The Countenance of Lady Aspera Chillwind...

  • Eerr what?

    Did I miss something?


    At least Aspera isn't turning goody I hate it when that happens :twisted:

  • OOC on:

    sniffs I kinda feel bad for Aspera. Especially since Kara was kinda in a similar frame of mind.

    Of course, now we can blame the world's end on Meril. 😉

  • This writing is in itself dark, and as your eyes pass over it, you get a palatable sense of agony, hatred and of a darkness that grows.

    So it is that I spit upon the bitch-born whore that forced that crude and ugly creature from her womb. I would that I could reach into the streams of the past, and rip the screaming infant from her mother! I would that I could smash her skull from her body before a single curl of her drab straw locks could grow!

    I would that I could have laid her to rest upon that gory field all those moons ago, and that her corpse would rot still beneath the incarnadined earth. I would that I could do all of these things!

    My heart… is no more, for only a black bolt of ice lingers in my chest. Forever shall the name of he who once I called Summer Rose be cursed, for his blade has written red ruin across my heart. I weep tears of blood, tears of agony from my soul and he just walked away.

    Even after it all... he walked away and left me, throwing my amulet back in my face as if it were as abhorent to him and she is to me! How could I have been such a fool as to let this Adder strangle my hearts and bind me to him with his silvery poison? Though I see now that this Adder returns to mate with the viper! He has played me ever false.

    I wish him joy of her, for I hear that she is looser in her carnal actions than the cheapest drab of Calimshan. I hope this Adder enjoys the brutish mounting of his hired beast.

    Light is no more, for the Meril has murdered light.

    Day is no more, for Meril has murdered day.

    Hope is no more, for Meril has murdered hope.

    Love is no more, for all has murdered love.

    Darkness is all I have now. All the tears wept in the name of this nest of vipers have fallen cold and I am alone.




    Soon it shall be time for these noble paladins to repay all they have done. For this Adder, I would have left them alone. For this Adder, I could have let go. Though in the name of this Adder, I will slay them all or end myself as I try. For nothing matters any more. All images are blurred. All pains joined into one.

    An eternal wind that scours the joy from me and saps what will I have remaining. The Goddess will help me. The Goddess will love me.

    For no-one else shall…

  • @a217c9a501=ArUlric:

    WHAT!? and they havent even… well you know 😉

    And Aspera would be so much better than Karli :lol:

    I guess Meril can decide that afterwards.

    He was good. Karli was great.

  • good…

    ... v. good.

  • My thoughts this day are somewhat confused…

    I have not seen M'releril for some days, and I cannot help but sense that he avoids my presence. He claimed that he feels nothing for that paladin, though his eyes speak of a tale different. I would be moved to rage, to anger, to pain. I would strike her down where she stood for the thought of it.

    Though something in my soul believes M'releril.

    Something in my heart sings for him.

    Am I a fool?

    Time will walk its weary path and life will continue much as it has, plagued by constant visions of fire and of death, and of the eternal feelings of helplessness and loss. More and more, it is as if this new heart is all that maintains my calm, for the images grow ever more acute and fierce. I do not think I could take it if I was left alone.

    Alone as I have been for some time. Though I fear to write it, I have often feared to leave this earth alone, unbound to comrade spirit. To die and abandon life in the weary silence of your own head. To sing an eternal song of lonliness as an ice shard through the soul.

    Only when he is near is it that the touch of these vile daemons of the mind abates and that I can feel any calm or serenity. Perhaps I am lost on a road that leads only to another forest of uncertainty. Perhaps I am simply lost....

    Lost unto time...

  • WHAT!? and they havent even… well you know 😉

    And Aspera would be so much better than Karli :lol:

    Do you really want to deny that to Meril?

    the choice as they say... is yours....

  • Dammit…and I was gonna post something that would really blow everything out of the water...

    And Meril really, really needs to talk to Karli…

  • Well, I guess that kind of depends on whether you live that long…

  • I feel I should warn you, Meril's action in this relationship will have very telling results for the rest of this world. You have been warned Dragar 😉

    I am glad that people are enjoying this as much as I am writing it.

    Yours, desparately awaiting xp pending 😉

  • God, I love to read about Meril's romances.

    And I'm getting more and more intrigued by Aspera too. As she said commented on one of my posts, it's interesting to see what else is going on in this world.

  • ::Glares at his bard:: Oh, great…now look what you've gone and done! Another fine mess....

    Nice writing, ArUlric, as always. 😉


  • Oh dearest sweetest pages,

    I think it is a truth that each of us in born into this world with only half a heart. Its beats as it beats, it feels what it feels, it sings with joy and wails in agony.

    Though when it meets with its twin, our half-hearts are made whole. They beat as one. Their spirits joined in an embrace tighter than grief and stronger than hate. All emotion that is not love falls into nothing.

    The world seems to grow dim. Each light paling into nothingness compared to he which has captured me. All souls music quiet save for his. All spirits cold for I have no need of them in this life I hold in quivering hands.

    A summer rose has bloomed in my winter dawn.

    So it was that we shared the merest whisper of kisses. So it was that we shared the softness of a single touch, the sweetness of a thousand flowers. So it was that all earthly things were stripped away, and we were left alone amid the circle of this line. And I did not feel alone, for his eternal spirit was always but a touch away.

    Smoothe and loving and alive. I shall never lose the glowing memory of this golden evening. How we lay in our microcosm of joy. How his arms about me drew me closer than I have ever been with any other. How his eyes met mine and I had no fear. How the bloody images of the past and of the present seemed to seep away, and in their place, a feeling of calmness and serenity of beauty and of life.

    All fears, all hate, all desires of this plane removed. A sleep uninterupted by the daemons of the past, created of one angel of the present.

    M'releril has stolen me…

  • Thank you very much! :oops:

  • Yes, it is very intriguing to read. applauds

  • Very nice!

    Can't wait to see how this is resolved. 😄

  • Aspera's deep eyes looked upon the poem, a single crystal tear falling from her eye before shattering in a halo of shards as it struck the oak table. Her mind, more than ever, was filled with a thousand thoughts and a thousand fears. She pushed the poem away, for the words of an aging sage would not distract her. She wrung her fist tightly, angrily, as the wind might choak the clouds.

    These were no words to be forgotten. She could not forget her father's final breath. The pain that lingered in the very seat of her heart was as a searing bolt of agony. Why had this curse afflicted her house that mere humanity should slay her brother? Why had this curse seen her father slain and his broken frame shattered by a thousand flames, and his city crushed? With a tiny, nigh inaudble sigh, she threw herself down upon her desk, bitter tears burning from her eyes.

    How could he love Alannia instead of her? Snatching up a crystal goblet from the table, she cast it against the wall with such force that it smashed into a thousand tiny pieces. She had seen his eyes… it could only be so. In her soul, she burned, the flame of love gutter for a moment, as the flames licked higher in her soul. The ghostly face of her father flashed through her mind again and again. His words, his final verse chanting in mantra again and again.

    Mrel'eril had to love her! He had to! I would that I could forget she spoke. I would that it could all end. That the fires of Tor Thanan's blackened carcass could fade from her mind. Though the city was her, and it was her body that had been blackened, burned, humiliated.

    The Gem... yes, she needed the Gem if only to prove to herself, no, to the world that the Spirit of Tor Thanan has endured, and by its power, she would see it made whole again. Clutching her papers in a tight fist, bound with a will of iron, she desparately fought to cast aside the daemons of her mind.

    The images of the pyre on which her kin had been conflagrated, the body of her father as he choked out a final reverie, the towers laid waste, the eyes of a lover for another… Grief, love, loss, revenge all boiled into a single emotion. The tight knot in her chest, untied and burst forth, leaving a gaping hole. A sword of agony had been thrust though her chest and heart, and she had no hope to parry the blow as it struck with viceral anger, again and again and again.

    Auril would be no aid to her now... no, she followed the Snow Queen for it was her duty to revere the cold though she had no love in her heart for that divine entitity. As dreams, hopes and truths swam in her mind, a single name seemed to bleed into an image of such clarity that for the moment it seemed to blot out all of her hurt and loss...

    In a voice of quiet calm, she spoke out a single word.


  • This poem was written abscently alongside her entries into her journals. It was written with a certain melancholy that almost leaps across the page

    Borne up on wings of carmine, crimson, blue
    Each feather, delicate, aglow with fire
    As with the fragile elven race she grew
    Out of the ashes of her funeral pyre

    And blazing high atop a raging bower
    She shackled the earth in fetters forged of steel
    Wood, water, stone were worth nought for her power
    T'was she who caused the wound that will not heal.

    The fires grew cold, now the lustre had fled
    Her tired wings, once roaring with true light
    Sputtered and died; it seemed she would be dead
    She embraced the flames; she did not try to fight

    The phoenix sang her death song to the summer breeze:
    Dum spiro spero: I hope while yet I breathe

  • Aspera flicks through her papers abscently, searching in vain for a single drop of information upon the Gem that she may have overlooked. She sighs and take a small sip from a tiny crystal goblet. With calm grace, she places the green journal of her studies back upon its lectern. In a single fluid movement, she returns to the desk.

    Green eyes flicker in the candlelight as she looks over her letters, each written in a hand most familiar to her. For it was her practice to keep and copy each and every letter sent, for it is wise action for those involved in politics…

    .....This letter is written upon fine paper that is scented faintly of lavender and written with a beautiful and authorotative hand, the quill-strokes sweeping with some confidence across the page. It is delivered by courier to the offices of the militia.

    Unto the Captain of the Norwick Militia,

    I, the Lady Aspera Chillwind wish to lodge a formal complaint with your person upon the actions of one one of your members - one Philomena Sureshot.

    As a citizen of Peltarch, my station is afforded certain rights, and as such, feel that I have been violated legally by your miltia member. I draw reference to my period of imprisonment pending questioning upon the alledged poisoning of Rith Phoenixfeather.

    Upon the halfling's female's order to place myself within the confines of the Norwick Jail, I complied. Upon the halfling female's questions, I answer and complied. Upon observing her condition and upon hearing her need of aid in this unfortunate matter, I complied.

    As such, it can only be considered insult to have the miltia member bringing disrepute upon her station by suggesting in a verbose manner, and I quote, "that she thinks I did it anyway". Moreoever, the halfling female then held me in the cell without the basic demands of light and air for a period commanding a week. During this lengthy duration, I received no notification of what was occuring, nor any contact with the ministry of such matters in Peltarch.

    The fact then, that I was proved innocent and yet the halfling still offered no appology for her own and culpable misuse of power and illtreatment of my personage. For this reason, it is my desire to lodge a complaint, in writing, concerning the actions of the halfling female. I should, therefore, also let you know, that a copy of this letter has been sent to the offices in Peltarch that it be noted among their records and thus cannot be ignored should this letter be misplaced or destroyed.

    With deepest regards,

    • Lady Aspera Chillwind.......

    ....She smiles, for in her heart she knows that this letter would likely be destroyed upon sight by the first mindless dwarf that chanced across it. Perhaps they will listen once she sends it each week to them....

    .....This note is enchanted to appear to any person of purity to be a simple list of supplies required by the people of Norwick, deeply mundane and not worth a second's notice. However, to those who's hearts know blackness, its true image is revealled

    To all those who's hearts are led by coin, here listen.

    The Paladin Alannia Diams has outlived her usefulness in this town. The Hand has grown weary of her constant protestations and commandments and would see her removed. Those who are willing to undertake such a job then simply add your names unto this list here and you will be contacted. Have no fear that you will be uncovered, for it was warded beyond the skills of the foes.

    There shall be rewards as befits the task. For this is a bloody business.

    With deepest regards...

    signed with the image of a hand clasping the moon in its fingers...

    ....A frown knits Aspera's brow and the image of Alannia smiling, laughing, leering at her is burned into her mind. Her fingers tighten, willowy pale as the silver birch. Anger flares in her mind at the thought of this ugly and brutish creature, this cheap and common drab who would dare insult her! Placing the letter down, Aspera breaths, as if releasing the tensions that had nigh exploded within in. Soon it would be her time, for is Tassabra wished her secret meetings with that creature Anabelle to remain so, she would assuredly oblige....

    To whom it may concern,

    I, the Lady Aspera Chillwind, resident citizen of Peltarch wish to report an action that I consider a breach of etiquet, hygene and of the laws of Peltarch. As I strolled through the south western area of our fair city, I chanced upon three individuals who were clearly only visiting, holding no papers of citizenship. The individuals were an elf female dressed in green leathers, a dwarf in brown maille and a half-orc.

    As I passed their position, I witnessed them strip off and bathe in the waterway crossing over the gates of entry to our city. Not only did I find this fact tasteless and insulting, their reaction when I demanded to know their names was to insult my personage in a manner that is quiite unbeffiting.

    Moreover, the fact that these visitors dared to do so requires instant action by the guard to maintain the standard that Peltarch is known for. Therefore I demand that all that can be done to reprimand these individuals for breach of the law in the counts of 1.18, 1.20 and 1.26.


    Lady Aspera Chillwind

    Worthy gentleman,

    You have my personal gratitude for the attention you deliver unto my complaint. You are indeed to be commended upon not only the thorough nature of your practice, but also your search for justice in this matter. Should I witness such a blatant flaunting of the laws of Peltarch by similiar or other individuals, then I shall of course be employing the forces of the Guards of the City in order to maintain the very order of the populace and the sanitory nature of our water ways.

    I would, however, also suggest further sanctions upon those beasts spawned of orcish blood. As such, might I request nofitication of the current policy of the city upon these social deviants that I might better guage my actions and follow the laws of the city, as set down by the Senate and enforced by their magistrates and guards.

    With deepest regards,

    Lady Aspera Chillwind

    ... A smile smirk crosses her full red lips as she glances over the magistrates replies, and her recollections of her discussion with him but a few days passed. How swiftly he had agreed to her policy that would starve Norwick, how joyfully he accepted her gift of a staff...

    Yes things go well in Peltarch... most well indeed...

  • ::notes in jotter:: smite scotsman