Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
_Lilin seems even more reluctant to go talk to Tala after several small earthquakes shake the waterfall cave. Broken china has been mentioned
A small crystal was found_
tala is reportedly tired of late and more unwell then just the normal occasionaly sniffles. Lilin looks scared to speak for tala though after having been on the recieving end of a tirade for having spoken out of turn to Star. Tala extended the offer to Jerr of letting the children sleep in her cave when their numbers overflowed in the tent,
Eirien the not dryad has disappeared without a trace. Arsmyth thinks he saw her in passing, but then wasn't sure if it was just a tree or not…. maybe she flew off somewhere crazy not dryads.
Belin has a spoken to Cera and informed her that she feels poorly for the elf Celebring. She further reports to having given her key to the tent to the elf and offereing the blessings of moradin.
((PC fried and holiday weekend I am sure I will be swamped and unable to get online...
New Gali member Ragnhild hears the news of the Ravens reappearance as she sits at a fire, making some sort of attempt at sewing a small garment. She frowns, but whether that is due to the news or to the fact that she stabbed the needle in her finger for the seventeenth time is anyone's guess. In a fit of anger she tosses her oddly shaped creation into the flames and stalks off in search of food
Yuna can be seen following the children around from up in the trees jumping form branch to branch keeping as quit as she can. But being Yuna thre is always a giggle heard now and then as she watches them.
Preparing for the worst, in regards to the uncoming battle with the undead, Nicahh, Equinox and several Sisters are seen leading the children of the Sisterhood into camp for their safety. They are promptly taken to Amith and Jerr's tent to settle in, then seen wandering the camp with Nicahh and Amith over the next few days.
A mercenary calling himself the Raven spends time in the camp while he and his men heal after being attacked in the pass.
It i rumored that Jeni received a hefty sum of gold to bring back several of the men and that the Raven was at the wrong end of a bad deal.
Visitors to the camp and residents alike report that Penny recently spent a full day and night sitting atop the hill outside Rass's old cave. Passers-by indicate that she spent most of that time looking up into the sky and speaking to someone, or perhaps herself, or possibly both, in draconic. As the sun began to rise the following day, she was gone, having slipped off into the brush and trees surrounding the camp. Speculation as to what she was doing ranges from praying, to calling out for Rass, to talking with an imaginary or invisible friend. In any case, the behavior would seem odd, even for Penny.
Keira returns to the camp, sharing the warmth of the fires and listening to the other stories of the spirit/boy/man known as Eris. She seems interested to hear of the spirit's previous attacks on people.
She'll also volunteer that some sort of vengeful spirit did find Sorien in Oscura attacking him and others viciously. Keira hopes that it rests easier now.
The monk Keira and Percy came looking for the boy Eris, intent on destroying him. Percy was seen questioning the boy and then leaving, under the scruntiny of Lilin and Star. One of the remaining three told him the location of the "Sorien" he was rummored to seek, and the spirt darted out of the camp
_A freshly dug grave, sits near tent Star. An ankh decorates the ground near it. Aelthas, Rolan and Lilins son can be seen laying near the grave most days.
Some may hear that Rolan fell fighting spiders and hasnt returned._
A little boy named Eris was found wandering in camp, searching for either berries or a man to help his parents. When Lilin and Tala questioned him, they found the man to be Sorien, a resident of Oscura, and that the berries healed wounds but tasted like blood. When night began to fall, the boy began to bleed from his head, and eventually disappeared.
Later that night, an old man approached Raisa and Celebring at the bonfires, which had turned an eerie shade of red. The man claimed to have lived in the camp a long time, since before the gnolls, but gave his name as Eris. When He claimed he was searching for something, and when Celebring suggested Sorien, the old man began to bleed and turned into an ghost which attacked the mage and the witch before disappearing into the pass.
Despite their injuries, Celebring and Raisa travelled to Oscura immediately. They warned Sorien and questioned him on the berries, but he either knew nothing or was unwilling to cooperate. He waved off the threat of angry spirits descending on him.
Raisa acquired a sprig of the berries, and has been seen studying them in detail within Cera's tree.
((Sorry if I get anything wrong, missed the beginning. Thanks again, Nightfall!))
Star seems to spend a deal of time in and around her tent making plans or just watching the forest, the tree beside her tent or oddly, the skys. However she spends her sleep times in her room in her parents house.
Belade starts looking around for the drow
:Yuna being her normal hyper bouncy self jumps down form her tree house and then skids to a stop. she just watches whats going on and then takes off again to go play around the fires:
Star smiles to herself upon hearing of Ty's return but seems more intent on watching Lilin with a furrowed brow as she wears her new dress…
Elor goes around asking for information about the drow, and going around looking for her himself afterwards.
_Oreth seems to be quite excited by the rumors of an Elistraee-worshipping drow, and questions anyone he can find for a detailed description.
Upon learning that it's a full-blooded drow, and not a halfer, he seems markedly disappointed for some reason, but notes that she is more than welcome, regardless._
_A female drow is spotted one day near the campfires, talking. It bears a symbol of Elistraee
In a completely unrelated event, Jonni thought his tent was on fire, and Lilin followed him inside, Lilin re-emerged quite a while later, looking very happy, and wearing a new dress._
Word begins to spread about something happening at the Kelemvorite Shrine. Exactly what it is, no one knows for sure, but apparently all the people there seem quite on edge.
_A vaguely familiar face is seen on the premises of the Outer Camp, scouring around the forest floor near the edge of the chasm where Jonni played as a boy. Mumbling to himself, his eyes darting around wildly, he finally stops and crouches down, then reaches a hand out, brushing some leaves out of the way, triumphantly. Picking up a tattered, bloodied, nigh unrecognisable playing card, he smirks and flicks his wrist, sending it flipping and spinning down into the endless darkness of the ravine.
Dulled, bloodshot, red eyes stare down from the weather-worn, tired face of a clearly aged Tyche Fortuna, lines tracing the hardships across his visage. While he does not appear to have advanced that thoroughly in years, appearing to be in his late-twenties or early-thirties, streaks of grey and white have sprung up his now-shoulder-length, frayed hair, contrasting the natural black colour and the deep crimson tinting.
With a traditional Romani salutation, Tyche entered into Baba Katya's old tree and presented his original, well-kept Oath to Jenni, requesting permission for refuge within the company of the Kumpania once more.
He comes out smirking, commenting in Romani, "All Roads lead to the same End."_