. Rith, Jerrick, and I all competed in the archery. Those two won prizes, I didn't. Boxing was decently fun, I at least lasted one round. Benji took out the fun for me though, by having me face a woman instead of a man. I mean… Me in a bathing suit? Can't he at least let me take advantage of it? Ah well, Jerrick got some fireworks from a gnomish merchant woman who accidentally teleported to Norwick.

    Rith is hoping to find some reason for her church to keep her here. I'd like her to stay, too. She's fun and she's kind and... I'll find a reason.

  • Entry 70

    Drat. Jerrick saw through our prank. Rith and I hopped in his bed and were hoping to get a funny reaction out of him when he came home. I guess we were anticipating too much, I couldn't help but give a little giggle when I heard him come in the front door. Instead of a shocked Jerrick, we were greeted with we wolfie nosings and licks.

    Today was fairly quiet. I talked to Soliel some. She still doesn't think I trust her. She feels left out. Honestly, I'm not sure what to do.

    Final preparations for the fight are being made. Hammerhand led a praryer to Tempus, which seems to have people feeling ready for the fight. Myself? I'm going to be at the druid glen. The elders have rituals planned and they'll need guarding. My heart and thoughts, though, will be on Jerrick.

    And Rith. She gave me her heavy robes from the Order to keep safe while she goes into the Lost City. The practical reason is because they're reinforced robes and weigh a bit and she wants to travel a little lighter. But I think she's also giving them to me so she has a reason to come back.

    Selûne and Lathander, please keep them all safe.

  • Entry 69

    I came to Jerrick's house and found Rith and Jerrick both sitting on the couches looking tense. We're all tense, I think. The day for making our push against the Dracolich approaches. The Lost City is a very dangerous place on it's own, but to have such a monster making it's lair there? Well, I think I helped lighten their moods a bit. Rith also showed us some absolutely wonderful relics she discovered with Ronan. Arrows and bolts blessed by Lathander. Very powerful blessings. They shown with such a bright light that you couldn't really look at them. I suggested to her that she should let Benji have the crossbow bolts, as I know nobody as accurate as he is.

    Rith bid farewell for the night, to let Jerrick and I have some "alone time." She even slipped me a little ring from that Wilted Flower shop in the city.

    The next day, while I was talking to Thorn, I met up with Benji and told him about Rith and that she had something he'd like. Rith asked him to show if he was worthy and so we started to have a quick little session at the archery targets. Which drew a crowd and soon we had many people happily showing off. Benji didn't let me down, of course, and Rith gave him some of the special bolts.

    Later, I went back to my den to fetch that Tindra-doll that Aelthas bought for me. I had mentioned it to Rith and she wanted to see it. She got a good laugh out of it.

    Oh! I just thought of an idea. Gotta talk to Benji.

    So, Rith and I retired to Jerrick's house to raid his cabinets for food (oh, I should remember to get more pastries, I think I finished them all). We stayed up to midnight just sharing stories. Rith decided to sleep the night here and that's when we came up with a fun idea to prank Jerrick. I can't wait to see his face.

  • Entry 68

    Dwin really screwed up. Even I can't help but be disgusted at what he did to Badger. Chopped off his hand and threw him in jail over an insult. As if being the liaison between the town and the Circle wasn't hard already.

    And all this business with the Dracolich… It's going to be a suicide mission unless people get their heads out of their asses and actually work together. Especially the Divine Shield. Undead dragon with an undead army? And you guys want to refuse us the aid of priests and holy warriors? Why don't you just go tell the Dracolich it's okay to take over Norwick!!

    Ronan's got the right of it, stay out of it. If the recent massacre at the south gate is any indication, we're screwed.

    But Jerrick's going to be thick in it. <g>Fark.</g>

    Bah, let's change subjects. At the risk of giving myself more anxiety, I'm going to finish that damn story about me.

    So, Dark Enchantress lost her "pet." Tindra was back to herself and, I, Lorelai faded away. All was happy, right?

    For a little while, yes. Tindra was happy at least. However, I was very much not. I was delivered a lot of pain by having the collar removed, and then shown the truth that my life was all a lie. Plus, I was pushed down into a dark corner of the mind to be forgotten about.

    To say I was hurt is an understatement. I seethed in anger at it all. I felt jealous of Tindra, for being "real." I wanted to be real, wanted to live. And in my anger, hate, and desperation, I did something terrible. A figure somehow met me in that dark place of the mind. It promised to create nightmares to tear Tindra own so that I could take over. And in return, it wanted my first born child.

    The nightmares did cause Tindra grief. They were her worst fears. Fortunately for her, she had good friends and family that kept her strong and she didn't cave in. I finally tired of the attempts and tossed the nightmares away, and gave them no more thought.

    And so I sat for a long time. Years. Like a child sent to her room after a big tantrum. My anger slowly ebbed away. Oh, I still desperately wanted to be real, but I gave up thinking it would happen.

    Fate had other plans, however. One day, Tindra was knocked unconcious. For some reason, I woke up instead. It surprised even me as much as it did Tindra's friends. I expected loathing and fear, but instead I was shown compassion. It lasted a day, yet changed me. Those friends made me realize I was as real as Tindra, just different.

    Jerr the Skald took to task to get Tindra and I to see eye-to-eye. Tindra feared me, naturally. Through Jerr, she came to an understand that I didn't hate her anymore. She let me out more, a day or so at a time. We left letters to each other. With each day, we became think of each other as sisters.

    And then Tindra went and got us killed. I don't know what killed us, only that she was defending the town. I woke up instead of Tindra. That wasn't a problem until days passed. She wouldn't wake. Days turned to weeks, then months, then years. I pretended I was her, though some people have noticed I don't quite act the same. I don't purr like she would, for example. But I think one thing I have come to share is being a decent person at heart. I don't have the Dark Enchantress pouring hate into me. I mean, Rith wouldn't say I've a soul of gold unless she meant it.

    Now, I started having nightmares. Fears of losing friends, family, my home… myself. I didn't understand why, not until Jerrick decided to enter the dream realm and see for himself.

    I had forgotten about the nightmares, but obviously, they did not forget themselves. They must have Tindra trapped. And now they are bothering me. I guess I mustn't be too different from Tindra, I think our fears are the same. Are the nightmares bothering me because I've grown to be like her? Or maybe, they are reminding me of that deal I forgotten.

    My first born child... By Selûne, I really messed up.

    No, I gotta stop beating myself up. For now I gotta concentrate on not losing my mind and help Jerrick and Rith help me.

    Tindra will probably beat me up over this anyways, why do myself?

  • Entry 67

    So today when I left my den, I again found people by the lake in the woods. This time, they weren't running for their lives. Jerrick, Rith, Ronan, Wren, and others were in discussion with that Damaran mage. Apparently, that is where Amelia Jens had told her soldiers to setup camp. I kinda came in the middle of the conversation. I wasn't the only late arrival, as Amelia herself also came up behind us.

    I forgot Wren was a constable of the Norwick militia. She immediately told Amelia she was under arrest for her actions against the Herald and I'm glad the woman went peacefully. Ronan went to fetch Lady Daisy from Peltarch so that it could be assured there would be a swift and fair trial. In the mean time, I made the suggestion that the Damaran mage, who introduced herself as Fiona Flamerule, had honor and I would like to see any further peaceful talks done with her. I hope she understood that I appreciated her teleporting Amelia away from the Herald.

    Jerrick, Rith, and later Wren tried to convince Lady Fiona to have her people leave the island, warning about the dangers about. Of course, she didn't believe them. Stubborn as a dwarf… or a Helmite (thank Selûne I've yet to meet a dwarven Helmite).

    The trial went well, I suppose. Amelia pleaded guilty and Lady Daisy sentenced her to ten years of service to Norwick. I wonder if we could have Dwin command her to stay out of Narfell for the next ten years?

    Unfortunately, when the group went to tell Lady Fiona, they found her camp in ruin and her people dead. Some undead thing attacked them and proclaimed to Jerrick that it did him a favor.


    Oh, and some group of mercenaries or such passed through Norwick. They didn't seem too impressed with Norwick; I could hear a few degrading remarks made in the Damaran tongue. Whatever. Pass on through and don't look back.

    Rith asked to see the druid glen, so Jerrick and I took her there. On the way, Rith asked if she and I could pass off as sisters. Jerrick made some dirty remark about us two and immediately was embarassed and fearful at the same time. He even ran off and hid on us. We had a good time trying to corner him. We finally did get him to confess. While I'll admit that we perhaps were a little too persistant, he really didn't have anything to fear from me at least. I mean, I wear skimpy and teasing clothing while boxing at Fight Night. Am I really going to be offended by a dirty joke? Rith didn't seem offended either.

    I know, I know… He's overly sensitive about it because people expect the worst out of him when it comes to his relationships with women. People are probably making comments about how much time he spends with Rith. Which is silly because I've spent just as much time with her, I bet. And I know better, she's not after Jerrick for love. Well, not THAT kind of love. It's a brother-sister kind of love. And I think she enjoys seeing how much Jerrick and I do love each other.

    Rith and I stayed up late talking about things. Tojan made a good impression last week, I see. The conversation shifted to Feather (whom I gather she learned of from Tojan) and so I shared with her about who Feather is and about that whole heartbreak I had and how it eventually ended with he and I together.

    Rith said I have a soul of gold, after hearing the tale. I wonder if she realizes how much hearing that means to me. I told her it means a lot. It reaffirms to me that I am NOT the hateful pawn I used to be.

    I hope she sees Tindra in a similar light, when we finally save her.

  • Entry 66

    Jerrick had another grand adventure that I missed out on. Ronan and Rith were both in it, too. I admit I'm sort of jealous that I missed it. All I caught was seeing a large group of people running past the lake in the Rawlinswood as I was heading back to town from my den.

    It turns out that Jerrick was playing tour guide again for Rith. He gathered some people for a trip to Mintas Rhelgor. In there, they found a ranger who mentioned about a meeting of duegar and bugbears, so they investigated and managed to intercept a shipment of mithril ore meant for the greenskins. In the process, they got trapped in the underground and ended up fighting their way through a bugbear fortress and coming out at the Threespire Towers deep in the Rawlinswood. It also sounded like they found a secret weapon of the bugbears, which the mithril was meant for. The greenskins tried to use it but something went wrong, if I understand correctly. Everybody was quite exhausted from the ordeal, especially running back to town as fast as can be. Jerrick even collapsed from exhaustion. I did mention that Rith would qualify at least as an auxillary member of the Suicidal Five. Maybe make it Suicidal Six?

    I helped Jerrick back home and to bed for a long rest, but wouldn't find such for myself anytime soon. A wolf pawed at the ladder and left a note. It was from Clayton, warning Jerrick that a woman by the name of Amelia Jens was in town and seemed suspicious. The name sort of rang a bell in my head so I went to investigate.

    She recognized who I was, addressing me by my official role as liaison of the druids. She demanded to talk to Jerrick. I figured he shouldn't be dragged back out of bed for this, so I declined and asked to take a message instead. She was unhappy and left the gate and headed into town.

    Rith explained to me that the woman came with Damaran soldiers who she commanded. That's when it hit me. "Jens". Sir Jens, the Helmite from Damara who had wanted the tree branch. By Selûne, I thought Folir was going to try something else for their lord?

    I felt this needed to get reported right away to Dwin, so I headed to the Great Hall with Rith. And what did I see? The Herald bound by some magic spell, a Damaran mage behind her, and Amelia Jens walking about. A Redcloak stopped Rith and I, claiming the Chancellor was taking a bath. I suspect he was under mind effects, Amelia told him I could come in and he let us pass. I asked Amelia what was going on. Immediately, she demanded that I tell her where the tree is, threatening me with the Herald's life.

    I had to make that choice before, with Jerrick's life being on the line. If I didn't crack at the threat of losing a person I care about, I most certainly am not going to crack for a person I barely know. That tree is hidden for a reason. Nature could be unbalanced further. We're talking lives at stake, not just one. She didn't like that.

    I do sympathize with her about her husbands death. I worry that she seems to blame Jerrick about it. We kind of expected that. The mage that was with her was appalled by her actions though. While her anger blinded her to honor, the mage still had hers. She teleported the herself and Amelia away after she and I bantered to no result. The Herald soon was freed of the magic and acted as if nothing happened. Good, I didn't feel like explaining more than once, and my report to Dwin would be that one time.

    Rith wanted to show me something, so I invited her to my den. I figured she would love the hot spring after the day she had. I was right, she loved it.

    The object she showed me was a crystal, meant for trapping souls such as when a person is possessed. From there, the soul could be placed in another body. She was thinking for Tindra… and I know she meant well by it. She knows only me, Lorie. I explained how guilty I feel at taking over her life as much as I have. If anybody should be separated, it's me. I also explained a couple of other things about this mess I've created, stuff I held back on before because Jerrick and I overwhelmed her previously. At least I feel confident of one thing. We will get this solved. Things will be set right. For both of me.

    Rith gave me a present too. It's an altar cloth, from the old Shrine of Lathander. Her generosity does overwhelm me, I admit. We've become sisters. She deserves a wonderful gift as well. I have an idea, I wonder if I could pull it off. I'll ask Jerrick what he thinks. For now, I give Rith the gift of my hospitality. She's sleeping in my old room right now. It's nice to have another down here. With Aelthas gone, it's been feeling empty again.

    Oh, I need to finish my story still. Damn, it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

  • Entry 65

    Well, Jerrick finally made new ink I see. And it's blue. Not that I'm complaining, at least I can easily read everything I'm writing now.

    I'm still trying to recover a bit from the other day. The day started off with another nightmare. The woods on fire, consuming the druid glen, the town… everywhere fire closing in on me. I woke up coughing as if I inhaled smoke and my skin stung as if burned. Both Rith and Jerrick were looking over me, I must have worried them. I don't mind so much, since Rith's powerful healing prayer made me feel much better. I like her nickname for me, "Lorie." Jerrick's is just plain silly, but adorable in a way. "Lorelindra." That's a mouthful.

    The worst part about having that nightmare though, was what followed after I got cleaned up and dressed and went to town. Animals had charged out of the woods, scared by something. We went to investigate and found the southern woods ablaze.

    It... By Selûne, I almost cracked I think right there. To see a nightmare come to life just... I'm glad Jerrick was near. He told me I could head back, he could tell I was upset from it. But I kept with the group. I need to face these fears, otherwise I'll end up letting them take over me, right?

    Powerful fire elementals were running around. We fought them off while the druids called on the powers of nature to bring forth a rainstorm. The smoke was quite thick though, many of us were overcome by it. Including me. It was a frightening experience I hope not to relive.

    So there I am tired from fighting that blaze and fighting my fears. But instead of some nice peaceful quiet with Jerrick, he has to deal with petty arguing from people. By Selûne, is it a requirement for others to take any comment they don't like as an insult? And do we have to set things up so that Jerrick always has to play the role of a scolding father?

    And then on top of that, Ronan seems to think again that Jerrick's ego is getting the better of him. He's wanting to see if Jerrick actually asks him to help with my head. Or others. There will be others dammit. Jerrick's not doing this alone and even he says so. Rith will help, I know that for sure.

    And Soliel has issues. I worry for her. Just because she hasn't seen me in a while, she has the conclusion that I don't trust her at all. Dear Selûne, can you help her get some self-confidence of herself? And maybe some more friends so she doesn't feel so alone just because I'm not around.

    I need some tea and sleep. I'm worn and irritated...

  • Entry 64

    I woke to find Jerrick talking with Vash about something. I wasn't privy to what was said since they spoke in that druid-speak. I did pick out Dwin and Horlamin's name several times out of the conversation, so I suspect I know what they talked about.

    We went to Fight Night. I missed out on archery, which Rith won. Wow she's a really good shot. After the contest, Jerrick pulled the both of us aside to discuss a problem. Yet another friend in trouble with bad magic items. Ronan and that cursed cloak. This will be fun to solve. I'd rather wrestle a bulette…

    The three of us decided to skip the rest of Fight Night and spend some time telling tales. They told me about their foray into the ruins of Jiyyd. Quite a tough battle, I don't think I would have done as well. They also told me about an empty tower they found out there. I mentioned how the Dark Enchantress used to have a tower out by Ormpur. Oh, the look on Jerrick's face, it was priceless. And they had me laughing so hard when they told me what they named the tower. Something like, "The Tower of the Glorious Tiger Rider."

    I'm sure people would wonder why I tolerate Jerrick with another woman. I'm sure Ronan or Aelthas would be rolling their eyes. I know better though. I know his heart. Besides, love is about trust, right?

    I did finish my tale for Rith. It took like most of the day, but she now knows just about everything. Who I am. Who I was. She was shocked, but understood it all. And she presents me a choice I haven't considered for many years…

    What can we do to make both Tindra and I happy?

    I can't help but worry about what it may mean between Jerrick and I. I mean… I love him, very much. And he loves me the same. What of Tindra though, if we free her? She has her own love. It hung heavily in my mind while Jerrick saw Rith out of the Wolves' Den. When he returned and sat with me, I decided something for myself.

    Whatever the future holds for the both of us, it's pointless to worry about right now. Right now, I make the most of each moment.

    He had me seeing stars last night. Wonderful, vibrant stars…