OOC: New Suggestions

  • AN ECONOMY :!:

    One gold per spider bit barley keeps Cotton and many others in food and normal supply. The Gnolls are way to hard to deal with even at my level, "even" when we form a party of three or more levels 6 and up, we get our butts kicked pretty good. And the drops off the Gnolls are just not worth the risk.

    It would be great to have a "non-combat" way to make a living. NPCs who send us on errands ect.

    One sends us to find something in the inner or outer camp for a small reward.
    Sends us with an item or message for another NPC for reward.

    The possibilties are many and it would be nice to not have to go to Pelt for lizardmen, Rawlins for goblins or other areas in order to kill things and sell their loot for a living.

    Even if more critters were put around camp for us to deal with would be good, and better drops! Not meaning getting rich off them, but better than what is current.

    Just my :2c:

  • Good idea Vilehelm. I like the idea of starting in two locations, though the scribe is outside the gates now anyway so there is really no need as anyone can join the camp and have access to the inner camp.

  • Suggestion:

    Add a "camp exterior" option to Crucible's starting location list in the lobby. This allows players to start in the outer gypsy camp, without having access to the inner facilities. they are able to start near the Gypsies, RP there and possibly get accepted into the Camp if they want / are accepted.

    The starting location could be a sleeping hut (like pendell's shack) where the "Gypsy Visitors" stay.

  • Helps leinad888 knock the dust off the thread

    Ok, so are any of these things going to happen? Well other than the removal of the psycho wench.

    How about an archery target like in Peltarch that us gali can use to practice with? One that can't be destroyed, we already have one, but it is not usable.

    At 100+ per pop it gets costly to keep buying them in order to have some fun RP around the camp and for us in the GREAT to practice.

    Food: Dried Fruit, how about nuts as well and other Rom style cuisine.

  • ::wipes the dust off this thread::

    Right now, it seems the Gypsy camp is empty. There's 2 main reasons for this.
    The first, being that all the current Gali log on, float around the camp for a few minutes, then wander off to Norwick and Peltarch.
    The second reason, that there isn't enough new Gaje taking the oath.

    A couple of solutions I pulled out of the conversation in the GC channel a few minutes ago.

    A Mid-Level Spawn Area

    At the moment, there's only the low level spiders, the more powerful spiders, the gnolls and the Ogres.
    The Gnolls have dramattically increased in strength lately, and the Ogres are a no go area for those not powerful enough to hunt them. An area filled with spawns that are more powerful than the tough spiders, but less powerful than the gnolls and ogres, would give XP to the mid-levels, but be manageable enough so they don't end up dying every hunting trip.
    A new set of spawns would give the existing campers something to do when they aren't on a quest, rather than sitting down talking about the weather.

    Ore and Wood Resources.

    Right now, the best wood available (through regular spawns) is Birch (i think). This is pretty much useless for making bows for all the aspiring wood crafters roaming the camp. Throwing in some better wood spawns in a more dangerous area (hell, put 'em in with the gnolls) and this would give people a reason to travel to the camp, and something more worthwhile to do with their time.
    Maybe some better Ore spawns down in the cold caves aswell? People will risk anything for some decent metal 😄

    Gremlin Cave

    This place is pretty useless. I know that hkb ran a few events involving Spiders in there, so maybe the spiders could clear all the gremlins out and inhabit the cave for a bit shrugs.

    Mini-boss Area

    Norwick has places like Skara's cave and The Warrens. Maybe there could be a cave in the spider area (or another area) that contained some normal spawns and at the end was guarded by a much tougher enemy, like a really tough ettercap. Maybe guarding some reasonable amount of loot?

  • all are welcome into the outer camp…the idea of gates has been put forward (by me actually) for defence, but was reasoned away..quite well reasoned.
    the camp is open but the inner camp is secure...any gaje in there must be accompanied.

  • Heh, I thought gypsys were known for their hospitality.

  • As a suggestion, and a way to deal with the Gaje, could we put up a fence, and oath locked gate at the entrance to the pass? This will keep the Gaje out and those with papers can go back and forth. With the way the Guilds have cracked down on crafts, it would curb the tide comeing, here to craft, or to hunt in the spiderwoods. If, we did so, could a script be put in for a "bell" that goes off letting the Gali, and Romi know we have visitors? That way people can still come to the camp, they just have to be let in, and as Dram says, They have to pay for that privilege.

  • working on the door prob too vengence 😎

  • screams in pain and dies from the pun

    Thanks for the info 😛 Will the doors ever be unlocked though so we can go back in after we leave?

  • vengance…the gypsy hut was a first step to getting an inn like place in the camp...as resting inns are scripted its time consuming and as you can see hasn't happened yet. rest assured (heheh) that we're working on it.

    oh and the curse from resting in armour isn't like a standard curse, only way to fix it is with another rest.

  • I have a suggestion…unlock the gypsy camp communal shack and allow a way for people to rest in it. My cleric/fighter there rested in armor...got the curse and fatigue...I paid gold to lift the curse and still had the movement. So I thought I was bugged and logged out and back in, coming back with no spells and still moving slow.

    Basically it's a pain if you crash out in the camp and you have no way of resting without going to the next town which is not always IC. That and it's really confusing on why you can't go back into the place where you wake up :lol:

  • @2ab30f8a11:

    Suggestion: Animals in the forests around the camp. Badgers, Deer, Rats, Rabbits. This is suggested as for RPing to get food. They could be non-hostile until attacked then go hostile.
    Problem:The additional creatures that are non-aggressive could add unneeded lag for the already deadly spiders.

    Actually I had a thought on this. They could be added to a hostile faction, But make their scripts so they bolt from players, like most animals would.

  • This will be proposed, but til then… just a little fyi that you probably already know. The safety point is the river. One side is bad... other side is good. 🙂

  • Good idea. It's sometimes difficult to hit the transition right and you end up having to go back and retransition in the correct spot.

  • Parhaps the transition from the Camp to the Gnolls should be moved back…

    If you end up on the South side of the bridge after, say, running like hell from a gang of gnolls barking for you blood, its impossible to get to the bridge without transition back to the gnoll side (and hence into the paws of a suddenly very pleased looking ravening horde of bloodthirsty flea bags!).

    Could the bridge be the transiton point on both sides? The gate then presents a problem maybe...
    Or what about poles or some other marker showing where the bridge is?

  • WHAT!? No it can't be? She's dead… and mashed... nothing could get up and move again after that! 8O

    :? Could they?

    Develops an acute twitch, a nervous dispossition and an addiction to Dust Busters

  • Felch, all that burning and all is fine and dandy….

    Until the ashes of her body start to follow you.

  • poor dahlia…she just wants a freind to talk to.

  • shoots dahlia through the head from long range. Runs screaming through the forest, great big stomping boots leading the way as jumps high into the air and lands SMACK on her chest! Jumps off, finds some accellerant, a flint and LOTS of wood and builds a funeral pyre, burning everything she owns. Dances around the fire naked for days til there is nothing but a small pile of grey ashes left (occasionally adding more accelerant). Jumps up and down on the ashes, a look of avid, maniacal glee, til there is nothing but a slightly damp grey smudge in the ground. Wipes hands together, takes boots off and throws them in a nearby ravine, and skips away like a '60's hippy going to an all night love fest with the acid just coming on!

    Oh, but i will miss her SO!