A Decree -updated 9/14-

  • //OOC Bump. Can this be stickied and used to track who has been unbanned possibly?

  • bump Perhaps this should be stickied until resloved so it's viewable by all those involved.

  • Hearing this, Foilir rushes to the magistrate to inform him not to pee on the crystsals. He has firsthand knowledge that doing so will end up in death, not necessarily for the peer, but endangers anyone within arm's reach.

  • When the few curious people about this inquire to zyphlin he gives this response, smiling, laughing, and being his normal charistmatic self as he writes upon the air

    "This coming from a man that nearly beats the hell out of some people and is buisness partners with a man that uses thier own forges as threats to emmolate anyone that bothers them as well as under investigation for attempted murder. Credible, real credible. Come to me if the Dovlak's have anything of relevence to say about the crystals, else I'm really just sick of hearing the Dovlak's spout thier pointless rhetoric that they've been doing for years now. It is truly sad when this is happening across the nars they still have to stick to thier personal political agendas."

  • hearing the rumors of the bard's self-proclaimed innoncence, in JIyyd, Dwin chuckles

    That little bard has been stirrin up trouble in Nor'ick as long as I can remember. Assistin' undersellers…threatenin' Militia, disturbin the peace. He was even carryin around a male doll fer a while. I am sure that breaks some law. He think we all forget those things?


    I guess laws only matter in da town ya receive bribes in.

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim smiles to himself in his office, and reviewing a mountian of old casefiles he goes back to writing death-warrants

  • @6e209f2b2e:

    He would say again, until he commits a crime, he should not be banned.

    When he commits one, he will be all in favor of it.

    Oreth is seen more often in peltarch these days, and upon hearing of Jarek's statements, he rolls his eyes

    The little blighter has allied himself with a supernatural force that has murdered dozens, if not scores, and whose stated goal is the absorption, conversion, enslavement, and subjugation of all sentient life on Toril.

    I'd call that…threatening the city and its citizens.w Possibly treason, if you wanted to look at it that way. Punishable by death.

    Crystals killed any peltarch citizens? Right then. Conspiracy to murder a peltarch citizen.

    It's really not that hard to see how they're all banned.

  • ((hey cust. To my knowledge jarek can't be in peltarch, so can't be expressing his oppinions in peltarch. So i'm wondering why your posting his opinions in a thread that is supposidly something peltarchans would normally have the ability to hear, when in reality this is being spoken in norwick?))

    ::his finger glows blue with prestidigitation and writes within the air when inquired::

    What theft did I do against the militia? What did I steal? I see this one stated over and over again in norwick and yet I still am not sure here.

    I threw up a dagger to try and block his giant farkin axe swinging down on me. That's assult?

    Yes. I did threaten a militia, I will admit to that. After he tried to kill me I gave him a letter stating that it would be wise to avoid coming to peltarch because attempting to kill a city official unjustly can result in death.

    Again, I will admit to that one. Considering that he stood, watching, activily attacking people that were performing and casting a hugely magical ritural around the well in Norwick, it seemed that that law didn't matter. And actually, casted nothing, I used an item I know to shroud myself in invisibilty when he was trying to KILL me. Notice…i did this AFTER he was trying to kill me, not before he did...so this is no excuse to swing your axe to cleave me in two.

    Espionage? Wel, that depends. Do the Crystals control norwick or don't they. If he is saying they don't, then I have performed no espionage against Norwick. If they do, then yes, I guess I was performing espionage against a rogue faction that has now overthrown a city.

    Using magic to walk through town unseen. Hey, Uthgor the Betrayer King of the Nars, take a lesson from peltarch and post your laws. I went invisible to watch this incident because he sat and watched the man Bryn threaten to chop my head off if i didn't leave simply because I'm "Not wanted there". He didn't seem to do anything or plan to do anything about taht threat against my body so yes, I protected myself in the most passive way possible.

    Resisting arrest. HE NEVER TRIED TO ARREST ME. I sat there, telling people to run or stop this, and then you just turned and tried to cleave me in two. You didn't say "you're arrest", you didn't say "stop saying that", no...all he did was turn around and try to cleave me in two. Then he chased after me. Not once...ONCE...during that entire time did he speak up that he was trying to arrest me by order of the Norwick milita.

    Inciting Violence? I was telling people to flee or attempt to convince these people who were taking over thier farking town to stop doing it. The main violence present was him trying to cleave anyone that wished to stop them.

    Disturbing the peace. ::Shrugs:: Again, the only peace I disturbed were those of the invaders of Norwick.

    As far as his own personal band, you attempt to slay a city official.

    As far as the rest of them, they are an army that has shown to have taken over a town in narfell already, that has risen your weapons upon Peltarch soil...both in the kobold lands in the past and near our south tower.

  • Evendur no longer speaks publicly in open support of the ban. It is very possible that he has retracted this support in favor of a more neutral stance.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _Dear Zyphlin,

    Please let it be known that Kara is not acting on behalf of the Shining Phoenix in this.

    If you would please indicate this in your future dispatches.


  • Ocean notes that several on the list she calls friend and looking concerned goes seeking Zyphlin for some kind of evidence of any wrong-doing or that the crystals destroyed anything in the past.

  • Elissa can be heard adding references to this into her preaching about doom and ill fortune.

  • Keram's rare appearance in public has become more common of late. His worried look only furthered by the grave news that has spread.

  • Mery seems rather upset upon hearing the long list of names, and doesn't respond with good humor upon hearing people talk about hunting them down or doing them physical harm.

  • When addressed about this Zyphlin urges defense at the utmost. We are not seeking citizens to go out and attack these men and women, only that we do not let them near our city and that our citizens do not venture close to thier weapons…the crystals

  • Senator Evendur Mildsilver is seen in public advocating a carefully guided support of the ban. He does express mild reservations about going to war outright, and claims not to want this to turn into a witch hunt, but overall lends the weight of his position to the decree.

  • Anna Sigerlson sends private thanks to Magistrate Asbravn for his courteous and expeditious response and offers her aid in any way it is needed for the Jewel of the Icelace.

  • -Updated-

    It is also passed down to note that if your name is not upon the list, but you are part of this "collective" it would be wise to leave town, for if you are still within peltarch and found out you are guilty of espionage which will bring quick, swift, and painful death.

  • ((if any see me in peltarch walking from the mermaid to the gates it is an ooc walk and please don't attack me, it's my only starting place atm))

  • After spending an evening at The Dancing Mermaid, Maya has breakfast downstairs and then heads out into the commons.

    “Is time for Zyphlin to return ring, even if give hand or arm along with it”

    She is startled however, by the decree announced by the town criers.

    “So this what Zyphlin talk about! They take over Norwick?”, she whispers loudly, her eyes narrowing, “They will die! All of them! They….”

    She pauses as the list of names continues and grows in length.

    “Um…even Maya cannot fight whole army”, she sighs and looks to the heavens for guidance.

    “To fight army, you need army….”, those near her hear her mutter, and then with purpose strides south”

    (continued in the Jiyyd forum)