Random note, the "year" of narfell...

  • DM

    Next Year - 2006

    1476 - The Year of the Fifth Circle - Jan
    1477 - The Year of the Purloined Statue - Feb
    1478 - The Year of the Dark Circle - Mar
    1479 - The Year of the Ageless One - Apr
    1480 - The Year of Deep Water Drifting - May
    1481 - The Year of the Grinning Halfling - Jun
    1482 - The Year of the Narthex Murders - Jul
    1483 - The Year of the Tasked Weasel - Aug
    1484 - The Year of the Awakened Sleepers - Sep (Sounds Good!)
    1485 - The Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance - Oct
    1486 - The Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls - Nov
    1487 - The Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant - Dec

  • @8a095e8398:

    1475 - Year of the Final Stand - December

    I have a bad feeling about this

  • Found a tool on wizards.com that can display the names of years up to 1600.

    Just some interesting names for 2006

    1464 - Year of the Six-Armed Elf - January
    1465 - Year of the Elven Swords Returned - February
    1466 - Year of the Mages in Amber - March
    1467 - Year of the Three Heroes United - April
    1468 - Year of the First Circle - May
    1469 - Year of Splendors Burning - June
    1470 - Year of the Second Circle - July
    1471 - Year of the Plagued Lords - August
    1472 - Year of the Third Circle - September
    1473 - Year of the Heretic's Rampage - October
    1474 - Year of the Fourth Circle - November
    1475 - Year of the Final Stand - December

    I read the forum and remembered reading this on the wizards site in May.

  • @411ced101a:

    1460 - A few miner's discover within a cave a rich vein of Malachite ore . . . and a Shadow Dragon.



  • Since i keep getting asked about it like once every two weeks or so and since its the closest thing to an "unofficial" timeline we have…can we possibly get this stickied somewhere?

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Thought this might be relevant. Forgot about this post before I posted the other, so I'm linking it.

  • Pleaaaase. Norwick is smack dab in drunken brawling barbarian land. The youngbloods'll make the dwarves feel right at home. 😄

  • WOOO made it past the year of the strangled jester.

    And it looks like we're in the year of the Mithral Hammer. Get out there Dwarves, there's mithril to be had! 😉

  • ::looks at the date::


    Hey mirkali...want to be headmaster 😉

  • Council of Moradin


    1453 - Year of The Strangled Jester - February

    ::starts eyeing Zyphlin expectantly::


    1461 - Three evil deities "bless" Faerun. Everyone dies. 😉

    Damn… now it won't be a surprise!

  • @931d4914b8=y_frick:

    I vote 1453 becomes year of the Strangled Bards.

    Now theres a nice thought for a DM plot if ever there was one.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • :omfg:

  • I vote 1453 becomes year of the Strangled Bards.

    Now theres a nice thought for a DM plot if ever there was one.


  • The Halfling Defence League


    1457 - Year of The Lightning Strikes - June
    <– druids will be trigger happy and call lightning at every miner and wood cutter

    Can't wait.


    1462 - Year of The Elves' Weeping - November
    <– elves will be wiped out for being lesbians

    So glad Fad's slowly drifting towards antisexuality.

  • @dcc878e49b=Starfall:

    Bringing forth more big breasted lesbian elves? God I hope so.

    Hope for that? Yep, you and…well...wait...actually i think its just you 😉

  • 1459 - Year of the forged Sigil - Elminsters Sigil will be forged by an evil wizard invoking mystra's curse on himself and his guild

    1461- Year of the Three Goddesses Blessings -
    following the year of the elven weeping the Three Goddesses made one in Angarrah, Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, will bless the rather unfertile elven population allowing for a blessing of new births unprecedented in all the realms

  • @3ee4f7d190=Majere:

    . . .
    1459 - Year of The Forged Sigil - August
    <– no idea

    1460 - Year of The Malachite Shadows - September
    <-- no idea

    1461 - Year of Three Goddesses Blessing - October
    <-- no idea

    Oo, let me try! 1459 - a wizard will pose as an extraplanar traveler from the city of Sigil – the Slaadi population will be on the rise!

    1460 - A few miner's discover within a cave a rich vein of Malachite ore . . . and a Shadow Dragon.

    1461 - Three evil deities "bless" Faerun. Everyone dies. 😉

  • 1452 - Year of The Impatient Son - Janurary
    <– someone will kill his father to get his inheritance

    1453 - Year of The Strangled Jester - February
    <-- bards will be hanged

    1454 - Year of The Emerald Sun - March
    <--the Emerald Circle will flourish

    1455 - Year of The King's Repentance - April
    <-- Jandor or is it Jore will repent for killing his father

    1456 - Year of The Mithral Hammer - May
    <-- happy days for dwarves

    1457 - Year of The Lightning Strikes - June
    <-- druids will be trigger happy and call lightning at every miner and wood cutter

    1458 - Year of The Plotting Priests - July
    <-- priests will be elected to political positions and rule

    1459 - Year of The Forged Sigil - August
    <-- no idea

    1460 - Year of The Malachite Shadows - September
    <-- no idea

    1461 - Year of Three Goddesses Blessing - October
    <-- no idea

    1462 - Year of The Elves' Weeping - November
    <-- elves will be wiped out for being lesbians

    1463 - Year of The Reborn Hero - December
    <-- a permakilled hero will be rezzed

  • Just as a side note, it was the "Lost Sage Augathra the Mad" who wrote the years down many centuries ago in Candlekeep, according to p. 78 of the 3e FRCS.

  • Shameless bump because i've had a lot of people asking "approximate" dates of narfell lately