Added Hekatoncheires as PG.
Added Darc as newest Player Guide.
Can a DM check this for accuracy? I never know when things shift, so this is mostly guess work.
Added Lilith (Eladrial) as a new Gypsy Camp Elder.
Added Stauffer16 as new Player Guide. And Tassabra changes to Emerwyn in the forums.
Added Sasha as the newest Player Guide… moved Di_Em, BrianJ and CyberJesterB to inactive and made Ravish kinda here (he'll help out in game, but doesn't hasn't had much Narf time since Feb).
Moved y2j_uk37 to inactive, and Kanen to semi-active.
Updated to reinstate Riverthorn as a DM:
Forum Name: Riverthorn
Responsibilities: RoamDM
Location: United States, East Coast
Active: yes
DM Avatar: Riverthorn DM, Smurfette
mIRC Nick: Riverthorn
Hey Crucible… can you move this thread over to the Tome of Knowledge? Probably better situated there.
Edited to update my DM Avatar name and email adress.
Yes i live in Poland, my timezone is CET (its same as GMT +1 or UTC +1), and during summer its CEST (GMT +2 or UTC +2).
Okay.. with no updates in here for a month… I NEED all DM, PGs, PLs, and Gypsy Camp Elders to look at their info in here and update me by posting a reply with corrections.
Thanks - Kerb
Okay.. who is DM Mort? Is that you Cruc? With your old avatar name Mortis Noir shortened? I had a enounter with DM Mort which was scary and quite well done (just a short battle with bugbears… but a close brush with death is always fun). Just want to make sure my listings are accurate!
Updated Belthor's and RW's listings to ASDM Norwick.
Updated… I hope that outside of the DSL issues... the move went well Andelas! Get settled in quickly! We miss you and hkb a lot!
I am SDM for Jiyyd and all my plots are coming back on track. We have moved to Australia (Melbourne) so you best put both myself and HKB into Australia. HKB will be gypsy camp based and should be quite active.
The hiatus in my activity was caused by a long series of mishaps around getting an ISP and a DSL modem…..I won't go into it but what should have taken a couple of days ended up taking a month.
Added Enris as another one of The Other Vino/andreasok's list of DM Avatars as well as DM Smelly Dead Things to Father Ribs.
Something about Hens and Ducks or some other local sports teams?
Frick's scottish = GMT
Basman's british based = GMT
Y2j's british = GMT
Tass's spanish = GMT , i thinkActually for those first three they're currently on BST (Brithish Summer Time) which is one hour shifted from GMT and equivalent to CET at the moment. Not sure if Spain operates a "summertime clock".
Attentus is in Poland I believe…which makes him EET
Poland and Spain are CET. Only country on mainland europe which is GMT is Portugal
For more on timezones: http://www.worldtimezone.com/
Not Toledo. Just put Cincinnati. :roll:
Actually Attentus is based in Poland, if memory serves correctly.
With changes to Summer or Daylights Savings Time… maybe GMT would be painful for most to figure the conversions on...
In fact... here's what I have thus far (and thanks for filling in the blanks, the image on the last page has been fixed with timezones).
Alec - Puerto Rico, San Juan
AndarielTheOne - Finland, Suomi
Andelas - Australia
Attentus - Poland, Warsaw
Basmans_grob - United Kingdom
Belthor Troff - United States, Connecticut
Covah_Ungart - United States, California, Los Angeles
Crucible - United States, Florida
Decker_Dm - Canada, Montreal
Father Ribs - United States, Vermont
Graynor - Canada
Hkb - Australia
Illuminatus - United States, Ohio, Toledo
Jazz-Vancouver - Australia
Jordash - United States, Washington, Seattle
Kali_Ma - United States, Missouri, St. Louis
Kanen_Hightower - United States, Ohio, Cincinnati
KeenEdge - unknown
Kute - France
Linah - Sweden
Lisara - United States, Florida
Llunvid - Germany
LordAzrael - Australia, Queensland, Brisbane
LordDrow - United States, Utah, Salt Lake City
Magi13 - United States, California, Los Angeles
Masume - United States, Florida
monkey_mike - unknown
Morgan_Hearst - Ireland, Belfast
Naderi - United States, Florida, Miami
PinkSharky - Canada
RaDSaM - United States, California
Rangy Wulf - United States, Utah, Salt Lake City
Riverthorn - United States, East Coast
Seraphaine - United States, California, Los Angeles
shadevar - Belgium
Tarmack - Canada
Tassabra - Spain, Madrid
The Other Vino - unknown
Therm - United States, Pennsylvania
VivifyZero - United States, Michigan
y_frick - United Kingdom, Scotland, Glasgow
y2j_uk37 - United Kingdom, Liverpool
ZweianderLord - United States, Ohio, Toledo