::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Mog is seen installing a new door for one of the side rooms at the Mermaid. Rumor has is Mog suspected some trouble in the room so he bashed the door down just to be engulfed by a globe of darkness. By the time that the globe disipated, there was no intruder to be seen.

  • The young knight Mariston Thel was seen being lead to the temple by his betrothed Lady Anna. Both looked deeply concerned and the young knight eyes were said to have a haunted and pained look. Some time later Lady Anna left the temple, no sign of Mariston has been seen in some days.

  • Drelan Ashire has been seen wandering the city of Peltarch barefoot in the snow. No one seems to have an incling to why but upon speaking to him he refused all aid or sense as "get indoors" at best he allowed someone to wrap towels around his feet. All he would say is that he is preparing for his path.

  • People visiting the blades and bows in the commerce district have seen the duel between two men.One of them was the shopkeeper and skilled fencer Luc. After the end of the duel a young man with serious wounds inficted to him came out the shop holding a package and the gathered people were wondering the reason of his warm smile.

  • Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights is seldom seen on the streets of the city anymore. Rumor has it he is secluded in the Tower of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, but even the Knights and those few with access to the Tower seldom catch him. If they do, he is friendly and offers advice and directions where needed, but seems largely disconnected from the events of the city and Narfell as a whole

  • Westran has followed Clandra on her trip, determined to help her in what ways he can.

  • Clandra has left the city for the time being. She tells she's going to a spiritual journey to find a way to become closer with Sharess' feline side.

  • Rumour has it that the senator was escorted back to the city shortly after leaving it by a full squad of Defenders, why exactly this was done is unknown.

  • _Senator Mildsilver appears to have returned to the city at last, although by all appearances he is somehow changed. His features are pallid and drawn, his typically expressionless gaze more severe than usual. Even his icy blue eyes seem somehow lifeless despite their fervently arcane azure shine. Those who interact with him detect a cool bitterness and impatience previously only hinted at in his demeanor. Is he ill? Is he overworked? Is it something else entirely? None can say for certain, and Evendur himself obstinately refuses to acknowledge any change in personality.

    The Senator has also been seen recently in the company of a female Peltarch Defender, rumored to have been hand-picked for his protection by now-Officer Danerk. What role she actually serves is for the rumormongers to discuss._

  • _Talks about the wedding of Talgrath and Merydian is on everybodies lips, jokes at the local taverns seem to start like this:

    "So Atol, a Lich and the Dark Enchantress walkes in to a wedding…"_

  • For a while, Elissa uses almost every opportunity to point out that the marriage between Talgrath and Merydian most likely turned sour, because they foolishly assumed they were above the gods. Furthermore she states that they should be glad that Beshaba didn't show up in person which would have been far worse, seeing as the two forgot to invite Her. Overall, she claims, this was just a minor reminder from the gods that all of them should be respected.

  • The wedding of Talgrath and Merydian, which started wonderfully, reportedly ended with a literal bang. Some say that Tal's father returned and demanded a heavy price for a past wrongdoing. Others say that Atol brought along Rass and broke several tables at the reception. Either way, Mery and Tal don't look as deliriously happy as most newlyweds…

  • Maristin Thel speaks of eastlanders casting spells at him and firing arrows at him, he seems quite baffled to the behavour. Upon returning those whom had attacked were no longer present.

  • _A group of 5 tallies, 1 hin and a heavily armored dwarf are seen led up the stairs of the inn by a female half orc.

    The sounds of stomping and loud squeaking can be heard coming from the second floor of the inn. Every now and again, a the stomps are so forceful that the rafters shake loose some dust. They stop just as suddenly as they started.

    The group follows the dwarf down the stairs, pausing briefly to whisper to the proprietor what they found. Quickly they move to the dwarf's shop gathering some pest control gear and they off towards the docks.

    Rumor has it that they uncovered a grisly murder. Someone let some carniverous rats loose in the inn, their purpose to kill a patron.

    Rumor also has it that a letter was found, detailing the plot and identifying the mastermind by the initials J.B._

  • Evendur has not been seen around the city in over a month. Apparently his duties as Keeper of Spellweaver have caught up with him… or at least that's the common rationale...

  • Rumours of undead filling the pass, of vampires and of their hunters. Talk of bodies, burned from acid and lifeless, killed by arrow wounds that have an unerring accuracy about them.

  • Word spreads that the southern watchtower was attacked by large walking dog things. The creatures made off with the old priestess Katie, much to the worry of all. There is talk of strange lights and powerful magics involved.

  • In the past few days, a young man in black clothing has been sighted creeping along the roofs of the city, and does so with trained skill. Rumours start of the man being a burglar, others say he's up to worse.

  • The young paladin Mariston Thel was seen bathed in a white light in the commons, he looked concerned as he ran out the city. People nearby spoke of his shield and how it looked odd and alive. The paladin ran round the walls toward the temple, before dissapearing. He re-appeared in the commens, in a burst of odd red light, some hours later looking dented and somewhat puzzled and worrried.

  • Drelan Ashire hasn't been seen on his patrols through the city for nearly three day now. He was last sighted around the mermaid.