Whispers at the Fire

  • One morning a half dozen dwarves show up to Z's farm. They have just finished working on some other projects in town.

    Boss told us ta report t'ya, Master Z, said ya need some help. Seem's ole Dwin is payin us to help ya rebuild yer house. Where ya want us to start?

  • *With the Norwick Craft Hall beginning to take shape, Z steals himself away to work on his own place a bit.

    Summoning a powerful earth elemental to dig, Z's future basement is dug in no time

    Salvaging as much of the stone the Dwarves brought over for the first house, Z begins work on the Basement and the foundation.

    Within a couple of days, with the help of several friends (crafters and non-crafters alike), the basement and foundation are finished and Z begins work on the house.

    Over the next several days, Z works tirelessly on his home. The only "breaks" he takes are to go north to chop more oak and to Jiyyd to cut it into boards.

    He then returns to his property, northwest of Norwick, neatly stacks the boards, and continues working on his home.*

  • _Dwin and Maya can be seen taking strolls through Norwick every morning.

    The guards all salute both of them as they continue through town making inspections and pointing out various new defenses or areas that need more attention.

    Some rumors suggest a tryst between the two, while other, possibly more knowledgeable folks say that the Great Warrior Maya has returned to serve Norwick once again._

  • The exodus from the east Rawlins is beginning to take it's toll as the apparent goblin population there becomes more sparse. Large groups of goblin corpses litter the woods as if they made a last stand. The woods are becoming more and more silent but oddly, the sense that something is ever watchful is more pronounced. More garish skulls adorn trees and the forest life seems greatly subdued.

  • Kalith is seen working more and more with the Norwick saviors as his wounds heal and limp subside. Word has it during the fall of Norwick he was critically injured and was carried thru the Underdark by the remnants of a Militia patrol that was stuck in the Rawlinswood after Norwick's fall. Having spent some time trying to recover, he is back in public view assisting whoever he can and giving word that only thru strong leadership and stoic discipline to that leadership can prosperity be found.

  • Syclya can be seen around town once more after years away from town. Rumors say when she first returned she was covered in scars, with a particularly nasty one across her neck, leaving her mostly mute. It can be noted now however that the scars are indeed gone and her voice restored, thanks to the talents of Onyx. Still, not many know where or why she left for so long and so suddenly…

    Now that she is back, Syclya seems to have returned to her normal clerical and Town Healer duties of helping those in need in and around town, helping those who are working to rebuild the town by bringing them freshly drawn water from the well, and many bundles of fresh venison sandwiches for nourishment. As well she tends to the day to day injuries and ailments that usually occur when working hard all day building things; bandaging cuts, setting bones and treating concusions.

    It can also be noted that she is now blessing people in the name of Sehanine Moonbow...what happened to Torm? Again, no one seems to know when asked....

  • _Dwin and several of this woodcrafting kin-mates are seen inspecting some of the rotted lumber that was recently cut from the Eastern woods.

    He rubs his hands over his head, and nods his head towards the already growing bon fire where much of the ruined wood is being burnt._

    These farkin damp woods… send your cutters and choppers to the West Rawlins... theres still some good lumber there that aint been infected yet far as I can tell.

    There's also that ole' Pixie Glenn over the hill. From what I remember there's a fair amount o good strong trees in there as well. Send some o yer choppers in and see what they can find, eh?

  • The deep fog continues to embrace Norwick in it's cold tendrils. The fog seems insatiable as it pierces thru cloth tents and worms it's way into leather ones through the small opening to spread across the floor. Even buildings seem vulnerable to the intruder finding the smallest crack or crevice to issue from. The fog seems to sap the heat from the air and diminish nearby flames. Even magical light has trouble piercing it. Some seem to just ignore it while others have grown weary of it. Small children are as often seen trying to avoid the fog as they are to play in in the wisps. Though it clings and chills there seems to be no other affect besides a sense of disquiet, and by morning, it is gone.

  • A group returns from the east rawlins and soon begin examining something they found. They talk of ice, bright blue lights, and hulks. What went on out there is unsure, but the forests seems to be holding some strange secrets as of late.

  • The East Rawlins seems…quiet. The few scattered bands of goblins that remain seem subdued and quiet when viewed from afar and when attacked they almost seem to hesitate as if to make sure of their opponents. Skulls gaze mournfully from trees seemingly watching the passage of those that tread below. An eerie sense of someone or something watching with eyes that burrow into the travelers backs prevail thru the whole forest though no watcher is ever found. The faint scent of decay begins to be noticed by those of fine noses. Even the animals seem subdued, showing the whites of their eyes almost as if scared beyond their ability to reason. Quiet......eerily quiet, that's what folk say.

  • _At the height of a ferocious thunderstorm, a commotion took place at the gate to the town hall's bailey, with a black-armored knight and two mages arguing with the guards. Eventually they and one guard entered the town hall.

    A short time later Tristina was summoned and seen running up the steps with a look of alarm.

    It is unclear what happened, but word and rumor soon spreads that something evil was able to walk past all of Norwick's guards, enter the town hall itself, and performed some outrage._


  • The Halfling Defence League

    Many are heard to remark on the contribution's to the town's reconstruction efforts made by Archdruidess Fadia Nailo and umberlant priestess Corana Lyonsen. Each are seen, over the course of many days, organizing groups to gather deadwood for construction within the town.

    //since I don't remember everyone's name…if you wish your involvement noted, please feel free to post as well....

  • Rumour has it that a sizeable group, a bit under ten people, went down into the crypts, and only re-emerged a full day later. Rumour also has it that they met a living person down there, who walked unmolested amongst the undead. Strange rumours these days.

  • _Hordes of undead streamed from the Graveyard recently, attacking all in site. The brave adventurers, lead by Norwick's own Champion, Locrian, beat the undead back and well into the graveyard itself.

    Dwin was seen commenting, perhaps even complaining, to Shannon…_

    The Kelemvorites were given that land-parcel on the agreement that you'd all keep the graveyard safe. So, aside from benefittin from our defenses, what exactly are you folks doin?

    Seems like the deal aint bein lived up to. What's it take to get you kelemvorites to clean out that graveyard of all its evil once and fer all?

  • _A visibly agitated Darya comes into town for the first time in years, telling all who will listen that with Wald dead, there is nobody to perform the monthly sacrifices that keep the Rat-God Crik-Crikkisnick locked in slumber, and to beware wererats and sudden plagues of mice, as these will be a sign of its coming.

    "I tol' em, I did! I said, 'Wald, y' gots t' take on a new un t' train or if y' die sudden, there be th' hells t' pay.' He'd jus' laugh, say he weren't after dyin', an heave a brick at me. Pore ol' bastard."

    She sells several people shamanic charms "almost actually guanateed, see," to repell crazed hordes of rats, snuffles a bit and donates five copper pieces and an old Peltarch ferry token to the 'Bury Wald Somewhere' fund, and prepares to leave town in a hurry, frequently casting nervous glances at the old mill storehouse on the hill._


  • _Dwin and Lucid are seen exiting the Tailored Cloth with cloths over their mouths. They pause oustide and share a few brief words. Dwin nods to Lucid as Lucid flits away towards the Great Hall.

    Dwin pulls out his small horn and blows a blast; which brings every Norwick Guardsman within earshot running at full speed._


    What we got here is a tainted structure. It aint ever servin no purpose again.

    I want it raised, and then I want it burnt so that nothin of it remains but some smoke and a memory.

    Got it?

    _Dwin walks away towards the barracks as the militiamen start tearing into the building and ripping it to shreds with their axes, swords, and bare hands.

    Before nightfall, the store that stood in that location for generations is nothing but a smoldering bon fire.

    Its not often that young lads get to have such fun._

  • ICC

    A muffled explosion is heard from the south woods and a smoke pillar can be seen from the south east. After a while a group of Guardians is seen entering the south gate talking about a good days work and that that should keep those buggys busy for a while

  • Apparently, Ezachiel got to Lucidious before Morden or Dwin. However, after about half an hour of what sounded like a heated argument, he raced out, slamming the door shut behind him, and headed north out of Norwick.

  • Mord can be seen moving around checking on guard rotations. He is seen in quiet discusson with the guard at the taylor shop then curses softly and is seen moving toward the Great Hall

  • The chancellor makes a visit to the building after hearing the news, escorted by a pair of norwick guard and his faithful slaad Edmund. The guard are posted outside the building while the chancellor and edmund have a look inside. The chancellor emerges after an hour or so with his notebook in hand and a frown on his lips. He makes a few final notes there in the doorway, then locks the door and starts on his way back to the hall, saying to the guards in passing…

    Board up the windows. No one goes in or out without my say. And send Dwin to my office if you should spot him.