Council deliberations, Trial of Uthger

  • ((Scut's post of events overrides mine. However, my sentiments about outsiders posting in here remains the same.))

  • Legion

    Another parchment slid under the door

    Dear council there was a small hin seen talking about how he stole shanties chickens because the chicken god told him too? He escaped unfortunatly… Also Thar is a ruma goin arund that Vroka is havin a affair wit uthger. Finnius is goin nuts in de heelin house please hurry up afor more crazy ruumas start flyin!
    Anonymous note :twisted:

  • Dwin stands solemnly and addresses the council

    Did he kill them? Aye, it appears as he did.

    Was it murder? That I cant say. Murder, to me, is a vile act in which yer takin someone's life fer selfish reasons. Whether tempus told him to do this or not, the lad wasn't killin no un fer selfish reasons, as he has explained.

    Frankly, if Moradin imself told me to do sumtin, whatever it may be, I would have a hard time disobeyin' his word. I ask all o you ti put yerself in that position and ask what you would do.

    He killed folks, and fer that there must be consequences, but I think there should be a certain level of leniency here for a hero that was perhaps misguided by his own faith.

    Fer all these reasons, I feel I must abstain from votin'. I know it wont make a difference.

    As fer his imminent punishment, I would be happy to take him on to do a years worth of community service, under my supervision, to do things such as reinforce the gates, fix the bridge, oil that farkin squeaky windmill, etc. We could even get him started on assemblin them archer towers we need so badly.

    Dwin bows slightly and nods to Lens before he returns to his seat.

  • Lyte looks seriously unamused at the notion she would break any oath she makes, yet her voice retains great charm, ((16 charisma)), soothing and lilting all the while setting forth a comfortable commanding air of discipline and respect

    she rises

    "My word is my life, ladies and gentlemen of the Council, and may Mielikki strike me down if I have blabbered a breath about the proceedings here, or if I know of General Grags secret methods of gathering intellligence.

    Perhaps he does indeed have cloaked invisible scout so skilled that none of us might see them…"

    she pauses suddenly listening and frowns, and glances towards the large Council doors

    "... or perhaps that heavy noisome wind we hear nearby, coming from under the threshold of yon chamber door is the good General's anxious breath awaiting news of our decision, and he simply is overly eager to hear our verdict, and cant help but spy upon us in his great anxiety to see justice served."

    "I vote heartily Yea!"

  • Olem picks up the note slid under the door, reads it, and laughs. Wiping tears from the corner of his eyes he hands it to Lens who reads it aloud.

    Lens slams the note on the table and casts a withering stare at Lyte. "Either you're not holding your oath, Major", he spits, "or the Legion has spies lurking around our chamber as we speak!"

    He looks back at the note and angrily crumples the parchment into a ball. He holds it up in his fist and turns back to Lyte. "And he was ALREADY banned!" He throws the balled-up parchment across the room at the chamber door.

    Vroka mixes up a foul smelling brew and gives it to Lens to settle his growing ulcer.

    Olem continues to laugh until an annoyed Just'ene socks him in the arm. She then stands. "I make a motion that should we proceed to a punishment stage, that Dwin be allowed the first proposal.

    Scutum seconds the motion.

    Lens: "All in favor?"

    Looking around the room he sees hands raised by Just'ene, Scutum, Rulir, Vroka, and…

  • Legion

    Paper with the Toff legion symbol on it

    Dear council, Being as we are a smull town rumas cum an go to me while ye been in delibirations.. I want to make sumting clear I would like Uthger banned frum town unce the trials are over if found guilty.

    Also I would like the council to offer a solution to another problem we need manual labor in the commin year for heelp buildin walls an defense towas an things of the likes. If Utheger does nae wish to be banned and wuld take his puunishment as manual labur in town fer a year or twu I wuld be all fer dis as his punishmetn to think uf an attone fer his murders. Mayhaps we can show that by the grace uf our guud guds we are bedda then a murdera an willin ta give him a nutha chance cunsiderin his lung past of duin guud fer the land as weel. I have prayed lung and hard un this matta and found dat death fer a death is nae always the solution. Hope my wurds ring true to me fellow council membas and may Tyr guide all yer paths!

    Yours Truly,
    General Grag

  • Dwin slowly raises a finger, with a serious look on his face

    Lens, it don't sit right with me that the accused is ta be punished, should he be found guilty, by his own accuser.

    I know Grag be the one dishin' out penalties 'round here in the past, and he's done a fine job of it, I am sure we all agree. But I think his ingots are a little too close to the forge on this one and someone else …

    Dwin bows slightly

    …like yourself, perhaps, should suggest the appropriate punishment....should we need one.

  • Rulir: Beggin yer pardon, Lens, but 'at Ootger said dem Fedderflights were sore at 'at Cyrus fer years o robbin der coffers in da fedderfolks valley.

    Lens fixes Rulir with a hard stare. It is apparent he is more insterested in a quick result that will satisfy the masses and less about being thorough.

    Lens: Fine. Now, Miss Gaede. Until recently, this was a small farming community. We had no reason for big city law because we didn't have big city crime. Most serious offenses were met with a banning from town and we were done with it.

    Now, since General Grag already had a ban in place against the accused, perhaps we should ask him to tell us what he had in mind for punishment at the end of this trial, presuming it goes as he expects?

  • @19b34ea3af:

    Lens: Dwin, could you please ask Krig to speak before the Council so that we might learn more about Tempus and whether or not Uthger's claim makes any sense?

    Dwin nods respectfully

    Aye, I will ask Krig to come speak as an expert in this area…

    I also move that the crime of summonin' undead be dropped, as no one can prove who did it at this point, and we got enough crimes to dealwith already. Tis a waste o time to be deliberatin' on sumtin dat cant be proved at this point, especially with no evidence such as bats er guano to work with.

    Dwin heads out to find Krig.

  • Lyte stands respectfully with a question, before proceedings get under way

    "I would request a reading of the exact laws of Jiyyd regarding murder, to be able to fairly judge Uthger's actions, and to see if acting on a voice from one's god does or does not make for a mitigating circumstance under the laws of the town."

    she sits

  • Scutum: I'm sorry to report I've been unable to find Maya to deliver the Council's request to her.

    Lens: Dwin, could you please ask Krig to speak before the Council so that we might learn more about Tempus and whether or not Uthger's claim makes any sense?

    Does anybody else have more information that may be relavent to the trial?

  • Lens begins by reading the transcript of the trial and by offering the following summary:

    The charges against Uthger are murder against Grag and Theaon in the Legion Hall, attempted murder against Ka'ell in the Legion Hall, murder against Cyrus in what may be land claimed by the Featherflights or by orcs, and the use of evil magic to summon undead warriors to fight on his behalf.

    Uthger did not deny killing the three persons who were killed.

    Uthger denies any involvement in the summoning of any undead allies, and claims to have destroyed them himself.

    Grag offered no motive behind the killings other than Uthger is a violent betraying backstabber who may be mentally unstable.

    Uthger claims that he killed Grag and Theaon because he thought they were working with a vampire to lure him into a trap, and because his god, Tempus, told him to.

    Uthger claims he killed Cyrus in defense of his "kinsmen", the Featherflights.

    Neither side offered information as to why the Featherflights may have been attacking the man known as Cyrus.

  • Eligible Councillors:

    Council Members

    • Head Councilor: Lens Undon
    • Defense: Just'ene Bri Thank'ses
    • Trade/Travel/Commerce - Valuldur Dedraliadys'varilo
    • Agriculture/Livestock/Health: Vroka
    • Land Allocation: Maria Otarch (sick, Rulir Ironhorn sat in her place)
    • Other Councillors: Olem Otarch

    Guild Leaders

    • Legion: Grag (in trial, Lyte Bry'Gaede sat in his place)
    • Crafters: Krig Skullboil/Dwin Dolvak
    • Silver Valley: Atel Spear (newly elected, Scutum sat during trial)
    • Four Winds Monastery: Scutum Hedges
    • Divine Shield: ? (no representative sat during trial)

    Prior to opening the closed door deliberations, Vroka swears each member of the Council to secrecy, and each member takes a vow to speak only the truth as they know it.