A Decree -updated 9/14-

  • ((if any see me in peltarch walking from the mermaid to the gates it is an ooc walk and please don't attack me, it's my only starting place atm))

  • After spending an evening at The Dancing Mermaid, Maya has breakfast downstairs and then heads out into the commons.

    “Is time for Zyphlin to return ring, even if give hand or arm along with it”

    She is startled however, by the decree announced by the town criers.

    “So this what Zyphlin talk about! They take over Norwick?”, she whispers loudly, her eyes narrowing, “They will die! All of them! They….”

    She pauses as the list of names continues and grows in length.

    “Um…even Maya cannot fight whole army”, she sighs and looks to the heavens for guidance.

    “To fight army, you need army….”, those near her hear her mutter, and then with purpose strides south”

    (continued in the Jiyyd forum)

  • ::Nate whistles at the list:: Hot damn… Kara? Uthgor? ::Frowns faintly and takes another bite of apple, thinking::

  • A statement from the Knights of the Cerulean Stars to the public warns against any involvement with these deadly and insidious crystals and confirms that by their authority too any affected by the crystals are indeed to be considered a very dangerous foe of Peltarch.

  • DM

    Magistrate Barirm replies privately to the Lady

  • A letter arrives at the Magistrates office:

    Dear Magistrates,

    I was not aware the Senate made such a decree. As I have been on the floor of the Senate and in Sentator Mildsilvers Office I have in no way seen this type of decree.

    I would ask your advice about the process this underwent.


    Anna Sigerlson
    Advisor Senator Milsilver

  • (( Oh for those wondering. No, this is not zyphlin giving a speech -.- It would come out more like "Let…it...be...known...that...the...town...of..."; well you get the picture. A few of his best well spoken bards in his classes were sent to speak the words around the city and a few fliers were put up at different large public places in the city ))