How bonuses stack?
I was under the impression that same kind of bonuses would not stack but is this so?
For example it seems that ability bonuses stack? Like if you have two items that both give +1 str you get +2? Then you can cast bulls strenght and get more?
What about items that give armor? Does an amulet of natural armor stack with Mage armor spell that also gives +1 natural armor?
Can someone explain how bonuses stack and how they dont?
I searched google images for a sick fish and this was three or four pages in
Sickfish! Where did you get that profile pic?
The trout?
// Gah! I work! Maybe I'll catch the tail end of it.
My +5 vorpal rainbow trout can!
Or a trout…..
No trout cant get past GV
Or a trout…..
or a MW weapon…..
Or with a simple +1bow +1 dagger
Physical damage resistances stack with physical damage -reduction- though. It's neat to know for a mage
What this means is that the reduction you get from ghostly visage (5/+1 damage reduction) stacks with 5/- pierce resist for a total of 10 points of piercing damage taken off… assuming the enemy isn't shooting at you with a +2 bow or stabbing with a +2 dagger.
Physical damage resistances stack with physical damage -reduction- though. It's neat to know for a mage
Also, the various damage reductions don't stack - for example a pair of boots with 5/- cold plus a cloak with the same properties still amounts to a total of 5/- cold.
Skillpoints: Stack
Ability points: Stack
Armor bonus: Doesn't Stack. Only the highest bonus applies. EXCEPT with Dodge AC. This one stacks up to +20.