Thoughts of a squishy scout - Thorns journal.
Long life.. or happiness. Can't she have both? Maybe its too much to ask.. I hope shes doing okay, she claims shes happy but shes always lost in thought. I'm not sure what I would do, were I in her boots. She'll always do what Lathander wants.. this I'm sure of.
Other than that..
The dance.. ugh.. I keep getting asked. My options are either, go willingly. Go against my will. Be kidnapped and taken. Portal sword to another plane. Or find Myrrha and hide in her tree. If.. thats even possible.
Dancing isn't that difficult. Dondiah taught me a few things way back when.. so did another Eliistraeen in front of the sisterhood one day. Am I good enough for a dance? No, probably not. Willing to try? Also no. The truth is, this is a dance to honor the seldarine. Theres going to be many elders there. Formalities should be known by heart, things I don't know. I'm not the most formal of elf, I hardly understand half the customs of our culture. And I've been living around norwick long enough to know I'll probably insult someone accidently.
I could always ask Aramuil … No, just no.
Every dawn. New chance, new day, new life. And we now have two new little ones. Jerrick, Lorie, and Tindra have their hands full. Its not going to be easy on them with the twins, but they'll make it. Jerrick for one is too stuborn to ever admit he's in over his head though.. best stay close just in case.
My responsabilities seem to have jumped up a little. With Jerrick out of the den and everyone off, busy or.. still missing. Its up to me to take care of our little dragon. He's not so little anymore, not big but.. he's getting fat. Maybe he'll grow into his stomach? Not the best of company, but better than a silent den.
Hopefully it won't stay silent for long. I've two I'm keeping my eyes on for our family. One, my own personal archer-girl, Alenah. Shes young, her skills need sharpening, but her wit is about as sharp as it can get, almost a match with mine? We'll see.
My other family? Rith is happier now, shes smiling more and everything seems to be going well. I can only hope Theraen comes back with news on the spell and what we'll need. She has high hopes for this.
Little Lune. Growing up strong. Shes been training hard and it shows. I just wish there was more I could help teach her, to help her along. But really, I'm no priestess.
Fadia seems to be doing alright. Though with her its hard to tell. Shes probably upset with me about the dance.. Also.. about some other trouble..
My elven family.
Eluriel and Meril have run into a spot of trouble. I was told about it by Fadia, but then had to convince Fadia not to -do- anything. Gods know she means well, but in cases like this … or any matter of sensitive feelings, she tends to make things worse. It sounds to me as if all Meril needs to do is talk to Eluriel, though shes not making that easy for him. I'd talk to Eluriel myself.. but its odd around her. Her mood can change in a heartbeat and her whims are somewhat random. I sometimes feel as if I'm around two women at once when around her.
Ael'Que! He's brought a bit of good news into my life. He's doing well, him and Uniel. Have to admit I saw it coming. He was talking about bonding with me while we were out on a hunt.. I wish I could have been happier for him, I really do.
Squeaks and Delfie. Squeaks I thought I had all figured out, but she suprised me one day. Sitting down, talking to me one on one. Serious conversation, with no jokes, no pranks. Then we got bored of that and started goofing off as normal. Learned she doesn't like to be hugged. I think its because she feels trapped in hugs, at the mercy of the other person. So she replaces hugs with kisses.
Delfie on the other hand. I've not seen the side of her she hides from people. Not physical mind you, shes deffinately -not- shy. But shes always been the playfull energetic girl I first met. Though, her current antics have leaned towards the cute side.
Right, time to feed the dragon breakfast, then grab a bite for myself.
Another day in norwick, another day something odd happens. Started nice, everyone gathered about the fire in a circle, talking. They were discussing Frost, the ghost girl thats been visiting people lately. In her wake, undead attack. Something isn't quite right about this whole situation..
Frost nearly killed me once, but it was while she showed me a vision of herself on an altar in what I'm sure is a small cavern in the cold caves. I'm trying to gather equipment to help me survive another of her visions. So far I have a cloak. I'm hoping Squeaks can make me other things.
Everyone at the fire seemed shocked by how much I knew … is it such a suprise I actually know stuff?
Despite what we were talking on. Eluriel seemed to -hint- at the dance thats coming up. I know she can be subtle.. she did not try.
There was also some odd undead attack at the gates. It didn't seem like much, so I kept back, letting Delfie handle it. Shes come a long way, and handled herself well. Only, the attack started to become dangerous, and I had to step in.
To end the strange attack, a floating, burning greatsword started to fly towards us, taking as many swipes as it could. My ice-blade made short work of it..
Uniel said she could use the greatsword, so we let her. Only it took controll of her body, making her powerfull, and invincable. She could have hurt the others, but I held her off.. have to admit, haven't had a swordfight like that in a while. It was fun.
Uniel is fine, the sword is gone. Everyone is safe for now and Delfie is bandeged up, resting in her stump. Not a bad day.
Many years ago, Lorie invited me to her den to enjoy the hot-springs with her. But I never took her up on the offer.
Now here I am, brought by Fadia for the same thing. Only.. Fadia seems to have fallen asleep on me. She must have been exausted from the cold cave trip. I'll leave her be for now.
Found a lion. Friendly enough, keeping me company. Loves attention thats for sure.. sometimes I wish I were a druid so I could talk to animals.
The gates locked, so I'll either have to search through Fadias things for a key.. or wait for Rith or Lorie to come home and let me out.
Could not find it in Fadias bag. The whole thing is a jumbled mess, she really needs to organize it better.
Rith will save me.. I hope.
Helpless.. helpless and stupid. I took Delfie and Albry to collect skins for Squeaks.. first the cat-cave in the pass, and after that to try our hands at manticores..
Such a stupid mistake..
We were surrounded.. giants and manticores all around us. I heard Delfie scream, then Albry… spikes stabbed into my back, my vision was blurring...
I barely managed to get them out of there. Carrying those two.. wasn't easy. Peltarch seemed so far away, the temple even further. And every step was just a small reminder.. that I couldn't do a thing to protect them.
Albry seems okay now, shes resting.
Delfie was a bit shook up, probably still is.. but she won't let it show. She won't let me feel bad about it either, or else she'll get upset. She told me I could make it up to her by buying her things. The gnome trapper helmet is what she wanted, so its what she got.
She also talked me into buying matching strapy outfits for both her and her sister. One green, one red. They were in the same shop.. the girl really is impulsive.
Squeaks enjoyed her gift. She also loved all the skins we brought her. But she wasn't happy about what happened. Her mood was still good though, I think. She keeping speaking to Delfie in a form of sign language I've not seen before ... They pinned me, and then stabbed my ear.
It was a very painfull experience.. but, now I have an ear-ring on my left ear. My worry now is they may want one on the right to match.
A few others things have happened that should probably be wrote down.. if anything just so I can look back on them as … fond? Memories.
The Erevan sisters. Delfie and Squeaks.
I really should be more carefull around them. They are fun, I'll give them that. Their pranks and happy nature make them a joy to be around, specially to watch them prank others. But when they set their sights on you ... they don't hold back. I can't believe I was forced to the ground by them. I know my ears are sensitive.. but damn. Did they have to lick? I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy it.. but damn.
A day later I was tackled by a wild Squeaks and slammed back into a tree. She sprawled across my lap like she always does and just wanted to talk with me. Rith and the others were having a private conversation. Squeaks needed company, and I didn't mind. Shes cute, and her company is nice. I gave her the jack-knife leathers as a gift. They'll do her good.. well, more good than just sitting in the den going un-used.
The day after that, I talked with Delfie in her stump, she tried talking to me about Erevan, but I seem a stick in the mud compaired to her and squeaks. After our talk we went for a patroll. We played it sloppy, charging in with my new ice-blade. And her with the axe. By time we made it to the cliffs in the west, we were already pretty banged up. We made camp, and treated our wounds.. its peacefull up there. Probably one of my favorite spots now.
Despite how playfull she is, how child-like she acts at times. Delfie is a woman, and she reminded me of that fact in a very odd way. I think she was trying to teach me a lesson or.. something. Of course then she did something child-like after.. but, thats just Delfie.
I've decided to keep both the Erevan sisters.
I'll probably be taking more trips up to those cliffs. I like being that high up, away from all the troubles back home, if only for a few hours in the day.
Its getting easier. Some days its fine, other days its worse, but all in all its not so bad. I've more friends than I could ever ask for. I'd be a mess without them.
Forced into a room in the bardic college. Fadia and I sat down and had a talk. We needed it, we were hurting our friends with this, specially poor Rith… Decisions were made, choices I"ll stand by. I only hope Fadia does the same.
But even so more troubles seem to show up out of nowhere.
Rith is having nightmares, so bad that if shes not sleeping in a temple she wakes up in fright and attacks those near her, or runs away in fear. She nearly killed Fadia.
I took a chance, keeping her outside, under the tree. It was stupid I know, she could have ended my life with one muttering of a spell. But she never did. All through-out the night she slept, peacefully, she seemed happy and never stired. Its strange how you never notice some things. Rith has always been beautifull. A symbal of the sun, bright and shining with golden hair. But under the calm moonlight.. shes truly a sight.
She awoke the next morning happier than I'd seen her in a long time, then drug me to the hillside to join in her morning prayers. She even confessed to me one of the secret fantasies she has. Such high spirits.. but it was short-lived. Something is wrong now, bothering her. I need to find out what.
Meril pulled through for me, and got me the information I need. I still need a little more, but at least I'm making some ground on this. The price I pay for Merils help? He has everyone believeing I'm to be a father soon.
Jerrick and Lorie are having twins. It should be known that I called that before anyone ever knew. They need their alone-time. Just them, no interuptions from anyone else. I can at least give them that.
Dash, shes been kidnapped, by who I've no idea but its obviously a trap to bait Rasuil out.. for whatever reason I'm not sure. He's almost feral.. I can only hope Riths scrying turns up some good news. I want my blue hair, trouble-making sister back in the den, and soon.
Page ... full. Huh..
I feel horrible.. everything about me feels horrible.. and it hurts..
I can't worry about me.. that bastard fae showed Rith her worst nightmare.. I've never been so angry.. I promised Jerrick I wouldn't go after him.. but if he shows his face again, he's dead.
She was scared.. terror in her eyes.. hopeless, I did what I could to calm her, to let her know everything was alright. I think I helped.. I hope I did. It took all of us holding her to get her to rest.. Jerrick, Lorie.. Lune.. and..
While everyone was resting.. Fadia took it as a -perfect- chance to confess.. she loves me. Despite it all.. all of it, everything I've been going through, the worry.. the doubt.. the fear.. Adriell
Deep down.. I know Fadia is hurting.
Deep down.. I feel like screaming.. screaming untill I can't scream anymore.
I can't worry about myself.. but I still feel horrible.. it still hurts.
I'm alive.. and its over, I hope. I still don't understand most of what went on. I only know the calculabe was the prize, we won it, and now its in safe hands. Safe hands that can destroy it.. soon.
Safe to assume I'm no match for a large earth elemental. That hurt.. Now I know how Telli felt.
Everyone split ways after coming back through that portal. I walked Just'ene to the temple.. then put Val to bed. Theres no telling where everyone else went. I just wanted out of peltarch. Been there far too much in both planes.
So here I sit, in an empty den. Everyone is probably off getting some rest, and they should, they've more than earned it.
I'll probably stay here for tonight. Want to go south.. but, I'm sure Troff will be there. I'm a horrible person.. we've been friends a long time, but now.. every time I see him, I'm reminded of her, reminded of what I'd rather not think about.. my doubts, my worries, my fears.. everything I..
I've a new blade. Two magical shortswords.. that when brought together create a double-sword, its cold to the touch, well balanced and very sharp. I can't help but think how Yngdir would have loved to use this blade.. it can even be taken apart back to the two shortswords. Very easy to carry around.
Val let me use her bow for the final battle. It really was amazing, darkwood.. beautifully crafted. I needed a strength spell just to draw it back all the way. She spoils me sometimes... and I don't mind one little bit.
Shannon smiled. No one else saw it but I did.
There may be a small rift forming between Fadia and Rith. I know the calculabe was a powerfull thing that corrupted anyone. But still, everyone did not need to gang up on Fadia. Rith meant the best.. its a mess, maybe. Lets hope not.
Oh, after this 'adventure' Lune is no longer a green-blood. She did good.
Time is running out.. this alternate plane, shifting.. thing. The complex mess we've been trying to figure out for a while. Its almost over. Odd how fire surpassed all the others. Have to admit.. kind of saw that coming. We'll be taking a trip into the sewers soon.. will not end well.
Val, my bard-girl. Shes being haunted by this shadow-man. After reading the report on all thats happened… I think its time to kill him. Shes scared, she needs as many of us close as possible. He's probably pretty powerfull, but we've faced worse.
Lune, she did good on a trip to the cold caves. Scared me a few times there, but that ogre picked the wrong one to go after. You don't just club our little healer. Shes growing up nicely, and shes getting stronger.. won't be long untill shes the one everyone is turning to for healing.
Rith is staying as cheerfull as she can be, trying to keep everyone smiling. Even keeping me cheerfull. Shes happy on the outside.. but deep down its just cover. Haven't had any luck with those temples. But I'm not giving up! There has to be some way to reverse whats been done. I'd like to see her smile, and smile as if her soul itself was giggling
I can't believe I did that.. I would never have done it. It doesn't make sense for my sword to have done it.. its never lashed out at someone.. why Fadia? Why was I glowing purple around the menhir? Those slaadi.. so many of them. They came from the menhir, not my blade.
My eyes glowed purple for days after.. No idea whats going on.
That wizard needs to get here soon.
Some good news though. Ronan gave me some elven chain. Brought it home to the den.. small reminders hurt the worst.. I should try and avoid putting things in that chest from now on.
Need to focus..
Family, alternate plane things, sword.. one at a time.
I've been givin a list of gods and godesses by Shannon. I need to research them, see if I can find a temple of theirs close by, or a high priest, or priestess.. something. I think I'm just winging it at this point.
Day two.. started out with me meeting a new friend. A rat.. haven't named him yet. He was hungry so I fed him a fenberry. But he really liked the garlic I had. Little guy must have been starving.
One of the guardswomen visited.. she went on and on about how guilty I was.. or something. I think she was trying to seduce me and play the.. bad criminal, stern guard thing.. she did add a bit of a sway when she walked away. She was nice.
Delfie found me.. ugh.. she better not be breaking into house-..
Fadia is awake.
It seems I've gotten myself locked up in a cell. This is a first. Have to admit, its kind of boring. No sunlight, no wind.. just stone walls and cold iron bars. Oh, and this really big, rusty axe hanging from a chain deeper in our cell.
My company? Fadia and Jerrick. Its not so bad. Fadia keeps me company, and warm. While Jerrick just seems to mope about in the corner as a tiger. Odd that magic works in this cell, also odd they let us keep our stuff. But I'm not complaining. Considering I still have my helmet, I've a third person to keep me company. I haven't spoken with Emma in a long time.. might let Fadia talk with her. If of course she doesn't assume I've done something horribly horribly wrong and panic.
Our trial is coming up soon.. should be interesting. Never been to one before so we'll see how that goes. I'm not sure that attempting to stop a demon impersonating a magistrate is considered 'attempted murder'. But Shannon will figure that out.. hopefully.
Fadia shouldn't even be -in- here. She did nothing but run and bring the guards. Now I faught back.. but only after getting stabbed four times in my bathing suit…
Plenty of time to think.. great.
I'll try and cheer Jerrick up.
The days are passing by slowly. I found a new cave to explore, the lizard cave deep within the swamps along the cliffs edge. Odd how some mucky swamp leads to something as beautifull as that cliffside. The lizards sometimes have these dragons eye gems. Oh, and the kobolds in the swamps have plenty fire-agates, among various other gems. One box of mine is actually full.. so now I'm working on another.
Jerrick and Rith don't seem to age at all. Fadia will hopefully be around for as long as I am. Tindra and Lorie will also have a good long life so long as I can help it. Lune? She has a long life ahead of her.
Anyway I'm happily stuck with all of them so I might as well make them rich with a dragons horde of.. stuff.
Oh, I also may be starting a new hobby all-together.. we'll see.
Something else I'm looking forward to seeing. Sometime soon there may be a powerfull wizard come to Narfell. With any luck, he or she may be able to give me answers about my sword. I sometimes worry.. if I do learn to controll this blade, what troubles that could bring to my family and friends.
As it is now its unreliable.. so I'd probably be better off knowing. Maybe then my other me won't consider me a dissapointment?
Lastly.. a few nights ago I was able to talk to Rith. Not the shiney armor symbal of hope and lathanders light. But Rith.. the person. I feel so horrible for having brought those memories back to surface.. but now I know.
I'm going to fix this. Somehow..
Things have taken quite a turn. Become more complex, more interesting, though I fear overcomplcation. The good thing about getting multiple people involved is that eventually someone elses perspective is bound to be right. The bad thing? Well trying to figure out which one is right and which ones are wild theories. I'm trusting my gut on this one.
Distractions aside.. I apologized to Rith. I've been acting so strange.. its not her fault and I can't take out my frusterations on my friends … all but Ras but thats different. Rith is a good friend, possibly one of the best I'll find.. and if she doesn't want to talk to me about her problems thats fine, but I'll be here for her when she does.
My problems though...
My mind is currently a jumbled mess of , fear, worries, doubts.. if I don't stop myself from thinking back on the 'what ifs' well.. I do nothing but sit around and pity myself all day.. and that doesn't do a damn bit of good. Not for me.. not for anyone. I'll focus on the task at hand, and I'll figure something out. Even if it is just connecting the dots others have overlooked.
I'm greatfull for my odd little family. Lorie and Jerrick, I'd be a huge mess without them. Some things I can talk to Lorie about that Jerricks better off not knowing.. yet. Other times I just feel like dragging Jerrick off on a hunt, and tossing smart ass'd comments back and forth all day, just for fun.
Fadia is helping in more ways than she knows. When its time to relax, to stop thinking of all thats going on. I can't even bring myself to feel bad when around her. She makes things better, easier.. though she asked if it was making things worse.
I'd much rather have a purple druid cheer me up than having to resort to drinking just so I -can- stop thinking.
I was able to talk with Tindra about a few things. Her and Lorie have givin splitting alot of thought. I'm glad its going to be done.. the sooner the better. Jerricks time spent with Lorie.. cut in half. Which is fair.. Andu deserves to spend as much time with Tindra as Jerrick does with Lorie.
It sucks, for all involved, but its fair. But when cut again, it just sucks.
Tindra understood what I was talking about, I think.. only, then Rith walked up. I need a pocket plane for conversations.
The mess with the plane-past-war thing.. only gets more complicated. Elemental princes involved or something. I don't know the details.. I wasn't invited along to the meeting. Being told the path is free for anyone to walk, isn't the same as hey.. come on we'd like you to come with us.
That frusterated me.. alot, no.. maybe thats not just it. Sol did too.. Sure Sol.. I'll tell Adriell you need to talk with her next I see her.. no problem.. just walk on up..
and tell her..
I need a drink..
Had to miss fight night.. but it was for something important. After reading over the letter of notes Val sent me, I realize now just how complicated things really are.. and just how dangerous a situation this really is. Even with all the things that are known.. we're leaving alot of it to theories and speculation. What scares me the most is, the only way I'll prove usefull in all this.. is to somehow learn to use this sword … fun.
To make matters worse, not only as a whole do we have problems, but the smaller problems are piling up with those around me. Jerricks fears about being a father.. I can help there, somewhat.. he lets me help him when he's got problems. Even if I can't really -do- anything to help he talks to me about them. The situation he's in now.. not a good one... His time with Lorie is split as is.. but to cut it again for someone else. Eh.. iffy.. very iffy situation.
Another trail of odd thinking keeps crossing my mind. My friendship with Rith.. its not so much a friendship. Or it doesn't feel like one, not anymore.. she closes me off when shes got a problem. Not just me but Fadia as well. Its as if, the only one she truly trusts, is Lorie, and no one else is allowed to get close.
Its sad.. a little over a year ago when she thought she had to leave these lands for good.. she was in tears on the cliffside, saying I was going to be one of the ones she'll miss most.
Theres a distance now.. I feel like nothing more than a tag-along of Fadia or Lorie.. maybe I'm overthinking this.
In a bit of good news, I was able to make Shannon be social for a little while? He talked, which is rare. He might have had fun, but for him you can never tell.
I also have a new cloak, one from a fey. Strange, but incredibly usefull. Invisablity.. darkness, I'm still learning what it can do. Annoyingly though, I can pull a shadow from it. A really creepy shadow. I went to show Jerrick what it did.. but then Rith ordered me not to.. in a very-.. no best not. I'll keep poking it untill I figure out what else it can do. Belma'r says the cloak is connected to the shadow plane.
So much to think about..
One of the most annoying things though is Fadia is thinking so much she can hardly relax.
Think I'll just stop thinking for a bit, see where that gets me.
I really should top spending so much time in the city. Seems everytime I do I get thrown back into the past to fight a war I never faught… only, its not the past, its a plane? I really wish I knew that.. I could have gotten everyone out before F- anyone was hurt. Or at least tried.
I can't fight a war like that every other day.. I do good.. waves of soldiers, those armatures.. I'm much more dangerous than I give myself credit.. but still. I'm exausted..
After we were brought back to our time.. or plane, whatever. Rith, Lorie, Lune, Fadia and myself spent a little time in the temple, to talk on what happened.. what they learned. Even filling Val in on everything when she entered the room.
I'll admit, I'm lost in this.. I can only grasp bits and peices of whats going on, and connect the dots. I know I should have relied on my gut insticnt.. and just shot Lady Daisy.. thoughts for another time.. heh, time travelling pun..
Leaving the temple, for some well deserved rest. Rith paid for us two rooms. One for Lorie, Lune, Val and herself. The other she said was mine and Fadias. One step into the room and it was obvious it wasn't a room for sleeping.. She was pretty miffed about it too..
We didn't sleep much anyway.. stayed up all night talking.. about, well alot. She was exausted too.. despite the small nap she got at the temple. We got a few hours of rest at least.. though I'll probably spend all day today trying to relax.. she'll probably join me. I have to admit. I'm curious as to what mess I'm getting thrown into with the war and demons.. but I'm not going to bug her with those questions while shes trying to relax.
Good news is.. fight night is coming up soon. I think I'll show up for this one.. its been a while.
These days have been an odd mixture.. started fun, then became frusterating and ended.. on a somewhat good side?
Was able to spend some time with Jerrick away from all of the girls that surround him. Its not that I mind the girls.. they're all kind, sweet.. and very flirty friends of mine. They're fun.. however, I know Jerricks time will be cut even shorter when the child comes. Need to spend some time with him before then.. Even though he doesn't think it.. he's ready to be a father. Interesting thing is.. I think I'll be putting up with Jerrick for a long long time. He hasn't aged at all.. in fact, I think he's gotten younger.
Bumped into Clayton.. he gave me five minutes to explain before he was going to kill me.. I explained everything as best I could.. and oddly, he understood. He seems different now.. the drow having givin up chase on him. And the fact that he's marrying Dondiah. Does this mean he's growing up? Damn, it might actually start snowing in norwick soon. Things are changing for the better.
Spent some time with Rasuil as well. He took me hunting to be his fish-bait while he collected copper. He paid me in gems. His company is nice.. I always have urges to cause him pain but he shrugs it all off, never taking it seriously. He's a good friend, even if he smells.
On the way to the hunt we bumped into Shannon. Its strange but for as long as I've known Shannon I've never seen him laugh, smile.. show sadness or any other form of emotion. I talked with Ras of it.. we're going to see about including him in future plans. I tried a day after.. inviting him along to fish.. you know, actually fish the little swimming things out of the water. He declined though. He shouldn't have.. I think he would have had fun.
The fishing was fun. I caught two fish! One I gave to Rith, the other I slapped Ras with. Jerrick could hardly catch the little fish he reeled in … and I thought I was bad at fishing. I was out of my armor.. to relax and enjoy the fishing, figuring.. I was going to be thrown in at some point. Fadia took the opportunity to pinch.. shes pinches too hard.
Fadia.. now that could probably take up multiple pages. Its odd though.. I feel very protective of her since bonding with Adriell.. I mean, I protected her before.. she was one of my favorite elders back then. But now its different somehow. I'll figure it out.
Back at norwick.. My good mood turned around.. odd how that happens so quickly.. All I wanted to do was stay hidden the rest of the day. Not have to deal with the whole problem. Fadia and Lune took me the the temple.. there Rith brought us out tea and biscuits.. and we talked.. but something was bothering Rith. Fadia spent the entire time talking with her, while I got to know Lune a little better.
We had a nice talk, and got a little closer than we probably should have. But.. I was trying to hide. It worked for the most part.. though I didn't want to hurt Delfie.
She isn't as strange as I thought, shes just lonely. And though she'll spend time with the others.. she mostly just wants to stay around other elves. Being the only one shes really made a friend with.. my stupid actions hurt her.
I apologized.. and we talked. Shes not as simple as she lets on.. shes actually pretty smart. She always wants to patrol.. simply because she doesn't much like the town. Shes strong, has a level head on her shoulders and wants to do nothing but protect the forest.. I can see her possibly becoming a pack-friend. I gave her the Thunderwrath.. a powerfull double-axe givin to me by Noah Wildthorne. He told me to find capable hands for it.. and I see potential in Delfie.
She then proved just how much energy she had by running around, alot.. high pitch squeeling so bad my ears almost hurt ... she was very happy. She forgave me.. but told me to just talk to her straight from now on. I promised.
That helped blow off a little anger.. Squeaks was carrying Danikas corpse inside.. some kind of dog.. or wolf got her. I'm not sure.. I told Albryanna about it.. she smirked. A former scout.. a friend, my pack sister died.. and she smirked? It pissed me off.. I'm not used to being angry.. I just vanished. Was planning on spending some quality time with the hobgoblins untill I calmed down.
Odd how fate twists things.
An elven girl named Delfie. She was out in the hobgoblin lands and in pretty bad shape. So instead of taking my anger out on the hobgoblins.. I just gave her some potions.. letting her train while I kept an eye on her.
She shows promise.. practices with a staff.. dire mace.. double sword.. and a longbow. Working on double-axe. Shes also a great flanker.. just needs her skills sharpened.
By the end of the night, she decided to be a scout recruit instead of a guard.. Locrian will get over it.