Whispers at the Fire

  • @003f95c158=Shadow_Dragon:

    Apparently Norwick's Senior Advisor Arcane is tutoring little Yana in all things elven; the first day of every week he goes to the Grapevine Inn and tutors Yana in the elven language, elven history and even entering the meditative state called Reverie.

    Maya catches wind of this "Reverie" thing, a state where elves "meditate" for a few minutes each day in lieu of sleep, and gives Arumuil a stern look.

    Maybe you want come raise child who only sleep little bit each day. I need sleep, and need child who sleep too. Otherwise you end up with cranky mother who also very good with axe. Is not good combination.

  • Apparently Norwick's Senior Advisor Arcane is tutoring little Yana in all things elven; the first day of every week he goes to the Grapevine Inn and tutors Yana in the elven language, elven history and even entering the meditative state called Reverie.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumours goes about of a casual fight tournament that took place in Norwick recently whereby a hin warrior by the name of Dietrick, emerged champion out of, winning the title of "champion of norwick." He is then seen after drinking alot with a tribe bladesinger Caric and falling into drunken slumber at the town fires.

  • Andrew is seen going into the apothecary with a hot plate of food from the Grapevine. The aroma wafting up from the plate makes those who smell it consider highly about going to the Grapevine for dinner that day. He spends quite some time at the apothecary before he leaves and is then seen standing in the rows of books available in Norwick. He stands in each row reading book titles, seemingly searching for something. After several hours, he then leaves and leaves town to the north.

  • When Andrew is seen around Norwick this week, he looks exhausted. He is seen only while on Militia duty, and coming and going from the apothecary. If asked where he has been or what he is doing, his response is “I am searching for an alternative plan for the Obyrith. I do not wish to be involved in any kind of scheme of using an elderly man as bait. He then politely excuses himself and continues on with his tasks or duties.

    ((a PM has been sent regarding his searches for information))

  • Cray Vincint stakes out the Norwick apothecary under the guise that he is sitting in the sun reading a book by day and by night he stands by the fire keeping a an eye on the shop. Cray is watching to see if the visits continue. At one point Cray enters the shop and while buying potions he inquires to Kia and Tristina about the guest the have.

  • _North of the Rawlinswood, northeast of Norwick, tugged away amidst crevices and hills, hidden from the prying eyes of ravens and dragons alike lies a smaller forest, ripe with useful herbs. Ripe with packs of wolves. Ripe with bandits. Or so the tales go. Some speculation can be heard about what any men or women would want in such a peaceful wood, some might guess that it's here where the famous lost city had an entry, some might guess it's there that Rass' or Sharn's minor dragons took shelter, and build a smaller hoard, fit for a younger, smaller dragon. If anything of that even gets close to the truth and whether or not the people there merely hide from very real foes, or indeed mean harm seems to have to remain a mystery.

    The only thing that can be traced back to some seed of truth is that a small group of brave adventurers set out into that area, intent on helping Kia and the important supply of Norwick with life-saving herbs. It was a diverse group, a large, hulking half-orc, a slim and swift woman, a friendly Jerrick, a mighty wizard, a singing paladin and a blue-clad teenage girl. The group returned without the girl, at first, then retrieved her from the hills again, and as the rumor goes, she was captured by bandits, or worse?

    It seems the band of adventures didn't do too badly, for they returned with quite a nice assortment of what can only be called loot. The formerly captured girl could later be seen leaving Norwick northwards in the company of a red-headed woman, chatting friendly with that one, despite the woodsy look of, actually, of both. If people asked her about the whole adventure afterwards, her confusing tale usually ends with or at least includes at a prominent place:_

    "Oh! I was soooo worried about Limp! You should have seen him! He wanted to like play with this large, no, like -huge- wolf, but you see, Limp's front leg isn't healed fully yet and so that big, big, big bad wolf just like snapped at him! And Limp's not at full health now and… and... for a moment there I thought the big wolf had like broken Limp in two but like Kia saved Limp when we finally got home! She's soooo great! She so is!"

    ((Big thanks to Mordechai, Ariel, Adrian, Jerrick, Shaman! That's all, wasn't it? I just didn't remember whether names were traded, or not. Also huge kudos to Nilla and LowerD for that sweet, exciting fun event… and the confusing and interesting RP during and afterwards! You guys all rock!))

  • Militia Guardmans Dwalin, Celestria and Kresha and Recruit Smash was patrolin west Rawlins when they were attacked by a large group of wargs and wolves fiend. There were goblins involved. Further west more goblins wre found and killed, but the group found a strange creature that seems to command teh goblins and mainly teh wargs and fiends. This strange creature got invisible fast. A part of the militia group think that could be a kind of goblin, the others think that its is taller than a goblin, may be a drow.
    Militia come back there under the lead of Lieutennant Devlin, helped for Sald and Ronan. They didnt find the strange creature, just killed one or two wargs.

  • Word floats about that after years of hard work and dedication, another Militia guard has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. There is speculation as to how forceful this new lieutenant will be in his orders and command.

  • The night had been clear and looking south from town people murmured over dark wings beating in the skies and diving toward the woods. The next dawn a large weary group returns to Norwick, mutters of flying devils can be heard around the fire.

  • _A veritable army went into the graveyard led by the Arcane advisor of Norwick. The group battled through a horde of shadow creatures, and then with the Lord Chancellor looking on, the Advisor Arcane attempted to summon a demon which has been plagueing the residents of Norwick - and failed.

    Subsequently, the group went into the crypts, again battling a horde of shadow creatures, until it found the demon's lair… empty.

    The group retired to Norwick, where it was discovered that the demon had attacked the apothecary. Fortunately, there were no deaths.

    After the group dispersed, the demon later appeared south of Norwick, where a large group engaged it in a running battle, ultimately ending when the creature disappeared into a chasm near the old elf camp._

  • Rumors spread of an attack by shadows south of Norwick near the lake. Though no lives were lost, there was one casualty: the dwarven statue that had stood so proudly was blown to bits. Sometime in the night, someone attempted to put it back together, though it is far from what it was.

  • _Celestria is noted to enter the apothecary carrying something wrapped in clean, white cloth. A trail of fresh, homemade bread scent follows her as she heads upstairs with a smile.

    After a short while, she is seen heading back downstairs with the same smile, greeting Tristina and Kia, thanking them both for their care of Mace and leaving the apothecary._

  • Andrew can be seen entering the Norwick Apothecary at least once per day out of uniform. He stays for a short period each time and then leaves to begin his regular patrol. If asked why he is there, he states he is visiting a friend. If pressed for more information, ((I will give his response when I have more information))

  • Kelinar has been asking lately if he can have an appointment with Sir Mord or kin Dwin. Seems that he wants to join the militia.

  • *Talk of someone known as Silus spreads around Norwick. Rumor has it that he was attempting to take over Celestria's mind and talking to her in her head. A small group consisting of Aramuil, Cherry, Ronan, Elyl, Dietrick, Andrew and Celestria set out to have tea at the Spellweaver Keep. Dietrick returned to Norwick first for guard duty. The rest returned hours later, saying nothing as they walked past the bonfire in Norwick and headed south.

    Some time later, they were seen returning and heard speaking about Silus' falling unconcious and his body disappearing into thin air. Speculation speaks of a possible possession of the man known as Silus though that brings about worries that there could be a devil about seeking another to possess. In any case, the group was unharmed and Celestria appears to be freed from the onslaught of his talking in her mind.*

  • Council of Moradin

    Farly vows to kill the stupid thing next time he sees it.

  • Much annoyance can be found in those whom come and go from norwick. A familiar looking Hawk has taken it upon himself to terrorize almost everyone in ear shot with a barrage of screeches. He was even seen beating his wings at a woman after skwaking at her for almost an hour. a curious thing.

  • ICC

    Word has it that two people claiming to be Order of Divine Shield members attempted to buy a man's armor off of him, while he was still wearing it. He refused, and they resorted to threatening him, and trying to intimidate him into giving it to them, attempting to claim that the armor is theirs.

  • (( dammit! there goes our musician!))