Day 3

  • Due or die (again) time.

    Wednesday 5pm EST.

    Prepare for the unholiness!

  • outside the temple Barrim and Tala stand companionably chatting surveying a courtyard littered with bones. The bones seem to come to a small childs head and almost to a grown mans waist. Both look badly battered their armor and shields badly dented and torn. Tala is heard to mutter about having to explain the tears to Hephestus. Getting the all clear Barrim heads off to see about getting the courtyard cleared and Tala is seen to wade through the piles of bones and head south her daughter star in tow.

  • @13222c3f01=EodenValmer:

    Maristin runs around shouting "I am wearing boots of escaping!!!"

    I can't help but imagine Will Ferrel. :lol:

    The times draws near.

    "Ashes, ashes, we all fall down."

  • DM

    I'll be there buys a seat in the Royal box

  • Day 1 was the "uneventful" trip to the Shrine of Orcus in the ogre caverns.

  • @fe26f412e8=metagod:

    id love to go to, but i just realised it started 2 hours ago and im already 3 hours late for work,. . .

    [edit] so yeah apparently its tuesday today and im on crack. . still late for work though

    lay off the crack pipe.

    runs after maristion/eoden tackles him and tosses him back in when questioned why she murmurs something about easier then helping arden beat him up as anna and tala

    was Day 1 the day of the sundial? cause tala was there for that… lemme know if you want a squishy noodle there for the first death... 😉

  • I'll make an effort to be about, but I'm not sure that I can make it. I'm leaving on Wednesday at 8:30 pm EST to go back home for Thanksgiving.

  • id love to go to, but i just realised it started 2 hours ago and im already 3 hours late for work,. . .

    [edit] so yeah apparently its tuesday today and im on crack. . still late for work though

  • @4a96266e64=Wykith:

    2: No actually. This is gonna get ugly fast, and Death has a front row seat reserved.

    Of course he does, Death's real name is Roland after all. Just ask Pinky.

  • I'd go, but it sounds like a good-guy protagonist plot.

    Maybe I'll be an antagonist.

  • This sounds like my kind of adventure!!

    [alt-tabs to his schedule to try to clear up Wednesday night]

  • Maristin runs around shouting "I am wearing boots of escaping!!!"

  • 3 out of 4, eh?

    Supercharges Mariston's boots

  • Just to give you an idea…

    NPC Deaths: 10+
    Monster deaths: 1000 +

    PC Deaths: 3

    And this is within the same group of 4 or so people that have been there from the start.

  • @5e09b5a7b3=Wykith:

    1: If you have an IC reason to be there, I don't mind.
    2: No actually. This is gonna get ugly fast, and Death has a front row seat reserved.
    3: A little crazy never hurt anyone. 😛

    Thanks, I think… 😛

  • //good luck to you all. I have to work. But I look forward to hearing what Wykith has instore for you guys. Be afraid very afraid.

  • 1: If you have an IC reason to be there, I don't mind.
    2: No actually. This is gonna get ugly fast, and Death has a front row seat reserved.
    3: A little crazy never hurt anyone. 😛

  • @fde675bc8c=elor_danna:

    Question 1: Are people who have absolutely no idea what this is about, like me, allowed to join in?
    Question 2: Do I want to?
    Question 3: Will you pay for the shrink(s)?

    Just seconding these questions. 😉

  • I shall be there…with my boots of escaping still intact 😛 (lets hope they last day 3 too)

  • Question 1: Are people who have absolutely no idea what this is about, like me, allowed to join in?
    Question 2: Do I want to?
    Question 3: Will you pay for the shrink(s)?