Whispers at the Fire

  • _Dwin is seen inspecting some of the new construction, the gates and other defensive structures around the peripheries of norwick.

    He removes his axe at one point and chops (easily) into the wood which seems almost rotted, despite the fact that it is new construction.

    He looks closely at the wood and wipes his dagger in a strange black liquid that seems to be oozing from the wood.

    Shaking his head in an almost defeat-like manner he tosses the wood into the nearest fire and heads off to look for Lucid._

  • Mecizq surprisingly has been seen around Norwick in the evening a number of nights, looking very concerned over the fog that rolls in periodically sucking the life out of people, and wanting to know if it is also sucking the life out of buildings as the north gate vanished one night that it was present.

  • _As the alarm bell rings, goblins pour out of the east woods… strangely twisted, corrupted goblins.

    Wave after wave hits the gates and dies, and wave after wave replaces them. Throughout the day, goblin after goblin falls, and no end to their numbers is seen.

    One of the defenders, a man named Budo, goes down. The goblins bring up siege engines and bombard the defenders. A sally is made and the engines are destroyed.

    Finally, the woods fall silent again. Hundreds of goblins lie dead.

    This fact is little comfort to the defenders.

    There are more waiting.

    A lot more._


  • _Word spreads trough the town of how the notorious priestess of Shar, Zara, that has been terrorizing the region lately, has been spotted near Norwick. Apparantly, Dentin, Dermin and Hedia, as well as Star, stumbled upon her as she was tending to a pack of shadow hounds, apparanty preparing to hunt something. When Dermin went to alert the guards, the pack was set free. Assaulted by both the hounds and the dark magic of the priestess, Dentin and Dermin were torn apart in mere moments, with Hedia suffering temporary blindness as well. The two bodies were carried off to the temple of Kelemnvor, and both dead emerged some time later. There was some hostility between Dentin and Hedia, which apparantly was settled later.

    The troubling fact remains, however, that Zara may very well be preparing to attack Norwick, following in the footsteps of another Sharan priest to have recently made (and succeeded at) the attempt._

  • It is rumored that the thieves of Lucid's office and other wooden furniture are now safely resting at the bottom of the South Lake.

  • _The last tenday, the dwarfen priestess of Umberlee with a penchant for elven bladder-piercing turned up at the Norwick Halls, seeking for the Chancellor.

    It is unclear what exactly they discussed, but it is said that Mercy left the meeting with a spring in her step and advised questioners that she was "quite satisfied" by Lucid's performance._

  • Rumors float about the town that a new face can be seen within the barracks of the Norwick Militia. It is softly spoken, but said the former Black Sailsman and Rage of Tempus, Devlin Desario has been inducted into the Norwick Militia by the will of Chancellor Lucidious Corvance and Lieutenant Maya.

  • Word is around the town is that the Chancellor was probably so drunk he left his door open or sold the item to pay for some more booze

  • Dwin asks that the guards on duty guarding the hall come see him and bring their own healing potions.

    Yer tellin me someone walked passed ya, busted a door, and walked out with a farkin candle-stand? In my office, NOW!

    ((do we know that this was a DM-sanctioned action? I only ask because there are guards in that area, as well as Fendon… its not like this would've gone un-noticed unless there was some additional assistance, etc.))

  • Townsfolk talk of a thief raiding the great hall late one night. They say the Chancellor's office door was broken down and the thief stole away with one of the candelabras adorning the room. Needless to say, the pasty elf does not look pleased as he goes about his business over the next few days.

  • _As the sun sets, in old time tradition, the farmers and craftsmen from in the town and the surrounding farms gather to have a drink and share some news. The destruction of an inn would never stop this, even if the men had to gather in a field…

    Rumors already spread quickly throughout the town that last evening a woman with hair white as from age but not a wrinkle to her face showed up and gave a small speech as she paid for rounds to the entire group. Though the exact words are a bit fuzzy, most agree that this was the gist..._

    "You work hard to rebuild what was taken away. You work hard to not only rebuild but to expand and to grow. You work hard so your children have a place of safety to grow up and raise their own children in safety. That, at the least, deserves a drink.

    You also deserve much more then that though, and I can't ever pay you enough to equal your hard work. So instead I will offer the only service that I can. I'm here to announce that with the sanction and approval of your Chancellor I will tutor your familes, teach them anything they are wanting to learn about…

    I know! I know! This seems a small thing and worthless to many of you. Think of it instead like this, implore you! When you're working hard on that ladder to repair the thatch of your roof... do you want your child there shaking the ladder and calling out for your attention?! When stacking stones to rebuild a wall, do you want to have to wonder if your young one is going to get in the way?!

    Send them to me! I'll watch them all day from sunrise to sunset, think of how much your wives will love you for giving them the chance to get away from the children for even a short time! The chancellor is sponsoring a learning center to give back to this community and give you the chance to focus on what is important! Rebuilding your lives!

    All I ask is students, as many as you possibly want to send, for whatever reason you wish them to be away for the day. No cost of gold to you and a wonderful environment for the young ones."

    A short speech in all, but effective to the men who wish only to work hard for what they earn. Though many wonder about the motives that could have led to a tutor taking interest in Norwick, none doubt the sheer joy on her face when one farmer said he could send his seven children the very next day.

  • Kerrith leans close to his ear "There are at least two Melody's in the region, Sir"

  • the chancellor's eye twitches uncontrollably when the name "melody" reaches his ears yet again…

  • _On a return patrol to the east woods, Guardians Elena, Melody and Ragnhild, alongside a man named Justin (The Poet) and the mysterious woman known as the Song Giver, seem to have found something quite out of the ordinary.

    A grumbling Ragnhild tends to her spear after returning to the town, testing the wickedly sharp edge of the dragon's tooth at its tip with her thumb. She mutters low to herself:_

    "Iss plenty sharp, should have cut even one such as that.. even that evil ghost be shred to ribbons by dragon's fang, iff not for filthy, cheating, cowardli magicks.. bah! Vhanted take our souls, vhanted our pain.. scare Melodi so she nearly go back to no talking again.. Vill find vay hurrt it back, swear so.."

    Ragnhild growls low in her throat, cleaning the last bit of goblin guts from her spear before setting off towards Jiyyd, her long, wolflike stride carrying the warrioress away from the town at a good speed.

  • Still superstitiously clinging to the view that Norwick is plagued with ill luck, Black Sails Lt Sabre Seesaw stays just outside the gates, slipping a few locals some coin to spread the word about an upcoming fighting tournament in Peltarch.

    "Tha fella's name's Gargothis, he's a hell of a fighter, I tell ya. Made mince meat outta all who faced 'im in Jiyyd last time, argh! But I'm sure ye Norwick lads an' lasses are rougher an' tougher than yer neighbors, right? Anyone who comes ta tha Lucky Ferret cin test their strength against him. Ye could make a pretty penny fer yerself if ya beat im, not ta mention earn a name fer yerself eh. Oh, an' plenty of entertainment fer tha none-fighters, sure. Ne'er a dull moment in tha docks o' Peltarch, ye know."

    //Gargothis awaits -YOU- in the pits of the Lucky Ferret, Sunday 3/6 at 8 in the evening GMT!

  • _Heading out to the east woods to check up on the rumours of strange happenings there, a group of Guardians consisting of Kronk, Ragnhild, Rhistin, Wog and Yarchum found that the exodus of goblins was not quite as complete as one might expect. Aided by the renowned scout Juster and with a number of less experienced adventurers pitching in, a fierce battle ensued between the Guardians and a small army of rather well organized goblins. It is speculated that perhaps these goblins were in fact there to combat the new and strange goblinkind that is rumoured to have taken residence in the area, but investigation into the matter was halted as many of the less hardened warriors took heavy damages by the fighting. One casualty was taken while the group reluctantly called a retreat.

    Frustrated by cutting the mission short, the Guardians swore to return to the eastern woods at a later time._

  • Aelhaearn inquires as to the identity and current respiratory status of the shish-kebabed Tel'quessir in question.

  • When Lord Dolvak hears of the fishy dwarf-lass's incursion into town, he asks around and tells his men to direct the salty-lass directly to him for a quick "chat".

  • Chaos(ish) in Norwick!

    _The whiff of brine and the rattle of fishbones came to Norwick a tenday past, with a stompy dwarfen priestess of Umberlee demanding to know where "yer Lord" was. After taking a turn around the hall - and sitting in a few of the chairs - Mercy left, unsatisfied, the Chancellor unfound. Matters descended into a fracas, however, after an unspecified elf taunted the dwarf lass in her mother tongue. Naturally, she planted a trident in his bladder - only to be pushed off by guards and slung in chokey for the night.

    Soup of the day was "mushy gruel"._

  • One morning a half dozen dwarves show up to Z's farm. They have just finished working on some other projects in town.

    Boss told us ta report t'ya, Master Z, said ya need some help. Seem's ole Dwin is payin us to help ya rebuild yer house. Where ya want us to start?