Jiyyd Rumors
Rumours about the 'Whore speak of Kara possesing a relic blade from the old nars empire that she does not need, there have been suggestions that she's been looking to sell it on, or perhaps just hand it into the Guardians for use. Who knows?
_A young human lad is seen in and about Jiyyd quite often these days, mostly sitting by the well, occasionally making idle conversation with anyone who cares to talk. He is instantly recognisable by a complicated looking iron splint bound to his right leg, and nobody can miss that as he seems to spend most of his time having to get up to close the gates before limping back to his seat.
He's been seen once or twice talking to the clouds in an exasperated tone of voice in the Chondathan tongue, "Orcs and hobgoblins on their doorstep and they won't lock the bloody gates to keep them out. I know life's full of little tests, but this is almost too much."_
_Late on a dark night, Dwin is seen pushing a wheelbarrow stacked high (with a dark tarp covering the contents) into the Whore.
Some of the few folks that could still see straight at that time of the night remember Dwin getting a room key and discussing rates for an "extended stay" and a "nice view."_
Whispers suggest that a certain attractive blonde elf that can often be found loafing around the well is usually willing to share news of the Narfell region and makes it her business to try and stay informed.
It is rumored that Ragnar was spotted dragging a combat dummy into the Legion Hall with the word BANITE written across it's forehead. A target could be seen on the dummy's ass.
Chaevre' has been seen talking to the Jiyyd locals about their skills and proficiencies, she seems to be looking for almost anything from baking, weaving, looming, sewing or tailoring, candlemaking, cheesemaking, weapons and armors, tools (especially tools) , pottery, painting etc; she asks to appraise some of their work and is able to put a value to their work, she asks some of the more skilled if they would be interested in exporting their crafts to make some coin, she gets more skeptical looks from many people but she assures them they dont have to make it a living but something here or there now and then to put some spending money in their pockets
Chaevre' does the same in the silver valley and seems to get more enthusiastic responce from the small folk
Rumors are heard around town about a Narsman and other prominent figures of Jiyyd who are loading up wagons with valuables and are trying to escape the coming war with the orcs. Some hear they plan to start a new town in Damaran, others hear talks of areas by Peltarch.
The elven elf Ethrun came into jiyyd after his patrol at the central plains with a grim face. Apparently the elf had sighted heavy orc snipers, a fey which was murdered and the occasional orc crusher, all of which had been quelled during his last patrol with the help of a priest and a mercenary warrior. However he warns more will likely return!
A bald man in red robes came into the inn for a room and some ale. The topic of discussion caused the man to finish his ale rather quickly and excuse himself to his room. Bane recruiting the orcs as his army in Narfell, apparently didn't sit well with the man. Some say he is a priest, while others think he a criminal.
"Dem scars on 'is wrists.. Dey be frum shackles.. 'im runnin' from somethin' I tell ya"
Rumoursof Goblins and Hobgoblins fighting together on the near east road filter through town. Those that investigate find that they come from Amana.
Construction at the temple is seen in ernest. More sleeping pallats are seen going in fueling speculation that the Temple is expecting arrivals. Amana is seen at the front of it all organising the construction.
Belade has been interrogating Zoma about his love life, which lead to him trying to strangle her. While he was busy doing that, she headbutted him, breaking his nose. After some more questioning, she came to the conclusion that he likes boys more, and is now looking for male Sunites (yes, there are some, honestly
_Rumors about couples are spreading like fire in the wind. Is Zoma with Horbag? Is Jirka with Sy`? Is Kara with Zoma?
People are talking loudly about Jirka and Horbag planning a wedding. People say a wagon of roses rolled into Jiyyd some days ago and that Jirka payed the merchant. Rumors say the wedding is for one of the new couples in Jiyyd.. which one could it be?_
Devath walks to town, talking about how he met a lone zombie orc in the plains. The zombie didn't seem too keen on attacking him, or was just too slow to actually keep up. Either way, this can spell no good for people travelling the roads to and from Jiyyd.
Strange Campfires have been popping up on the Near East Road with no visible attendees
Rumours abound that the Exotics Shop in Jiyyd is one of the finest in the area - able to supply even the most obscure and esoteric items of interest.
The druids from the Rawlinswood passed through Jiyyd recently. When asked, they told they were looking for catnip. After some time in the woods east of Jiyyd, the druids came back through Jiyyd and back home. Their mood was good, suggesting success in their search. The blond half-elf, Tindra, was quite happy and fuzzy-headed on the return trip.
One of the town residents was brutally beaten up recently. Ezachiel, the town scribe, walked into town and started writing someone's name into the book, when one of the barbarians, known as Devath, walked in and started beating him. After a couple of hits, he was dragged outside, where Dev knocked him down and stood on his back for a bit, untill he managed to escape, and fled to the inn. What happened up there is up for discussion, but they emerged shortly after, with Ezachiel gagged, bruised and one arm held behind his back, in what must have been a painful position. Near the gate, he made a desperate attempt to espace, in which his arm was broken. Even though he managed to get free, Dev mercilessly hit him straight in the face, teeth flying everywhere. Being knocked down again, Dev dragged him outside. There, he was halted by a large group of people. Accusations flew both sides, and in the end Ezachiel was dragged to the Heyokar camp, and imprisoned there. Some of the kids in the town have been see to be really sad, since now their so beloved lessons won't go on. It is just a matter of time before a petition to get Ezachiel back in incredibly bad, childish handwriting is turned in.
Rumors say Jirka has been spending alot of time in the jiyyd caves, some say thats where she an Sy do tha naughty things, others say she is moving in there. Since she always leaves the cave with a big smile on her face many belive the first of the saings to be true
Many people whisper that some sort of spirit is stealing chairs from the Regal, some patrons claim to have seen it with their own eyes, lifting them up and taking them out to the gate for no apparent purpose, the story always ends with the spirit bringing them back unchanged, though. Drudo himself confirms the tale "Yes, I went to sleep for half an hour and when I woke up all of my chairs were gone, stolen! I looked around the inn but couldn't find them anywhere, frustrated I checked upstairs and when I came back there they all were, as if nothing had happend…".
After a watching the two work well to defend Jiyyd from a recent orc attack many are heard mentioning that the gruff dwarf Jirka, and the quiet elf Sy'wyn have been carrying on a secret relationship. Wedding planners from Jiyyd have been heard planning many ceremonies out for the two, and have been sending letters to the Elder at the gypsy camp.