Calen Ashwynd's Campaign

  • Telli rides stocky all around the pony ride area, helping lead young kids about her countenance similar to one as she grins from ear to ear.

  • Calen walks Telli over to the refugee tents and right behind the big box is a plump lil pony that is quite strong and seems to have a bright lil smile

    Here he is Telli and as promised he is all yours! I call him Stocky but I am certain you may want to call him something else.

    he hands her the reins

  • With the puppet show wrapped up, Telli takes some time to enjoy the festivities and the rally. Looking with particular intent for the special draft pony rumored to be able to support folks of Telli's stature.

  • Elidur Ginen is also present throughout the Rally, he dances around and weaves in between those who are present playing merrily on his set of bird-pipes, which his something he is known to do with beautiful skill.

    When Elidur finished each song, some common - some composed for the day - he would take out any old thing from his pack and begin juggling - another one of his great talents. Each object was quickly circled through the air, at times he was little more than batting them in the right direction. For his finalé he would throw each object in the air - catching one, catching two –-- oh no! Elidur ran out of hands! ---- where had that last object got to? He looked up, he turned round and 'fwump!' the object landed in his pack. With that, he turned to bow.

    Some of the banners and buttons are read at the bottom to say "Penned expertly by Elidur Ginen", the buttons he made are coated over the paint with a glossy shine, and normally say very little about Calen himself. The banners are much like Telli's but with incredibly strange design and the grandest style of writing; his read

    "Calen, proud to fit any boots."

    Elidur's idea of hilarity within parimeters.

    Later on, Elidur put on a puppet show. Puppet one was a red-haired (fine string hair) Goblin called Zigg, puppet two was a unicorn called Zag. It seemed to portray the Goblin's affections for this Unicorn, he brought it flowers and he recieved a headbutt! With wide arms he confessed us undying love, and recieved a headbutt! There was plenty of puppet violence to be assured, and Elidur's traditional Goblin-esque play-voice may have been a bit ridiculous.

  • Surprising even to Telli word spreads there's to be two more puppet shows later during the rally. Perched behind the play board, Telli squats with Elidur.

    "Ums… Mr Elidur... Mr Calen's askedededs Telli ta do two mores puppets shows...ums... tink dese'uns gonna be off da cuff...cause Telli nots really had times ta writes anytings or noffings. Could yuh juss sorta... play somes musics... when yuh tink it appropriates?"

    Telli waddles out infront of the puppet stand giving those that gather time to find appropriate seating....

    "Welcomes ta da puppet shows... dis times... der gonna be two shows...

    one of da unlikely parrying....a da Legion....AND da JEWEL!...

    And two... of da stunnings defeats a KARA....da TRAITOR....."

    Telli waves her hands rhythmically as she utters the last words with emphasis before waddling behind the puppet stand.

    Two puppets pop looking like general Lavindo, and the other like General Lyte.

    "General Lavindo… the N'JAST SCUMS is on yer borders! We LEGION did what we could... BUT... we need yer help."

    "O-kay. Troops lend those legionaires a hand!"

    quickly the puppets drop out of sight….and are replaced with two goofy looking knights.....

    "Oh no... da LEGION and DA JEWEL is too much ta take... we betta pull backs fer da day."

    General Lyte and Lavindo pop back up above the screen as Telli's chunky wrists are slightly seen.

    "You did great out der General Lavindo…"

    "You too General Lyte… it good when folks work togeder...."

    "I agree…"

    Telli pulls the small curtain behind as she gets set for the big finale. She motions to Elidur to play something dramatic. Just then the curtain pulls open revealing a sneering looking puppet mimicking Kara Du'Monte

    _"Unnnnghh….I'm evil."

    The puppet is bobbed up and down looking around at the crowd.

    _"I'm gonna eat'cha…"

    Telli nods over at Elidur as the music turns to something somber as Ronan Redralen appears above the screen in puppet form.

    "Not if -I- have something to say about that…"

    _"Oh no…..a powerful wiz.....sorcererererers...


    Ronan's puppet is jostled sending his hands upwards as Telli grips some fireball cutouts with her mouth nudging them along towards Kara's puppet...


    Telli runs Kara out of frame as the fireballs follow.


    Telli drops Kara behind the screen grabbing a handful of glitter tossing it up and over the board.

    "Don't worry… your safe..."

    Ronan's tipped to bow and pulled behind the board before Telli waddles out with a giant grin.

    "Hopededes yuhs foks likedededs todays puppets shows... ands members... vote fer Mr Calen's. Uniteds we stands…____

  • ICC

    _A man in a ripped grey robe and tattoos crawling over his bald head shows no emotion, as is his custom.

    To those around him, he murmurs, "United we stand, divided we fall." before walking off._

  • Telli stands there admiring the banners her and a couple bards put together. The admiration is short lived as Telli's quickly seen preparing a nearby stand for a puppet show.

    "Gader arounds folks….lil'uns...big'uns... whoeva wants ta's... its gonna be a funs show wid puppets and stickers...ands...ands FIGHTINGS... its gonna be a renditions a da Legion and da Jewels stunnings defeat a da NASTY SCUMS N'JAST!"

    Waddling behind the stand Telli looks to Elidur Ginen whispering

    "Yuh rudy?"

    Moments later a few hands pop up above the viewing stage... some elaborately dressed hand puppets and a few crudely made ones.

    "Oh no's…we da N'jast army...we here ta defeats yuhs Peltarch...yer gonna be ours!!!"

    The antics ensue and the show continues well into the afternoon.

    _"We're da LEGION….we're DA PELTARCH JEWEL....we WILL NOTS be defeatedededs."

    *The hands bops back and forth frantically in an ending mixed with flailing and sock puppets flying to the air…"

    "Oh no!…We're defeatedededs...."

    Telli waddles out from the side of the stand with a big dopey grin, her left eye meeting some of the people in the audience, her right eye meeting an entirely different set of people in an opposite corner.

    "Hopededs yuhs guys enjoyedededs da performance… here... takes dese... kids... don'ts fergets ta telledededs yuhs parents ta votedededs fer Mr Calen..."

    Telli hands out painted wooden buttons to kids and passerby alike until they run out. Telli makes it a note as well to help some of the younger kids who might look like their less dexterous then others in the fashioning of their buttons....


  • The morning breeze blows off the water in the docks district billowing through the blue, silver and gold banners bringing, what seems to be, life to them. The banners hung high between some buildings and posters placed upon others proclaiming. Vote for Calen Ashwynd, others Calen For Senate, and still others, depicting a wonderful drawing of him and beside it the words One of you working for All of Peltarch. The doors to the Lucky Ferret open and the smell of food wafting through the streets along with light music that seems to move around through the streets and alleyways. Food and drink is set up on tables as the smells of roasted boar and cave fish rise from firepits especially set up to assure everyone eats. All the festivities seem to center around the block of 8th st between Bottleneck Alley and Seafarer way. a small stage has been built on the corner where you can see the refugee tents sitting behind it. Calen can be found enjoying conversation, speaking of his positions, and listening to and with the local merchants, sailors, and commoners. A dirt throwing contest with a certain John Isle brings giggles from the children, chuckles from some of the men, and gasps from some of the ladies in attendance and giggles from others. Calens smile is Big as usual joking about how John needs to throw some dirt around about Calen before everyone votes. Calen wanders through the crowds trying to make certain all have enough to eat then serves food to the more needy that find their way to the area from the aromas. He also holds out a small shield as he walks suggesting donations not for his campaign but for the families and children most needy in the city. He can also be seen collecting blankets and clothing and placing all that is collected into a large box in the small tent city. He sets the shield down on the stage before heading up the small stairs. His armor shining in the bright sunlight, he looks around to all the people and humbly bows to them. He takes a deep breath and then speaks

    **_Do you remember the last time you felt safe enough to sleep deeply with a sense of calm? Do you remember the last time you walked about the city and enjoyed seeing the workings of it. The steady flow of bartering and coin changing hands in a manner that could almost be described as dancing. The smiles upon the childrens faces, even those from the needy families?

    I remember….........._**

    his pause and silence holds as he looks over the crowd trying to meet as many eyes as possible then his silence breaks

    **The safety of Peltarch, m'lords and ladys, my friends and fellow Peltarchians, requires a unity from which no business, district, or town should be permanently outcast. It is from the quarrels of old that we have witnessed, or which occurred in former times, that this separation has sprung. I know there are those that would disagree with me on this point and I understand that they have good reasons for doing so, though I ask you, good citizens, would you elect someone to the Senate that simply rolls over in his beliefs and hopes or one that holds to what he believes is right for the city and its people and is willing to stand for it and them??

    he holds out his hand and looks to the people gathered still making eye contact with as many as possible and pointing out to them before continuing

    **_As you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty but also you must feel anxiety and frustration at the current state of affairs in Peltarch, with the reconstruction, trades, homeless and needy. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all even more sorrow and frustration. We have so much shared history, so much shared pain and now we share the hope of a new beginning. I am not asking anyone to surrender. To give up. To hold back. I am asking everyone to declare victory of peace. The peace we all share now. Will it be an easy road to follow. I can agree with most of you that have told me you know it shant be.

    We need to work together to build new the walls of the city that the threats from west may be kept at bay. In rebuilding, we create jobs for those that have no work, which puts food in the mouths of those families, which places coin in the hands of the merchants for the replenishment of that food. All those touched by one man given work to help the city.
    We need to bring more trade to the city and establish more convenient and less expensive trade routes that all can afford the simple things in life as well as those that wish to pay for more exotic merchandise. In doing so, does that not also cause the need for more that can work on a ship or in a warehouse, or drive a cart to deliver? Does that not inturn restart the cycle I have spoken of previously? I am a firm believer that many groups can help Peltarch benefit in such a manner and if you find me worthy to represent you I shall unceassingly continue to work for the betterment of lives here in Peltarch.

    There has been much talk of aid to the needy and a clinic for the needy that shall help with small aid to those that can not afford it. I need you to know Tis never far from my mind. My sense of urgency and mission comes from the children. I reflect on those who have been victims of violence, whose lives are scarred and twisted through the random wickedness of war, on those who grow up in fear, those whose parents and loved ones have died. For I am one of you. I also reflect on those, who though untouched directly by violence, are nonetheless victims – victims of mistrust and misunderstanding who through lack of feeling safe and secure miss the chance of new friendships, new horizons, because of the isolation from others that a life of the fear of war brings. I shall continue to work with the other senators and those that will donate their time to open a clinic that shall help ease the suffering through healing, comfort, or just someone to talk to.

    I wish to thank you all for joining me this day and helping me celebrate Peltarch, here in the docks district. If you find me worthy I shall take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not fail and I feel best to claim at this juncture, at this time, the aid of all of you and to say, "Come then, let us go forward building a better Peltarch together with our united strength."_****

  • [Elidur Ginen catches wind of Telli's search, given that he spends so much time in the Commons it didn't take too long for him to hear about it. He doesn't make it known that he's actually excited about helping out somehow, even though he has no idea what the Dwarf woman is after from the 'bards';

    "Bards?" he scoffs, and he tuts… but no less interested.]

  • In the days to come, Telli's frantically painting posters and wooden buttons for the rally. Word has it she's looking for bards willing to work a days portion for quality pay.

  • The fliers speak of free food, drink, great conversation and more pony rides for the children. Calen Ashwynd is holding one last Rally, before the Senate elections, in the Docks District of Peltarch in a days time and all are invited

    Handwritten on the bottom of the flier

    _Come and have fun all. Enjoy the festivities and comraderie.


  • Telli blinks looking over the flyer waddling south soon after

  • As Calen enters the the docks district he removes his armor and shirt and is seen getting dirty setting up and working side by side with common laborers that he has hired to hang banners and build a small stage. When asked what he is doing, Calen smiles, wipes his brow, takes a drink of water and then informs all want to know that he shall be having his final rally in the Docks, "the lifeblood of the city", in the next day. He sends out children with fliers to pass out the notices of the rally to everyone they can find in the all the districts. The fliers speak of free food, drink, great conversation and more pony rides for the children

  • In the residential district Calen visits the homes one by one of the Ashalds, Brynmors, Snydders or Daeladus, among the other families handing out fliers and handwritten letters to all that will hear him. He speaks of the way the city can be even grander than before the war and how all can profit from the reconstruction and investment in the people and stimulation of trade with the building that needs to be done in the city. He also speaks of the possibilities of building relationships that will further trade and make for very profitable returns. At the Temple of Tyr he speaks with all the leaders asking for prayers and guidance as he makes another donation to the church for the needy families and children. He continues to help and aid those around him no matter how meanial some may think the tasks, his smile ever present

  • *Calen is seen leading a horse and cart filled with fliers and going door to door throughout introducing himself on a more personal level. he travels through each of the districts one by one talking and discussing points and counterpoints of the election, of the different candidates, of the different districts, and of the different ways each person feels the problems can be solved.

    He visits each the Shoemakers Guild, Porters Union, Harvest Union, Bakers Union and the Stonemasons Guild in the commerce district answering questions and speaking with the leaders about the newly arrived Orcs to the west, as well as the western gates and walls that need to be reinforced as they were before the war and the outer walls and western watchtower and how he would work diligently to get it bebuilt for the defense of the city. He speaks aobut the different disctricts pulling together and working together to aid one another for the betterment of the city as a whole. He helps also by offering aid to those around with healing and assistance with even small tasks*

  • Word has it Telli's been monopolizing the pony rides until she's kicked off and told she's too heavy and likely to kill one.

  • Legion

    Marty joins in with the festivities, sharing with a few folks some of Calen's exploits "down south" and during the war. She vouches for his bravery and good character. She also organises pony rides for the children.

  • : Maythor wanders around the commons with Telli and others smileing alot and shakenign hands and talking to guards and others he faught beside in the wars hes been in with and such by his side.

  • People throughout the commerce district are speaking a lot about Calen lately. It seems the familiar view of him as a man who lost his home during the war, coupled with his promises to protect the City and renew its defenses are well received.

  • Telli watches the festival with pride and smiles often… anyone stopping to listen to her are treated to war stories of the great N'jast defeat.