A Noble Masquerade

  • Occasion: A Noble Masquerade
    Tentative Date: 15/08/2016 5:00 PM EST.

    The Official Announcement:

    Hear one, hear all, of the grandest occasion, the masquerade ball! The masquerade will be hosted at the illustrious Amethyst Hall, and the theme of the evening is: "The Jewel's Dream."

    Join us for an evening of festivity, celebration, and recognition for the great heroes of Peltarch, the Jewel of the Icelace. The city has survived a number of ordeals, and will survive any and all challenges it faces! But now, it is time to relax and enjoy victory. The ball is hosted by the magnanimous, affable, beloved noble House of Hemway. All may join, for a simple fee of 1,000 gold coins, all proceeds to be donated to the various charities and establishments of which House Hemway is benefactor.

    Beverages will be served, music and a dancing floor will be provided for those who wish it, and the best, most detailed, most artistic mask will win a special prize. Masqueraders are invited to chit-chat, enjoy the drinks, and dance if they please. Lord Garric Hemway is expected to make an appearance to provide a grand toast to Peltarch's heroes.

    Any who join must bring and wear a mask and present themselves with attire custom-made for the evening. There will be no riff-raff, beggars, or ignobles allowed at the ball. Masqueraders are expected to conceal their entire visage ahead of time, and may or may not modify their voices using whatever means available.

    Those who wish to attend are expected to abide by the above etiquette. They are also expected to seek out and provide the 1,000 gold piece payment ahead of time to Mister Monty Chamberlain, House Hemway's loyal butler, at the public lobby of Hemway Manor in the residential district.

    ((OOC: Payment can be done at the Amethyst Festhall a few moments before the event. People who wish to attend the ball may post their IC responses below, along with their OOC availability for the time, which can be subject to change. Profiles for House Hemway family members can be found by clicking the tiny little text and following this link here.)).

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • Noble masqueraders who attended the affair speak highly of its introduction, and poorly of its conclusion. Apparently, a strange, masked man pretending to be Lord Garric Hemway crashed the party. Not only that, but some nobles claim that it was so drab that everyone fell asleep near the end of it. Others, still, claim that it was something in the drinks they served, or perhaps the overbearing perfume they lathered about the Amethyst Hall. With a missing lord and a botched social soiree, the Hemway name has seen better days.

    The distraught Vanessa Hemway is paying high sums for any and all who have information on the whereabouts of her husband.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • I might be a few minutes late but I'll be there!

  • The Harvestmistress Anna Blake sends her regards and apologizes for being unable to attend, having business to attend to in Damara. A charitable donation will be forwarded to the organizers from one of her people in the city. (Will give you the gold when I get on sometime and you're present! I have to work at 3 on the dot so I can't make it :<)

  • ((The event starts at eleven in the evening for me, and ideally I'd go to bed around midnight. I'll put down 2 am as my absolute limit, which is three hours precisely))

  • Alvi will be there, has been spending forever trying on dresses, which is new to hew and working on a special order for 'Annabelle' whom spoke with Alvi about wanting a new mask made out of wood for the ball so she could go as a tree. After several hours of sanding, shaping, smoothing, and finally painted, she feels the mask will be perfect for Annabelle. With that she leaves the shop on a quest for a dress and mask herself for the occasion.

  • Countdown Timer

    For any who are not 100% on time this is a countdown to the start of the event.

  • Karni - will you have at least 3-ish hours?

    Aubrey - by EST I mean this time: click here.

  • 5PM is dinner time for the little tyke (he leaves just after 6). I might be able to get my wife to handle it so I can play going to the Ball. We'll see.


  • ((I can still attend, but I'll have to do the Cinderella run-off once it gets too late for getting up for work the next day))

  • Helene holds the flyer in hand and purses her lips a bit. The thought of such a ball is all too attractive to her, and in a hurry to be ready before the day, she practically runs across Peltarch to organise her outfit.

  • I have a few people that are only available later on in the day. New time is 5 PM EST. That's 4 hours later than the previous time. Please let me know if this doesn't work.

  • Hen opts to attend unconventionally

    (( 1 PM is fine should be home from appointment by then.

  • "oi dressen fancies n drinkin, soundin liken a lovelies evenins." Labur says, after a quick look at his now war-torn formal wear, he runs off to the tailor and for some polish to shine his very bald head.

    //Monday at 1 PM EST US works for me!

  • _"A masked ball! That sounds interesting," Shesarai says after hearing Isolde's excited announcement. She's a bit conflicted. Being rather egalitarian, she doesn't usually have much to do with nobles; but she rather likes the idea of letting her hair down and dressing up in a new gown. The price is steep, but she probably can afford it. "I'll think about it."

    OOC: I provide daycare for my two-year-old grandson all day Monday, but 1PM coincides with his nap time (if he deigns to take one). By EST, I assume you mean the same time as Eastern Daylight Time in the USA. That's GMT-4. EST, or Eastern Standard Time is used in the Winter and is GMT-5.)


  • Isolde spreads word of the masquerade amongst the adventuring crowd, seeming quite excited at the chance to dress up in something fabulous, spectacular and ~amazing~!

    ((Time should work well enough for me, 1 PM preferred though, to save me from eating dinner infront of the computer!))