Calen Ashwynd's Campaign

  • [Elidur Ginen catches wind of Telli's search, given that he spends so much time in the Commons it didn't take too long for him to hear about it. He doesn't make it known that he's actually excited about helping out somehow, even though he has no idea what the Dwarf woman is after from the 'bards';

    "Bards?" he scoffs, and he tuts… but no less interested.]

  • In the days to come, Telli's frantically painting posters and wooden buttons for the rally. Word has it she's looking for bards willing to work a days portion for quality pay.

  • The fliers speak of free food, drink, great conversation and more pony rides for the children. Calen Ashwynd is holding one last Rally, before the Senate elections, in the Docks District of Peltarch in a days time and all are invited

    Handwritten on the bottom of the flier

    _Come and have fun all. Enjoy the festivities and comraderie.


  • Telli blinks looking over the flyer waddling south soon after

  • As Calen enters the the docks district he removes his armor and shirt and is seen getting dirty setting up and working side by side with common laborers that he has hired to hang banners and build a small stage. When asked what he is doing, Calen smiles, wipes his brow, takes a drink of water and then informs all want to know that he shall be having his final rally in the Docks, "the lifeblood of the city", in the next day. He sends out children with fliers to pass out the notices of the rally to everyone they can find in the all the districts. The fliers speak of free food, drink, great conversation and more pony rides for the children

  • In the residential district Calen visits the homes one by one of the Ashalds, Brynmors, Snydders or Daeladus, among the other families handing out fliers and handwritten letters to all that will hear him. He speaks of the way the city can be even grander than before the war and how all can profit from the reconstruction and investment in the people and stimulation of trade with the building that needs to be done in the city. He also speaks of the possibilities of building relationships that will further trade and make for very profitable returns. At the Temple of Tyr he speaks with all the leaders asking for prayers and guidance as he makes another donation to the church for the needy families and children. He continues to help and aid those around him no matter how meanial some may think the tasks, his smile ever present

  • *Calen is seen leading a horse and cart filled with fliers and going door to door throughout introducing himself on a more personal level. he travels through each of the districts one by one talking and discussing points and counterpoints of the election, of the different candidates, of the different districts, and of the different ways each person feels the problems can be solved.

    He visits each the Shoemakers Guild, Porters Union, Harvest Union, Bakers Union and the Stonemasons Guild in the commerce district answering questions and speaking with the leaders about the newly arrived Orcs to the west, as well as the western gates and walls that need to be reinforced as they were before the war and the outer walls and western watchtower and how he would work diligently to get it bebuilt for the defense of the city. He speaks aobut the different disctricts pulling together and working together to aid one another for the betterment of the city as a whole. He helps also by offering aid to those around with healing and assistance with even small tasks*

  • Word has it Telli's been monopolizing the pony rides until she's kicked off and told she's too heavy and likely to kill one.

  • Legion

    Marty joins in with the festivities, sharing with a few folks some of Calen's exploits "down south" and during the war. She vouches for his bravery and good character. She also organises pony rides for the children.

  • : Maythor wanders around the commons with Telli and others smileing alot and shakenign hands and talking to guards and others he faught beside in the wars hes been in with and such by his side.

  • People throughout the commerce district are speaking a lot about Calen lately. It seems the familiar view of him as a man who lost his home during the war, coupled with his promises to protect the City and renew its defenses are well received.

  • Telli watches the festival with pride and smiles often… anyone stopping to listen to her are treated to war stories of the great N'jast defeat.

  • Calen walks through the commons and the gathered people. His smile and emerald eyes bright as he speaks to them, shakes hands, helps serve food, and listens to their questions, concerns and suggestions. He then answers the direct questions regarding his policies and thoughts on matters concerning the city. He looks out at the people smiling, eating, meeting and making new friends and speaking of remembrances with old ones. As he turns his gaze, he looks over the posters strung out on the front of the Dancing Mermaid Inn. The marketplace west of the commons and the buildings inbetween are decorated as well. In Bright Blue Color, the Banners proclaim the point of the festivities. They show the name and the reason. "Calen Ashwynd For Senate - Helping to Protect All in Peltarch with reliable leadership", still other small ones read "VOTE for ASHWYND", bold letters filling the signs as they seem to dance in the light breeze.The commons is filled with street performers, each displaying great skill. A brightly cloaked bard wanders around with entertaining renditions of tales of heros, legends, and battles of times past. The smell of finely cooked food fills the air and more than one person standing around is seen drooling. Feshly baked hinnish pasteries from the Silver Valley, sit next to fruitbreads and other obviously homemade cakes and treats.. Barrels of Red Army ale are opened along with several imported of Silverymoon wine. The Feasthall is also open to all. Calen takes a deep breath and heads for the small raised platform located in the center of it all. He sees all the faces of the people as they turn around and after a time makes out a call to them and waves gently motioning them to gather around

    _My name is Calen Ashwynd. I have come to you in this manner good people of Peltarch to speak to you of my hope. Hope that you are all enjoying yourselves, Hope that we can work together, and hope you shall allow me to represent you in the Senate.

    As I look around and see all of your faces, I see the want for change from the past. I see the need for building a future. I look to the west and see the gate I pass through regularly to help the overworked guards and see the need to strengthen that wall and the towers there. How can we defend ourselves if the walls are not strong enough? By working together. I have seen many good and strong tradesmen and women in Peltarch many people displaced byt the war and trying to rebuild. I say then let us rebuild! Let us All work together with the sole purpose to strengthen our city, our people, and our safety. To do this I promise to speak to and work with the different Guildhouses for the benefit of All Peltarchians. For with yours and their support I am certain we can come to the plans and compromises needed to feed our hungry, house our homeless, heal our needy, build our economy and build the Jewel again into the strong shining light she has always been.

    When people look upon me and find out I am a paladin I am met with interesting opinions and thoughts from many. I wish to clearly state my position in regards to the city. I am one of you. Displaced due to loss of hearth and home.I stand firm in resolve to protect and safeguard this city and its people. I see the suffering of all, heard the words of greed and unmoveable pride. I hear your crys for help, for work, for food, for healing of sickness, for hope for our children. I believe it to be a time to put our petty squabblings behind us and unite for the betterment of Peltarch and her people with fairness, compassion, and understanding.

    Rally with me in this cry for unity, in this cry for strength, in this cry to rebuild. Do not settle for just anyone. I come to you with Hope. My hope is that you shall find me worthy to represent you, that the guilds shall have the strength to do the same, that we as a people can begin Together to build and strengthen our fair city and restore its light to all.

    he smiles and takes a breath

    Now enjoy the rest of your afternoon eat, drink, do not forget to take some home with you and remember those less fortunate and perhaps share with the needy on your ways home. I shall be available the rest of the afternoon if anyone has questions. Good Afternoon and Helm watch over you All._

  • Calen is seen in and about Peltarch speaking with individuals and small groups about the election. He answers questions as thoroughly and directly as possible with some subjests ending in, "I shall not know how to proceed until I know if I am elected and speak with the other Senators". He has also been seen talking with the Candidate Marty Leaffall about a joint "Galarally" to be held soon

  • Calen leads a small horse and cart into the docks district, removes the barrel from the cart and stands in the cart. He takes a deep breath lets it out slowly and then calls out to the people walking around

    People of Peltarch, my name is Calen Ashwynd and I am humbly seeking your support for a seat in the Senate. I come to you with a small but heartfelt speech . Most have seen me traveling about town offering aid to those in need or helping the city guard with their patrols. I am a common man that has watched, assessed, and now stands before you having made the decision to stand up for all those that call our city home.

    he takes his gauntlets off and holds out his hands in gesture to the people as more begin to gather around him

    I come to you with a simple horse and cart as I wish for you all to know how hard I shall work for you if you find me worthy to represent you in the Senate. In my eyes actions always speak louder than words.

    opens the barrel himself

    I give you this gift. This food I gathered for you, enjoy here or take home to your families. Allow me the priviledge of meeting you face to face. If you have any questions please ask them of me that I shall answer them to the best of my ability.

  • Calen gives he a smilenod and introduces himself quickly. He is attentive and alert though quite relaxed in the surroundings of the marketplace his voice has a natural elven accent to it

    My name is Calen and yours? //am rping that he gave name

    As he asks his questions he takes time with each one making sure his answer is clear.


    You mentioned you are a servant of Helm, do you put your faith above the city or will you hold objective views in your duties in order to remain unbiased?

    I hold my faith first above everything and because of that is why I can hold objective views in my duties and remain unbiased. I also have those around me from different back grounds that would kick me in my backside if I did not stay as such he chuckles as he says it


    You say you are not a politician, I ask then, what are you?

    I am a common man that has stood back and watched, assessed, and made the decision to stand up for all those that live in this fair city.


    I do not believe we are all the same as you say, the people of Peltarch are very diverse and this is makes peltarch so special, it's ability to stand tall in the face of diversity, be it race, religion, or background. Would you presume to ostricize anyone who may seem to not belong or will you welcome anyone willing to hold the laws of the city in their hearts?

    he smiles and nods_Ahh, you make my point for me. Our diversity is what makes us special and no matter our affliation, background, religion, or race we are All Peltarch citizens and equally deserve to feel safe, secure, and that we have a voice in the decision making process of the city and the direction we are heading.

    As for welcoming anyone. If the laws are held to their heart and for me such person is not specifically a Banite, Cyricst, or Talosian, I believe they should be welcomed into the city with open arms._


    one last thing, as I am fairly new here, I would like to ask how long you have lived here prior to or after the war, and why you have decided to stay?

    Originally when I came to these lands I settled in Jiyyd. forlorned smile through my membership with the Troff Legion and the eclectic group of friends I have accumulated, over many years, I came to know much about the workings of Norwick and Peltarch. I have helped with releif efforts for numerous reasons as well as those displaced by the war, such as myself. I becamse a trader here in the city which in turn lead to becoming a citizen. I stay because this is my home. I travel around the city and around the lands to watch and learn all that I can that would benefit or threaten the city.


    Thank you for your time.

    Thank you sir Symone for asking and listening, I hope you find me worthy of your vote.

  • Symone listens to the speach and afterwards approaches the man with some questions.

    You mentioned you are a servant of Helm, do you put your faith above the city or will you hold objective views in your duties in order to remain unbiased?

    You say you are not a politician, I ask then, what are you?

    I do not believe we are all the same as you say, the people of Peltarch are very diverse and this is makes peltarch so special, it's ability to stand tall in the face of diversity, be it race, religion, or background. Would you presume to ostricize anyone who may seem to not belong or will you welcome anyone willing to hold the laws of the city in their hearts?

    one last thing, as I am fairly new here, I would like to ask how long you have lived here prior to or after the war, and why you have decided to stay?

    Thank you for your time.

  • A few passers by and visitors from Oscura witnessing Calen's speech scoff and laugh at the poor fellow, remarking how curious it would be if Peltarch instated a violent brawler into their Senate.