How bonuses stack?
Sickfish! Where did you get that profile pic?
The trout?
// Gah! I work! Maybe I'll catch the tail end of it.
My +5 vorpal rainbow trout can!
Or a trout…..
No trout cant get past GV
Or a trout…..
or a MW weapon…..
Or with a simple +1bow +1 dagger
Physical damage resistances stack with physical damage -reduction- though. It's neat to know for a mage
What this means is that the reduction you get from ghostly visage (5/+1 damage reduction) stacks with 5/- pierce resist for a total of 10 points of piercing damage taken off… assuming the enemy isn't shooting at you with a +2 bow or stabbing with a +2 dagger.
Physical damage resistances stack with physical damage -reduction- though. It's neat to know for a mage
Also, the various damage reductions don't stack - for example a pair of boots with 5/- cold plus a cloak with the same properties still amounts to a total of 5/- cold.
Skillpoints: Stack
Ability points: Stack
Armor bonus: Doesn't Stack. Only the highest bonus applies. EXCEPT with Dodge AC. This one stacks up to +20.