The Countenance of Lady Aspera Chillwind...

  • _Out-worn heart, in a time out-worn,
    Come clear of the nets of wrong and right;
    Laugh, heart, again in the grey twilight,
    Sigh, heart, again in the dew of the morn.

    Your mother land is always young,
    Dew ever shining and twilight grey;
    Though hope fall from you and love decay,
    Burning in fires of a slanderous tongue.

    Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
    For there is mystical brotherhood
    Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
    And river and stream work out their will;

    And Goddess stands winding her lonely horn,
    And time and the world are ever in flight;
    And love is less kind than the grey twilight,
    And hope is less dear than the dew of the morn._

  • Xp Given

  • Reviewed. XP Pending.

  • Shadows whispered into her mind… the echoes of combat, the sound of sword against shield, blades drawn and the tears of blood and agony staining the field. The yelling... nay... the howling... fires leaping up across her body. Lights flaring before guttering black once more. Hearts rending before falling still. The whore's lifeblood burning the land crimson.

    Her hand touched the water of the well, skipping lightly across its surface as if taunting it to strike at her. To burn out whatever canker made her wretch and cry each and every morning. A drop of will, the very whisper of arcane wording dripped from her finger. The dagger was held but an inch from her heart, though she had not the stomach to drive it home.

    The shadows began to whisper again... they said that they had something to claim from her. Something that they wanted and that she must acent to giving. A final wave of fear washed through her before the red clouds exploded from the surface of the water. Noxious, hideous, the cloud of pestilence filled her lungs and in her chest, she felt her heart explode. Perhaps this would be the end. Perhaps it would be right.

    Images, the planes, the fires, the ice all hacking at her. Their bitter memory. Their painful scars. Shadow's embrace. Hearts beating still and filled with a warmth. Shar. She was all she had left. The adder would pay. She would see to it that he could not leave her. There would be a child, and it would be his and he could not leave her. He could not.

    She had to do it. She had to show him. A scroll to dominate his mind was all that she needed. Her love would make them whole. He would be hers...

  • No need to appologise - I love praise as I am of course, needy in that regard 😉

    If you really want to be a foe of Aspera, start worshiping Selune in a public manner… or be a friend of the paladins... or be a priest of Lathander ... or sleep with Meril cough oh wait... maybe not....

    Now that would have been a shock!

    Just hope they get round to xping me soon!


    Lady Aspera Chillwind

  • I didn't want to spam your story thread but I just had to say this. I'm really impressed by the way you flesh out your character, in game and on this forum.
    Because of our character's differences in beliefs and backround they will probably never meet in game but I'd like you to know I really enjoy watching you play and I truly like this story.
    I don't plan on Gatsu ever really having a story line that would parallel yours but even if one day they do meet, even as enemies, know that I'll be look forward to it.


  • This letter lies coiled, almost tauntingly upon Aspera's desk. About it, the guttering flame of a dying candle finally sputters and bathes the room in dark. The faint sound of tears on the wind is all that splits the cloying silence. Lying upon the bed, Aspera's beautiful eyes still water, the tears still falling as the rain does outside. Steady and inexorable. She rips herself from her bed with none of the assumed grace that she is known for, stumbling towards the window of her chamber. With a single motion, she thrusts open the bay windows of her room, the wind whipping about the room and soaking her in its watery tears.

    Her robes flap in the ethereal breeze, soaked unto her skin and she could not bring herself to care any more. Forward she walked. Forwards onto the balcony. Oh how the stones loomed before her. Oh how she wished to dash her bloody corpse below and end it all. Oh how if she could. Mournful eyes gazed into the shadows, desparately trying to see light. Though no light came, and only a deep and dark desire burned in her chest.

    Rage and woe all rotted into one, black core in her heart - a canker that could not be cut out. Desparately, she clutched the amulet he had once worn, as if trying to draw some part of him from it. Though no warmth came, only the chill wind that choked all love from her. Once more the feels erupt, once more her seated heart shudders, once more she sees that face which, even after it all, she could not bare to stop loving. As her soul rung in tortured anguish, she snatched up the letter from the table.

    In hands that trembled with emotions still, she forced her gaze upon the words that her spat forth from her quill…

    _…Unto the Bard Meril,

    There are things that I would say and now will never say. There are thoughts that I would have shared and now shall they remain ever silent.

    I would that I oculd hate you for what you have done, for you were my all bard. You were my only. The one you flee from me to has all, has love, has friend in this life. I had only you. And with such a wit that it stings me, with such malice that it cuts the stings that bind the music of my soul it hurts. My song is snuffed out.

    I have only silence now.

    My world grows dark and light grows harder to see. For you were my only light in this world. I thought that your pledge was unto eternity. I thought that the word of an elf would mean something. Though I see that you are correct. You are no elf.

    I trust you will sing pretty songs of this in latter days. I trust that your heart and your loins will have joy of your new bride until the hand of time unerringly steps in to claim her feeble human frame. Though your heart may feel warmth. Mine knows only cold.

    I would ask you why you did this. I would ask you why you lie though I wonder if the truth could pass your forked tongue o' Bard. I welcome death, though I only have started to live. Perhaps a dagger will be a welcome end to my eternal pain, for this I cannot weather for a score of human lifetimes. I bid you happiness, seize it for it is hard to hold on to. For they always leave.

    I have not the strength in me.

    For I have only silence now...._

    Still the wind howls its weary saga outside. Aspera's ethereal robes blow about her, pale as a banshee and with its very contenance. Handling the letter with such care, she rolls it up again and with a burst of will, calls for her familiar. Aera smiles at her wanly, his small frame shuddering as he feels the palatable aura of pain that swims about her.

    "Take this to the bard, and do not tarry…"

  • ::Sighs at his bard::

    Well, another fine mess you've gotten us into, Meril.

    Honestly, guys, I had no control over him. I was all for having Aspera and Meril settle down, start a family and live happily ever after, but no! Meril had to go and do something altogether different, didn't he?

    I never planned for this to happen, actually…really, I didn't. I thought things would go a completely different way, but...that's the fun of this game, I suppose! 😄


  • Ask Meril IC if you have the courage miss Diams, though I can assure you that you are the common beast in question 😉

    No chance of going good now… Meril has managed to drive even neutrality from her spirit - well done that bard!

  • Eerr what?

    Did I miss something?


    At least Aspera isn't turning goody I hate it when that happens :twisted:

  • OOC on:

    sniffs I kinda feel bad for Aspera. Especially since Kara was kinda in a similar frame of mind.

    Of course, now we can blame the world's end on Meril. 😉

  • This writing is in itself dark, and as your eyes pass over it, you get a palatable sense of agony, hatred and of a darkness that grows.

    So it is that I spit upon the bitch-born whore that forced that crude and ugly creature from her womb. I would that I could reach into the streams of the past, and rip the screaming infant from her mother! I would that I could smash her skull from her body before a single curl of her drab straw locks could grow!

    I would that I could have laid her to rest upon that gory field all those moons ago, and that her corpse would rot still beneath the incarnadined earth. I would that I could do all of these things!

    My heart… is no more, for only a black bolt of ice lingers in my chest. Forever shall the name of he who once I called Summer Rose be cursed, for his blade has written red ruin across my heart. I weep tears of blood, tears of agony from my soul and he just walked away.

    Even after it all... he walked away and left me, throwing my amulet back in my face as if it were as abhorent to him and she is to me! How could I have been such a fool as to let this Adder strangle my hearts and bind me to him with his silvery poison? Though I see now that this Adder returns to mate with the viper! He has played me ever false.

    I wish him joy of her, for I hear that she is looser in her carnal actions than the cheapest drab of Calimshan. I hope this Adder enjoys the brutish mounting of his hired beast.

    Light is no more, for the Meril has murdered light.

    Day is no more, for Meril has murdered day.

    Hope is no more, for Meril has murdered hope.

    Love is no more, for all has murdered love.

    Darkness is all I have now. All the tears wept in the name of this nest of vipers have fallen cold and I am alone.




    Soon it shall be time for these noble paladins to repay all they have done. For this Adder, I would have left them alone. For this Adder, I could have let go. Though in the name of this Adder, I will slay them all or end myself as I try. For nothing matters any more. All images are blurred. All pains joined into one.

    An eternal wind that scours the joy from me and saps what will I have remaining. The Goddess will help me. The Goddess will love me.

    For no-one else shall…

  • @a217c9a501=ArUlric:

    WHAT!? and they havent even… well you know 😉

    And Aspera would be so much better than Karli :lol:

    I guess Meril can decide that afterwards.

    He was good. Karli was great.

  • good…

    ... v. good.

  • My thoughts this day are somewhat confused…

    I have not seen M'releril for some days, and I cannot help but sense that he avoids my presence. He claimed that he feels nothing for that paladin, though his eyes speak of a tale different. I would be moved to rage, to anger, to pain. I would strike her down where she stood for the thought of it.

    Though something in my soul believes M'releril.

    Something in my heart sings for him.

    Am I a fool?

    Time will walk its weary path and life will continue much as it has, plagued by constant visions of fire and of death, and of the eternal feelings of helplessness and loss. More and more, it is as if this new heart is all that maintains my calm, for the images grow ever more acute and fierce. I do not think I could take it if I was left alone.

    Alone as I have been for some time. Though I fear to write it, I have often feared to leave this earth alone, unbound to comrade spirit. To die and abandon life in the weary silence of your own head. To sing an eternal song of lonliness as an ice shard through the soul.

    Only when he is near is it that the touch of these vile daemons of the mind abates and that I can feel any calm or serenity. Perhaps I am lost on a road that leads only to another forest of uncertainty. Perhaps I am simply lost....

    Lost unto time...

  • WHAT!? and they havent even… well you know 😉

    And Aspera would be so much better than Karli :lol:

    Do you really want to deny that to Meril?

    the choice as they say... is yours....

  • Dammit…and I was gonna post something that would really blow everything out of the water...

    And Meril really, really needs to talk to Karli…

  • Well, I guess that kind of depends on whether you live that long…

  • I feel I should warn you, Meril's action in this relationship will have very telling results for the rest of this world. You have been warned Dragar 😉

    I am glad that people are enjoying this as much as I am writing it.

    Yours, desparately awaiting xp pending 😉

  • God, I love to read about Meril's romances.

    And I'm getting more and more intrigued by Aspera too. As she said commented on one of my posts, it's interesting to see what else is going on in this world.