::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Nate Wingates and Roubanes Heartwell were seen leaving the morgue, surrounded by a group of commoners. Men, women, children, all in ragged clothing, screaming and shouting gleefully "Ahh, light!"

    Nate and Roubanes then re-entered the morgue only to emerge an hour later carrying bodies of undead, robed men, and dead victims.

    Rumours have it that a group of necromancers we're holding them captive below the morgue._

  • Zyphlin was last seen whistling on his way south out of town. A few of the people that noticed him leaving and asked wise got the reply that he was heading off to do a bit of research into matters concerning the city and would be back in some time. He hasn't been seen in narfell since.

  • Gildor and Grag is seen strolling in to Peltarch carrying the body of a dwarf. Rumors goes that "Roi", that Senator Evendur has placed a bounty on, has been hunted down and beated up by Gildor - and carried in to city by Grag.

    Rumors also goes that "Roi" has been cleared of all charges and allowed to go free.

  • Rumors abound about a gnome that is possesed by a demon and runs around the town talking to someone named reginald however when he is talking it doesn't look like there is anyone there. and he is seen pointing and telling everyone to look out at the man behind him. He is often heard to say Reginald that is so rude, Stop it. Quit it and put that back in you pants. To most it appears he is just crazy.

  • Recently a scarred and tatooed man with a bald head some know as Damien, Is seen heading into one of the conference room with an arm full of books about the dieties of Toril. He is in there for at least a tenday only coming out to eat and get some more ale. This is a very strange occurance for those who know him. However it seems that no one he knows bothers him as he sits in the room by hisself

  • Among those who aided the city in it's hour of need was a man of approximately six feet with dark brown hair. Citizens recall him badgering the guards to assist in stomping out the flames and running about town trying to organize a recovery effort. A subject of much laughter and admiration are tales of how this same man turned into a living ball of flame after crates filled with questionable but most definitely explosive material blew up. It is said he was dumping water from a barrel onto the flames with the help of famed knight Nathen and the noble paladin Mariston. Who is this noble stranger that would risk his life to help the city of Peltarch?

  • The city was ravaged today as fire rained down from the heavens, setting the city ablaze with explosions of tremendous force. It is that while the guards along with Daisy and her clery tried to tend to the wounded a group of citizens including magistrate Zyphlin, Knight of the Cerulean Star Nate, the local elf gildor, and the brave paladin mariston, along with other non-citizens helped to disrupt the riturals causing such things. Once disabled the guards quickly went to work putting the fires out

  • The Bard and Merchant Ting has recently aquired a rather large half-orc and a capable looking Human who stay near her at most times.

    Commoners tell rumors of the half-orc taking a man that had been whispering with Ting and lifting him clean off the ground.

    Others say the half-orc threw the man clean over the wall and out into kobold lands.

    Yet others say this is all bull hoggery and Ting never goes anywhere but by herself.

    And if you find yourself in dark smoky rooms with half-baked hins you might even hear stories of an entire leigon of purple bat-monkies coming to take over Peltarch … but that is only the begining :?

  • Wild reports can be heard of a certain tree just outside the western gates of the city having recently burst into unearthly blue flame. Senator Evendur Mildsilver is rumored to have behaved rather oddly, almost as if drawn by a power not his own, while dealing with a large seed that fell from the flaming tree, and has been seen in increasingly frequent meditation beneath its branches.

  • @85d7b640ee=Flomuxed:

    One blank-faced Nate Wingates can be seen wandering the commons, arms hanging at his sides, eyes staring off and through the commoners and buildings.

    Nathen is quickly picked up by a large half orc and carried away to an unknown location.

  • One blank-faced Nate Wingates can be seen wandering the commons, arms hanging at his sides, eyes staring off and through the commoners and buildings.

  • Damien was released from prison after paying his fine. He doesn't seemed to pleased with the matter and anyone who asks him about it he quickly changes the subject and tells them about a guy he met from Teth named Gailyn that actually washed a kobold leather in the river before putting it on cause he said it smelled bad. It seems to cheer him up a bit and he laughs a little before going back to his ale

  • There are rumours a woman is being held for attempted murder after being seen stabbing a needle into the mute gypsy girl in broad daylight in the commons

  • The locals of the civic district have seen a group of Eastlanders, pushing a cart, delivering a statue to the guardsman at the gate there. The statue seemed to be in the exact shape of Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights.

  • Those along the street seeing Zyphlin take the dog to the jail saw the poor creature seeming to weeze and cough. A druid was said to have been fetched but was to late, finding the dog dead from internal injuries the report say. Word spread that it as a bard dog that he had lost some time ago and had been keeping an eye out for. A rather lax sentence was said to have given to Damien, only 300 gold…much less then the 5 years jail time and large fines that could've been given...and the offer to be kicked in the stomach by mirkali that was declined, but he turned it down sightening it as false and stating there was no proof of anything. He was taken to jail for resisting sentencing while the infuriated dogs owner was said to be restrainingly livid at the way the man was talking about his now dead dog.

  • Rumors spread that a dog was kicked by a man after it pissed on his leg. Zephlyn was heard to have said that the man kicking the dog would be charged with destruction of property, how ever to all on lookers the dog looked uninjuered after the encounter. The dog was also accused of being vagrant and taken to jail pending investigation into its ownership

  • One morning Drelan Ashire can be seen leaving the meraid, clean and perfectly kempt for a change, not a look of dirt or grease about him, even his armor his ashine and polished. A fine white linen is draped over his now glistening armor, and a red string hangs from his right ear. A black curly haired hin is chasing after him as he strides out the city gates going south.

  • Arien Ashald can be seen frequently in the city library and speaking with hemrod. She seems to be researching components for unique spells and such. She seems driven to find all manner of knowledge

  • Of late when Nico is seen in public a large half orc is seen trailing close to the senator. The same half orc has also often been seen at odd hours hanging around the Nico's house

  • _Deacon can be seen and heard asking the identity of the man, or what was written on the walls, also, whenever he gets the chance he can be heard talking to commoners: "The guards don' do shite! They jus' clean except fer prevent! What good be it when the lad be dead, 'n dey go clean? The next one cin be ye!"

    Also, he surrounds himself with his men lately, getting more, and more paranoid_