Whispers at the Fire

  • Caelian can be seen gathering strong wood and heavy cloth cloaks before heading into the Rawlinswood. Whatever he has planned, he seems to be very happy with himself, as he is smiling the entire time.

  • An elf stayed in the inn some days ago,asking information about a human wearing an amulet with the crescent moon carved on it.He seemed to be very serious about that and even came to fight in dirty words with a local human citizen who ironically made fun of the symbol

  • In stranger news, the smelly old dwarf known as Stubs can be seen hauling several large stone contraptions with him as he heads out the southern gates of Norwick. What these things are for, or what craziness Stubs is up to is anybodies guess, but most steer themselves clear, whether for sanity or sense of smell's sake!

  • Rumours circulate around the week that Telli's been on edge ever since getting her ill-omen from Caelian. This weeks however is a different story, Telli can be seen waddling around town with a bunch of Forget-me-nots in her hands uttering the following to anyone willing to listen.

    "Was ridings ta Peltarchs and dis shaft a lights came screamings downs ta da groundededs…and and and... dens dese forget-me-nots juss startedededs ta grow froms da ground in a matta a seconds... Tink... Chauntea try tell Telli sometings... mebbe everyting be alright..."

  • The druid Adriell is seen making rounds from the north of town to the far south, a few reports placing her in bugbear territory. She speaks of little to the people of Norwick, but offers a hand if there is need.

    Commonly she is seen with the elf, Aranwe, her moods ranging from happy to all too serious.

  • Anyone near the fire when more than one of the druids of Quercatha Terr are around can hear them speaking of "Little feet in the Glen." A particular redhaired druid will just smile.

  • "Rats! RATS!"

    _For a while it seems as if the warning of a rat becomes a new, really threatening tone. A few people claim they were attacked by undead rats at the southern gate, rats that blew up after they were slain.

    Some even suggest that they had seen such creatures before, inside the crypt. But whether that's a tale not shared, or simply a tall tale like so many other impossible things hidden away in the crypts, seems unclear._

  • A large group descended into the Warrens including Aramuil, General Grag and many others; they came back a long time later, apparently successful…whatever they did. Rumor has it the group actually came back with only a single casualty...astounding!

  • _The Chancellor, his dark cousin Foilir, and the default Militia Leader Albryanna are seen walking the walls and gates with some blueprint plans that Albryana holds and makes some notes on as they speak.

    The trio spends most of their time on the southern walls, but also travels to the northern wall and makes similar notations to the plans.

    Afterwards, the trio is seen heading off towards the Dwarven Hold._

  • Caelian has been seen around the fire, smiling more that his usual self. He seems to be a bit less edgy than before. When asked what caused this change, he simply says that he doesn't feel like talking about it.

  • A pair of hunters, accompanied by a dwarven cleric were seen entering the Rawlinswood shortly after the break of dawn. The trio did not return until late evening of the following day. They returned with a various assortment of equipment found commonly on hobgoblins.

  • Caelian stumbles back into Norwick, sporting two brand new scars, one across his eye, and another across his throat. The once easy-going druid now looks to be in his early thirties, and is far more on edge and hardened than he once was. Upon hearing of his mentor's return, he lets anyone by the fire know that he is back, and is looking for Jerrick. If asked what is wrong, he growls in a slightly raspier voice, "No worries."

  • When not patrolling the lands south of Norwick, Rasuil stands ever vigilant and watchful at its southern tower, growing noticeably more restless with each passing day.

  • Legion

    Benji shuffles in to town vowing to out-shoot all the [Gnomish expletives] that managed to cheat him out of the [Gnomish expletive] archery trophy last month.

  • Two elven males (Faelar and Marel) leave Norwick heading southward. Sometime later, they return one (Marel) badly wounded and the other barely so. Despite their wounds they both appear to be happy with the adventure. One may assume they travelled into hobgoblin territorty, as they both bring back a few scythes for the merchants.
    Later, they both head to the apothecary for some, well deserved, pampering in the infirmary.

  • ICC

    A rather large group was seen heading towards the graveyard near Norwick…Much later they all returned with several having bad wounds on them. One in particular had very serious wounds and was pale white. He was helped to the apothecary to get some healing...

  • Another familiar face was seen at the Norwick fire lately.

    The elder Druid Jerrick, somehow an elder when he still looks only in his twenties, is apparently recently returned. He stayed at the fire for a while, and was apparently convinced to answer some questions about the war with the Hungry One for a chatty Temposan, Hammerhand.

    The Druid clearly had very little patience after the first couple of questions, most of which were clearly thought inane, earning no small amount of mockery towards Hammerhand.

    Anyone asking about it will likely be informed to go "Ask Hammer-Head."

  • ICC

    _Recently, Brendel the Ex-Redcloak was seen wandering into Norwick from the north. On his way through town he stopped to talk to familiar faces, and chatting with various Redcloak's.

    Even as he took in his surroundings, a weight seemed to lift from his shoulders, and a slight smile softened his face. Assuring past friends that he would be on the lines when he was needed; he slipped out of the South gate, almost but not quite, walking with his old familiar carefree gait._

  • Z is spotted leaving town and riding, at a full gallop, to the north. At the crossroads, he turns east and heads towards the Jiyyd ruins.

  • For an unknown reason, at the start of this months Fight Night, Rasuil - who has been a common sight at the southern tower in the absence of Yngdir - was seen making a hasty retreat through the gates headed south, muttering curses and slamming the gates behind him. He has not returned to his post, and no sign of him has been seen since.