::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Senator Mildsilver appears to have returned to the city at last, although by all appearances he is somehow changed. His features are pallid and drawn, his typically expressionless gaze more severe than usual. Even his icy blue eyes seem somehow lifeless despite their fervently arcane azure shine. Those who interact with him detect a cool bitterness and impatience previously only hinted at in his demeanor. Is he ill? Is he overworked? Is it something else entirely? None can say for certain, and Evendur himself obstinately refuses to acknowledge any change in personality.

    The Senator has also been seen recently in the company of a female Peltarch Defender, rumored to have been hand-picked for his protection by now-Officer Danerk. What role she actually serves is for the rumormongers to discuss._

  • _Talks about the wedding of Talgrath and Merydian is on everybodies lips, jokes at the local taverns seem to start like this:

    "So Atol, a Lich and the Dark Enchantress walkes in to a wedding…"_

  • For a while, Elissa uses almost every opportunity to point out that the marriage between Talgrath and Merydian most likely turned sour, because they foolishly assumed they were above the gods. Furthermore she states that they should be glad that Beshaba didn't show up in person which would have been far worse, seeing as the two forgot to invite Her. Overall, she claims, this was just a minor reminder from the gods that all of them should be respected.

  • The wedding of Talgrath and Merydian, which started wonderfully, reportedly ended with a literal bang. Some say that Tal's father returned and demanded a heavy price for a past wrongdoing. Others say that Atol brought along Rass and broke several tables at the reception. Either way, Mery and Tal don't look as deliriously happy as most newlyweds…

  • Maristin Thel speaks of eastlanders casting spells at him and firing arrows at him, he seems quite baffled to the behavour. Upon returning those whom had attacked were no longer present.

  • _A group of 5 tallies, 1 hin and a heavily armored dwarf are seen led up the stairs of the inn by a female half orc.

    The sounds of stomping and loud squeaking can be heard coming from the second floor of the inn. Every now and again, a the stomps are so forceful that the rafters shake loose some dust. They stop just as suddenly as they started.

    The group follows the dwarf down the stairs, pausing briefly to whisper to the proprietor what they found. Quickly they move to the dwarf's shop gathering some pest control gear and they off towards the docks.

    Rumor has it that they uncovered a grisly murder. Someone let some carniverous rats loose in the inn, their purpose to kill a patron.

    Rumor also has it that a letter was found, detailing the plot and identifying the mastermind by the initials J.B._

  • Evendur has not been seen around the city in over a month. Apparently his duties as Keeper of Spellweaver have caught up with him… or at least that's the common rationale...

  • Rumours of undead filling the pass, of vampires and of their hunters. Talk of bodies, burned from acid and lifeless, killed by arrow wounds that have an unerring accuracy about them.

  • Word spreads that the southern watchtower was attacked by large walking dog things. The creatures made off with the old priestess Katie, much to the worry of all. There is talk of strange lights and powerful magics involved.

  • In the past few days, a young man in black clothing has been sighted creeping along the roofs of the city, and does so with trained skill. Rumours start of the man being a burglar, others say he's up to worse.

  • The young paladin Mariston Thel was seen bathed in a white light in the commons, he looked concerned as he ran out the city. People nearby spoke of his shield and how it looked odd and alive. The paladin ran round the walls toward the temple, before dissapearing. He re-appeared in the commens, in a burst of odd red light, some hours later looking dented and somewhat puzzled and worrried.

  • Drelan Ashire hasn't been seen on his patrols through the city for nearly three day now. He was last sighted around the mermaid.

  • The paladin Mariston Thel was seen wrestling with an odd amulet in the commons the item came alive and began to eat the paladins flesh before being removed and flung across the commons. The item caused a nearby person to suddenly change and revieled a haggered crone like woman who then called upon powerful undead to aid her. AT this point the bard Mirkali and the elf Kiera aided. The creatures were destroyed as the guards and townsfolk aided the three. The crone, a priestess of Talona the paladin claimed then stole into the body of the man again. The paladin convinced the man to come to the temple for aid. Unpon nearing the temple Tyrs wrath descended, undead were summoned but immediatoy destroyed. The group then went into the temple. It is said that the priestess of Talona was slain.

  • The so accused banite whore is seen packing for what appears to be a rather long trip. She is seen barking out orders for those traveling with her to gather the appropiate supplies for their journey. Along side of her are five men, all but one of them dressed in stylish black and gold clothing and armor.

  • _Something seems to have happened to Meril. The change is a quiet one, but is definately there.

    On the occasions he is in the city, rather that spending his time singing or rehersing, the elf has been seen spending long - and dedicated - hours in the, hitting arrow upon arrow into the archery targets there._

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Something seems to be off with Sierra Ju'ent lately, more so than usual. Rumor has it that she was with Anna Siglerson and Kara Du'Mante on thier exploration beneath the sewers, and may have been one of the fallen that they brought back. While unconfirmed, Sierra seems to be only able to speak in rhyme lately…

  • _Earlier in the day, a group of five that had originally met in the commons, had been seen scouring the civic district in relation to the recent murder spree. The group had moved through the courthouse and across the civic district until they reached the sewage system on the other side of the district. The guard bore witness to the group climbing down into the depths with the intentions of inspecting the sewers below for any clues as to the reasons behind the murders.

    Two days later, two members of the group are seen dragging two of their number and another two bodies from the depths in the docks district, the paladin of the group was said to look paler than usual, with a troubled expression on her face. Anakore, Captain of the knights was not with them when they appeared above ground, rising up from the sewers shortly after the two made the surface. They were said to look grim and their mood set in a reclusive one.

    What actually happened below the city remains a mystery to all save those who went._

  • Zyphlin can be heard chuckling a bit and smirking when asked about it

    No wonder she's mad…He's carousing around with a evil backstabbing wench, a blood thirsty killer, and a banite whore that sleeps with every dumb man that she can make fall in love with her. Great role model for a kid.

  • There seems to be a disagreement between Captain Anakore of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars and Skyla Vea'Draeven, Magistrate Zyphlin's lover. Rumor has it it is concerning their son, Nickolai, and the love partners they both keep.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Word circulates of undead walking the streets of the city, more specifically the docks and terrorizing the citizens fo the district. The source of the undead is said to have been traced back to the creamatorium and morgue, where the mortician/undertaker or anyone else was discovered to be missing.