A Noble Masquerade

  • I might be a few minutes late but I'll be there!

  • The Harvestmistress Anna Blake sends her regards and apologizes for being unable to attend, having business to attend to in Damara. A charitable donation will be forwarded to the organizers from one of her people in the city. (Will give you the gold when I get on sometime and you're present! I have to work at 3 on the dot so I can't make it :<)

  • ((The event starts at eleven in the evening for me, and ideally I'd go to bed around midnight. I'll put down 2 am as my absolute limit, which is three hours precisely))

  • Alvi will be there, has been spending forever trying on dresses, which is new to hew and working on a special order for 'Annabelle' whom spoke with Alvi about wanting a new mask made out of wood for the ball so she could go as a tree. After several hours of sanding, shaping, smoothing, and finally painted, she feels the mask will be perfect for Annabelle. With that she leaves the shop on a quest for a dress and mask herself for the occasion.

  • Countdown Timer

    For any who are not 100% on time this is a countdown to the start of the event.

  • Karni - will you have at least 3-ish hours?

    Aubrey - by EST I mean this time: click here.

  • 5PM is dinner time for the little tyke (he leaves just after 6). I might be able to get my wife to handle it so I can play going to the Ball. We'll see.


  • ((I can still attend, but I'll have to do the Cinderella run-off once it gets too late for getting up for work the next day))

  • Helene holds the flyer in hand and purses her lips a bit. The thought of such a ball is all too attractive to her, and in a hurry to be ready before the day, she practically runs across Peltarch to organise her outfit.

  • I have a few people that are only available later on in the day. New time is 5 PM EST. That's 4 hours later than the previous time. Please let me know if this doesn't work.

  • Hen opts to attend unconventionally

    (( 1 PM is fine should be home from appointment by then.

  • "oi dressen fancies n drinkin, soundin liken a lovelies evenins." Labur says, after a quick look at his now war-torn formal wear, he runs off to the tailor and for some polish to shine his very bald head.

    //Monday at 1 PM EST US works for me!

  • _"A masked ball! That sounds interesting," Shesarai says after hearing Isolde's excited announcement. She's a bit conflicted. Being rather egalitarian, she doesn't usually have much to do with nobles; but she rather likes the idea of letting her hair down and dressing up in a new gown. The price is steep, but she probably can afford it. "I'll think about it."

    OOC: I provide daycare for my two-year-old grandson all day Monday, but 1PM coincides with his nap time (if he deigns to take one). By EST, I assume you mean the same time as Eastern Daylight Time in the USA. That's GMT-4. EST, or Eastern Standard Time is used in the Winter and is GMT-5.)


  • Isolde spreads word of the masquerade amongst the adventuring crowd, seeming quite excited at the chance to dress up in something fabulous, spectacular and ~amazing~!

    ((Time should work well enough for me, 1 PM preferred though, to save me from eating dinner infront of the computer!))