The Away Thread

  • @b33d60bbac=Karnivor:

    So uh… my computer is too ancient to even install the fabulous new and enhanced NWN. Since I've been away anyway, this doesn't make much of a difference, though I'd been preparing to peek back in more often. Johant's going to help me with figuring out a few options but for now, getting IG is sadly a no-go.

    I'm in IT, shoot me a PM and I'll help as able. 🙂

  • @9bcf9ff852=Karnivor:

    So uh… my computer is too ancient to even install the fabulous new and enhanced NWN. Since I've been away anyway, this doesn't make much of a difference, though I'd been preparing to peek back in more often. Johant's going to help me with figuring out a few options but for now, getting IG is sadly a no-go.

    This is an outrage, who's going to stop Rey from falling off the wagon now??

  • @4eefbd9295=ClownBaby:


    So uh… my computer is too ancient to even install the fabulous new and enhanced NWN. Since I've been away anyway, this doesn't make much of a difference, though I'd been preparing to peek back in more often. Johant's going to help me with figuring out a few options but for now, getting IG is sadly a no-go.

    Unacceptable. We’ve got newbs from all over visiting Hotel Narfell and we need our MVP working the front desk, so figure something out. NOW!

    I'm going to buy EE sometime this week, and I expect to see you BOTH IG!

  • Vick is back and he needs your characters. Where are Lyka's innocent daughters and granddaughters? He feels lost without another generation to endear himself with. Hope you can make it in, the place is bumping about with some oldies falling in.

  • We really miss you! Narfell the game is little changed under the new version. But boy, has it made a difference to the population (and the DM attention). It's like the old days six or seven years ago. We even had two gate attacks this past weekend, one in Peltarch and one in Norwick. I hope you find a way to join us soon.


  • @6de6ff4aa1=Karnivor:

    So uh… my computer is too ancient to even install the fabulous new and enhanced NWN. Since I've been away anyway, this doesn't make much of a difference, though I'd been preparing to peek back in more often. Johant's going to help me with figuring out a few options but for now, getting IG is sadly a no-go.

    Unacceptable. We’ve got newbs from all over visiting Hotel Narfell and we need our MVP working the front desk, so figure something out. NOW!

  • So uh… my computer is too ancient to even install the fabulous new and enhanced NWN. Since I've been away anyway, this doesn't make much of a difference, though I'd been preparing to peek back in more often. Johant's going to help me with figuring out a few options but for now, getting IG is sadly a no-go.

  • Away for a week or so! Can still PM on forum's for those involved in my stuff!

  • Hey folks,

    I know it's been a month and change. Sorry! I got a new job as a sales manager, and still have my bodyguard license, so things got busy. I have weekends off… But I've been doing Ren faire every weekend. I'll be back in a month or so, maybe popping in once in a while, but things are crazy atm.

    Pm me if you need Leena or Cecil. Thanks!

  • @AubreyMaturin:

    It's Thanksgiving Week in the USA and that means family reunions. I will be driving my crew to Ohio on Wednesday and returning sometime Saturday (25 Nov). See you all after that.


    Stealing this for my post because basically, that.

  • It's Thanksgiving Week in the USA and that means family reunions. I will be driving my crew to Ohio on Wednesday and returning sometime Saturday (25 Nov). See you all after that.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Working late every night this week, so I won't be around much. Should be back to normal on Saturday!

  • Busy time of year at work for me too, but I'm staaarting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Come next week, things should be calming down considerably and leave me with more creative power to spend on fun and games.

  • FYI apologies for my prolonged absence, this is my busy time of year at work. Hopefully should quiet down over the next few weeks and I'll try get back in game over the weekends!

  • I'll be out from 12 Sep - 1 Oct as I chase ungulates across an Alaskan mountain range for my annual "how miserable can I make myself" challenge.

  • I'm back! Seeing the eclipse was great. We had a mostly sunny day in Middle Tennessee. Since my son, his wife, and two grandsons (one three, one four-months) were with us, we couldn't really move far from the timeshare house so we watched it from the back porch.

    I set up my telescope with the solar filter I built and watched it from First Contact until after Totality. About two minutes before Second Contact (when the sun is completely blocked by the moon) the sun went behind a small cloud. We all groaned and my wife was really angry. But it came back out when there was still 40 seconds of Totality. I had taken off the solar filter, but didn't have time to refocus the telescope so I used my binoculars to look at the corona. The rest of the family took off their solar glasses and oohd and aahd.

    I got dark during Totality and the street lights came on. As soon as I saw the start of the Diamond Ring (when the very edge of the sun begins to emerge from the shadow of the moon), I shouted for everyone to put their glasses back on. The most amazing thing was how quickly it became light again. The next total eclipse visible from most of the USA is in April 2024. We already are making plans for it.


  • On Sunday (August 20th) I'm taking my family to Tennessee to view the total eclipse of the sun on Monday. I reserved a timeshare unit in central Tennessee a year ago for this event. I'll have my telescope (with solar filter) and a set of solar glasses for each family member (including the three-year old grandson). We'll spend a few days down there after the eclipse so after Saturday, I won't be back in Narfell until at least Thursday, Aug 24th.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • I'll be mostly only on the forums for the next few weeks as I'm travelling for work, see you soon!

  • Hey guys,

    I won't be around at all this weekend, but should be back Monday early. Don't burn the place down without me!

  • Uh… Hey guys.

    I was so excited to be fighting ettins the other day that I threw my laptop across the room... it made such a miserable grinding sound before it turned off. Anyway, hopefully I'll have a replacement soon, but until then I'll be sparse if present at all.