::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • The paladin Mariston Thel is seen around the city a shield never from his arm, the shield is covered in a cloth with Torms holy symbol emblazoned upon it. The young paladin looks rather preoccupied. Also for a time a strange light encompassed the paladin.

  • Corpses line Bard Street in the Commerce District, and soldiers in green armor keep a silent vigil over the bloody cobblestones as night falls. Rumours spread of a wounded Senator being carried off by his wife to a quiet home; little more is said but some note that Daisy appears to have left the temple.

  • Rumors are that two succubuses appeared in the center of the commerce district. Lookin' like two naked women, they came and attacked two men. Both men were overwhelmed, but some of the women in the Mermaid were not too convinced they put up a decent fight.

  • Deacon smirks

    Seems de nosy bards getting it soon..

    Glad ah became a sailor instead of 'n bard..

    He then adresses a passerby

    Ah cin sing ye know.. Wan' te hear?..

  • *A new song is posted about the city of Peltarch in the same fashion as the previous songs: Under the cover of night, and pinned to the sides of buildings with arrows. However, this time… the song has a decidedly different spirit to it... *

    _Three thirty in the morning,
    Not a soul in sight,
    The city’s lookin’ like a ghost town
    On a moonless summer night.
    Raindrops on the warriors shield,
    There’s a storm moving in.
    He’s headin’ back to some place
    That he never should have been.
    But the bards will know.
    But the bards will know.

    Every light is burnin’
    In the house’s of the town.
    He’s pacin’ by the seashore
    with his cloak hood pulled down.
    Askin’ for miracle,
    Hopin’ that he’s right,
    Prayin’ that the shadow’s
    keep him safe throughout the night.
    And the bards will know.
    And the bards will know.

    The bards will know,
    And the Bard shall strike.
    To the killers he’ll show
    his anger this night,
    As his song rings forth
    Out of his soul
    Deep in their hearts
    The bards will know.

    Now they’re waiting in their alley’s
    When he walks off towards the dock.
    They rush him with blades high
    A ravenous flock.
    But on the wind that night
    A strange new song was heard
    And the lightnin’ flashes in his eyes
    And they knew the final word.
    And the bards will know.
    And the bards will know.

    The bards will know,
    And the Bard shall strike.
    To the killers he’ll show
    his anger this night,
    As his song rings forth
    Out of his soul
    Deep in their hearts
    The bards will know.

    They run back down their alley’s
    To that shady inn door.
    They head up towards their boss,
    Hiding on the second floor.
    Telling the boss at the table,
    They won’t do this again.
    Cause tonight will be the last time
    that they’ll ever do that sin.

    Cause the bards will know.
    Cause the bards will know.

    Nighthawk of the Menagerie_

  • Rumors spreads of a girl who was seen running through the area covered from head to toe in mud screaming "I'VE BEEN JYNXED!"

    According to the rumors, she was wearing only rags and was covered so completely in mud that it was impossible to discern her facial features or hair color, or even her race, only that she was, in fact, female.

    When asked what had happened she exclaims wildly:

    "I've been JYNXED! I fell asleep with all my belongings. Gold, clothes, weapons, armor, everything! When I woke up I was miles from where I was camping. I awoke in a large puddle of mud. There was a man standing over me dressed in all black. I could barely see his face, but I think he had white hair."

    "He said, 'FOR YOUR SINS YOU HAVE BEEN JYNXED!'. Then he disappeared into the darkness."

    When asked which way and where, she she vaguely points off into the distance and then runs away. She hasn't been seen since.

  • _under the cover of shadows, a new song is posted throughout peltarch, once again pinned to the sides of buildings by non-descript arrows.

    Ode to the Lady of Masked Shadows

    Traveling streets unknown
    Mists of desperation and despair
    There is something unsettling
    And evil thick in the city air

    Crawling through the shadows
    Like a thief in the middle night
    Seeking chaos and discord
    For its own warped delight

    Kindred of the endless blood thirst
    Silencer of the songs that Birds sing
    Only to hide in their underground labyrinth
    Once the morning bells begin to ring

    She hides behind a coward’s mask
    Of shadows opaque and hatred deep
    Allow no one in your safe castle
    And protect your souls within the keep

    Rebirth and resurrection will not be yours
    The flow of blood will be stemmed
    The hunter will be come the hunted
    To you I sing, the lady of the damned_

  • Deacon can be seen walking around with a gigantic grin on his face, everytime the urchins sing the song around him, often rewarding them with more than a few gold coins. He asks who wrote the song but more than often the urchins lose their tongue

    Well'n, ye jus' tell tha person ah'm mighty fancyin' de song, me thanks!

    And with that he uncorks a bottle of ale, the gigantic grin ever present

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    It seems a small group of street urchins have been bribed to follow about Captain Deacon Sterr whenever he is within the city, singing a most interesting and many would say, inappropriate song (especially considering the ages of the troubadors singing it!). Anyone who takes the time to scribe down the song would hear the following:

    ((OOC- I've been studying sea chanties, but yet to come up with an original piece myself. However, during my studies I came upon this particular song which I thought would be highly appreciated by FUArch. I hope he and everyone else enjoys it!))

    All For Me Grog
    ((Traditional Sea Chanty - As sung by Captain Jesse Schaffer ))

    _It's all for me grog, me jolly, jolly grog,
    All gone for beer and tobacco.
    Spent all me tin on the lassies drinking gin,
    And across the western ocean I must wander.

    Where are me boots, me noggy noggy boots,
    They've all gone for beer and tobacco.
    The leather's kicked about and the soles are all worn out,
    And my toes are looking out for better weather.

    Where is me shirt, me noggy noggy shirt,
    It's all gone for beer and tobacco.
    The collar's all worn out and the front is kicked about,
    And my tails are looking out for better weather.

    Where is me bed, me noggy noggy bed,
    It's all gone for beer and tobacco.
    I lent it to a whore and now it's all a-wore,
    And the springs are looking out for better weather.

    Where is me wench, me noggy noggy wench,
    She's all gone for beer and tobacco.
    Her lips are all worn out and her front is kicked about,
    And her tail is looking out for better weather.

    I feel sick in the head and I haven't been to bed,
    Since first I came ashore with me plunder.
    I see centipedes and snakes and I'm full of pains and aches,
    And I think that I should push out over yonder._

  • _Nate Wingates and Roubanes Heartwell were seen leaving the morgue, surrounded by a group of commoners. Men, women, children, all in ragged clothing, screaming and shouting gleefully "Ahh, light!"

    Nate and Roubanes then re-entered the morgue only to emerge an hour later carrying bodies of undead, robed men, and dead victims.

    Rumours have it that a group of necromancers we're holding them captive below the morgue._

  • Zyphlin was last seen whistling on his way south out of town. A few of the people that noticed him leaving and asked wise got the reply that he was heading off to do a bit of research into matters concerning the city and would be back in some time. He hasn't been seen in narfell since.

  • Gildor and Grag is seen strolling in to Peltarch carrying the body of a dwarf. Rumors goes that "Roi", that Senator Evendur has placed a bounty on, has been hunted down and beated up by Gildor - and carried in to city by Grag.

    Rumors also goes that "Roi" has been cleared of all charges and allowed to go free.

  • Rumors abound about a gnome that is possesed by a demon and runs around the town talking to someone named reginald however when he is talking it doesn't look like there is anyone there. and he is seen pointing and telling everyone to look out at the man behind him. He is often heard to say Reginald that is so rude, Stop it. Quit it and put that back in you pants. To most it appears he is just crazy.

  • Recently a scarred and tatooed man with a bald head some know as Damien, Is seen heading into one of the conference room with an arm full of books about the dieties of Toril. He is in there for at least a tenday only coming out to eat and get some more ale. This is a very strange occurance for those who know him. However it seems that no one he knows bothers him as he sits in the room by hisself

  • Among those who aided the city in it's hour of need was a man of approximately six feet with dark brown hair. Citizens recall him badgering the guards to assist in stomping out the flames and running about town trying to organize a recovery effort. A subject of much laughter and admiration are tales of how this same man turned into a living ball of flame after crates filled with questionable but most definitely explosive material blew up. It is said he was dumping water from a barrel onto the flames with the help of famed knight Nathen and the noble paladin Mariston. Who is this noble stranger that would risk his life to help the city of Peltarch?

  • The city was ravaged today as fire rained down from the heavens, setting the city ablaze with explosions of tremendous force. It is that while the guards along with Daisy and her clery tried to tend to the wounded a group of citizens including magistrate Zyphlin, Knight of the Cerulean Star Nate, the local elf gildor, and the brave paladin mariston, along with other non-citizens helped to disrupt the riturals causing such things. Once disabled the guards quickly went to work putting the fires out

  • The Bard and Merchant Ting has recently aquired a rather large half-orc and a capable looking Human who stay near her at most times.

    Commoners tell rumors of the half-orc taking a man that had been whispering with Ting and lifting him clean off the ground.

    Others say the half-orc threw the man clean over the wall and out into kobold lands.

    Yet others say this is all bull hoggery and Ting never goes anywhere but by herself.

    And if you find yourself in dark smoky rooms with half-baked hins you might even hear stories of an entire leigon of purple bat-monkies coming to take over Peltarch … but that is only the begining :?

  • Wild reports can be heard of a certain tree just outside the western gates of the city having recently burst into unearthly blue flame. Senator Evendur Mildsilver is rumored to have behaved rather oddly, almost as if drawn by a power not his own, while dealing with a large seed that fell from the flaming tree, and has been seen in increasingly frequent meditation beneath its branches.

  • @85d7b640ee=Flomuxed:

    One blank-faced Nate Wingates can be seen wandering the commons, arms hanging at his sides, eyes staring off and through the commoners and buildings.

    Nathen is quickly picked up by a large half orc and carried away to an unknown location.

  • One blank-faced Nate Wingates can be seen wandering the commons, arms hanging at his sides, eyes staring off and through the commoners and buildings.