Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
Rumor spreads of the spotting in camp of a dwarven man by the name of, El Hombre Gigante, and his half orc friend, The Son of Santos. Seems they were seen striking up a deal with Jonni regarding some entertainment at a festival in the near future. On occasion the two are seen entering Jonni's tent, in colorful costumes and masks.
_Lilin is seen bring a red bundle into the camp. Rumor is the bundle was whining. Someone is baffled.
((This mundane post brought to you by losl))_
Nicahh is seen spending many days within the camp especially around Amith and Jerr's tent. At her side seem to be half a dozen children easily recognized as those from the Sisterhood. Those who know her best comment that she does not quite seem herself for she has grown rather quiet, barely speaking, though there is no mistaking the peaceful look in her eyes.
_There is talk of Jonni and a group of battle hardened adventurers being teleported to the coldstone mountains in search of the Fireshard Troupe who after failing to arrive at the camp were scried upon.
Days later the group emerged from the mountains battered and cold, the performers sadly, were not reported as walking out._
Zoma can be seen asking and looking for any buyers who wishes to purchase a large collection of enchanted arrows that comes in different elementals.
Rumor has it that the somewhat famed Fireshard Troupe will be arriving soon from Heliogabalus to provide a festival and show, perhaps even some trading out by the Heart Fires, now that word has spread back into Damara that the Romani are no longer overrun.
Upon seeing Penny's scales for the first time, Oreth undergoes a momentary, uncontrollable shiver. If asked about it, he can't seem to say exactly why, and seems genuinely to be unsure.
Rumors spread like wildfire that the pink-haired bard, Penny, has recently undergone some sort of alarming transformation of appearance. What appears to be a brilliant prismatic tattoo now curves across her forehead, around her left eye, down her cheekbone, and spirals loosely around her neck before disappearing into her clothing. Several of her outfits reveal that this tattoo continues its spiral pattern across her torso and abdomen. The more unusual of these rumors seems to indicate that the pattern isn't a tattoo at all, but rather, a continuous patch of brightly reflective scales.
A contingent of minotaurs were recent guests to the Camp, in the company of Ragnhild, Zoma, the Silent Traveller and the mysterious Seer. The group proceeded straight through the Camp and on to the Gnoll-infested areas where they wrought much death and destruction upon the dog-faced inhabitants of the area. Afterwards, the still healthy and fit of the minotaurs climbed the sheer cliff-face and left the camp, while the wounded were tossed down into the ravine.
tala has been noted to be carrying crates with the help of Smudge, Arandor and Star of her breakable things, including wash basin and flower pots to the wolves den. She meets Lilin's look with a small frown, but doesn't say anything.
Rumors abound that the bard and longtime camp resident Penny Lane played a role in the opening of the portal by the sound-reactive pillar. Some say that she sang the riddle and the answer to the pillar. Others indicate that an arcane scroll was involved that "created" the answer to the riddle as she sang. All rumors seem to agree on one thing, however: she is clearly crazy to have attempted any of this, particularly considering her lack of understanding of the pillar's workings and its nearness to Tala's good china…
_Lilin seems even more reluctant to go talk to Tala after several small earthquakes shake the waterfall cave. Broken china has been mentioned
A small crystal was found_
tala is reportedly tired of late and more unwell then just the normal occasionaly sniffles. Lilin looks scared to speak for tala though after having been on the recieving end of a tirade for having spoken out of turn to Star. Tala extended the offer to Jerr of letting the children sleep in her cave when their numbers overflowed in the tent,
Eirien the not dryad has disappeared without a trace. Arsmyth thinks he saw her in passing, but then wasn't sure if it was just a tree or not…. maybe she flew off somewhere crazy not dryads.
Belin has a spoken to Cera and informed her that she feels poorly for the elf Celebring. She further reports to having given her key to the tent to the elf and offereing the blessings of moradin.
((PC fried and holiday weekend I am sure I will be swamped and unable to get online...
New Gali member Ragnhild hears the news of the Ravens reappearance as she sits at a fire, making some sort of attempt at sewing a small garment. She frowns, but whether that is due to the news or to the fact that she stabbed the needle in her finger for the seventeenth time is anyone's guess. In a fit of anger she tosses her oddly shaped creation into the flames and stalks off in search of food
Yuna can be seen following the children around from up in the trees jumping form branch to branch keeping as quit as she can. But being Yuna thre is always a giggle heard now and then as she watches them.
Preparing for the worst, in regards to the uncoming battle with the undead, Nicahh, Equinox and several Sisters are seen leading the children of the Sisterhood into camp for their safety. They are promptly taken to Amith and Jerr's tent to settle in, then seen wandering the camp with Nicahh and Amith over the next few days.
A mercenary calling himself the Raven spends time in the camp while he and his men heal after being attacked in the pass.
It i rumored that Jeni received a hefty sum of gold to bring back several of the men and that the Raven was at the wrong end of a bad deal.
Visitors to the camp and residents alike report that Penny recently spent a full day and night sitting atop the hill outside Rass's old cave. Passers-by indicate that she spent most of that time looking up into the sky and speaking to someone, or perhaps herself, or possibly both, in draconic. As the sun began to rise the following day, she was gone, having slipped off into the brush and trees surrounding the camp. Speculation as to what she was doing ranges from praying, to calling out for Rass, to talking with an imaginary or invisible friend. In any case, the behavior would seem odd, even for Penny.
Keira returns to the camp, sharing the warmth of the fires and listening to the other stories of the spirit/boy/man known as Eris. She seems interested to hear of the spirit's previous attacks on people.
She'll also volunteer that some sort of vengeful spirit did find Sorien in Oscura attacking him and others viciously. Keira hopes that it rests easier now.
The monk Keira and Percy came looking for the boy Eris, intent on destroying him. Percy was seen questioning the boy and then leaving, under the scruntiny of Lilin and Star. One of the remaining three told him the location of the "Sorien" he was rummored to seek, and the spirt darted out of the camp