Whispers at the Fire

  • Word floats about that after years of hard work and dedication, another Militia guard has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. There is speculation as to how forceful this new lieutenant will be in his orders and command.

  • The night had been clear and looking south from town people murmured over dark wings beating in the skies and diving toward the woods. The next dawn a large weary group returns to Norwick, mutters of flying devils can be heard around the fire.

  • _A veritable army went into the graveyard led by the Arcane advisor of Norwick. The group battled through a horde of shadow creatures, and then with the Lord Chancellor looking on, the Advisor Arcane attempted to summon a demon which has been plagueing the residents of Norwick - and failed.

    Subsequently, the group went into the crypts, again battling a horde of shadow creatures, until it found the demon's lair… empty.

    The group retired to Norwick, where it was discovered that the demon had attacked the apothecary. Fortunately, there were no deaths.

    After the group dispersed, the demon later appeared south of Norwick, where a large group engaged it in a running battle, ultimately ending when the creature disappeared into a chasm near the old elf camp._

  • Rumors spread of an attack by shadows south of Norwick near the lake. Though no lives were lost, there was one casualty: the dwarven statue that had stood so proudly was blown to bits. Sometime in the night, someone attempted to put it back together, though it is far from what it was.

  • _Celestria is noted to enter the apothecary carrying something wrapped in clean, white cloth. A trail of fresh, homemade bread scent follows her as she heads upstairs with a smile.

    After a short while, she is seen heading back downstairs with the same smile, greeting Tristina and Kia, thanking them both for their care of Mace and leaving the apothecary._

  • Andrew can be seen entering the Norwick Apothecary at least once per day out of uniform. He stays for a short period each time and then leaves to begin his regular patrol. If asked why he is there, he states he is visiting a friend. If pressed for more information, ((I will give his response when I have more information))

  • Kelinar has been asking lately if he can have an appointment with Sir Mord or kin Dwin. Seems that he wants to join the militia.

  • *Talk of someone known as Silus spreads around Norwick. Rumor has it that he was attempting to take over Celestria's mind and talking to her in her head. A small group consisting of Aramuil, Cherry, Ronan, Elyl, Dietrick, Andrew and Celestria set out to have tea at the Spellweaver Keep. Dietrick returned to Norwick first for guard duty. The rest returned hours later, saying nothing as they walked past the bonfire in Norwick and headed south.

    Some time later, they were seen returning and heard speaking about Silus' falling unconcious and his body disappearing into thin air. Speculation speaks of a possible possession of the man known as Silus though that brings about worries that there could be a devil about seeking another to possess. In any case, the group was unharmed and Celestria appears to be freed from the onslaught of his talking in her mind.*

  • Council of Moradin

    Farly vows to kill the stupid thing next time he sees it.

  • Much annoyance can be found in those whom come and go from norwick. A familiar looking Hawk has taken it upon himself to terrorize almost everyone in ear shot with a barrage of screeches. He was even seen beating his wings at a woman after skwaking at her for almost an hour. a curious thing.

  • ICC

    Word has it that two people claiming to be Order of Divine Shield members attempted to buy a man's armor off of him, while he was still wearing it. He refused, and they resorted to threatening him, and trying to intimidate him into giving it to them, attempting to claim that the armor is theirs.

  • (( dammit! there goes our musician!))

  • The red cloaked, bare chested, Akanaxan warrior Andreas was seen once again entering into the town of Norwick. Upon hearing that Wizard Lucidious was no longer chancellor, and who was now in that seat, he abruptly strode northward, uttering a curse of Assuran as he left

  • *The Chancellor is seen walking back into town from the north with a large, person-sized bundle over his shoulder. A few cuts and scrapes on him, but the sack is leaking something decidedly dark and morose.

    After taking the sack into the Great Hall, he comes out later, a bit fresher and certainly beard-combed. He meets with the recently-returned guards and gives them each a bottle of ale, a small sack of coins, and a hearty pat on the back before searching for his recently promoted Senior Advisor Arcane.*

  • Several guards who's bodies were recently returned to the apothecary are now back on their feet. They have been confined to the upper floor where they can be watched for a time by Tristina and Kia, just until they are well enough to take up their duties once more.

  • @c8ef62d3d3=Dorakhan:

    Nor Dolvak is seen heading south for Norwick with a small mercenary escort.

    When Nor arrives at norwick's borders two Redcloaks from the north hold escort him directly to the Great Hall of Norwick to meet with Lord Dwin.

  • Calendel can be seen off an on around town following the recovery of the bodies looking rather worn out.

  • A patrol of Redcloaks lead by Davos scours eastern norwick in search of bodies after the recent winged demon attack. Another group of Redcloaks lead by Chet searches the south. At the end of the day, almost a dozen dead are recovered. The bodies are all taken to the Apothecary for revival.

  • _After the release of the Peltarch criminal Dentin Strauss from Norwick's judicial system, the ex-con leaves and heads north out of town.

    Afterwards, Dwin is seen twirling an iron gear-symbol on a strap of leather while walking around town.

    Rumor has it that Dentin, unable to immediately pay his fine, handed over his Gond holy symbol pendant instead as collateral._

  • Norwick was attacked by flying demons last night, and at least two people were abducted - Belinda and Rupert. Belinda was recovered from the graveyard, but Rupert is still missing.