::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • All around the town posters turn up, advertising a

    Greengrass Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((If there's fees to be paid, please contact me (Pavel) about these))

  • Chaos in the Docks…

    _Around midnight last night, a great hue and cry lifted the population of the Docks from their sleep. Outside, the heavy clank of guards feet on the cobbles and the tolling of the bells alerted the common folk all was not well.

    The source of the aforesaid dizzying reaction was the Umberlite dwarf, Mercy, who was spotted by one of the audacious guardsmen of Peltarch - it is rumoured - chatting to Fenz in his, rather dingy corner of the Docks.

    Apparently, the dwarf legged it but to no avail: the shout went out "The Gates are locked!" - "the Harbour is closed!"

    Some unfortunate guardsman must have disturbed her, only to be assaulted further as the seaweed soaked wench blundered into the night. Citizens in the more affluent market district were undoubtedly bemused by a racket which broke out behind the Dancing Mermaids in the wee hours of the night. It is understood a further, violent, altercation erupted between a small detatchment of guards and the demented fish-flavoured Hag-Priest of Umberlee. From the blood lying in the street the next morning, someone got a beating in the backstreet - but the miserable criminal priestess wasn't quite brought low. By evil and questionable magicful intervention, her sweated bulk disappeared from view.

    Silence reigned, for a stage - during which, some murmer, even the High Priestess Daisy was lured from her cloistered halls to pin the miserable dwarfen wench to the soil.

    Noise! Reek! Suddenly, the dwarf apppeared at the gates of the Docks, and with vile Umberlite magics and bulk, made a run for it out of the gates, making a dart for the Giantspire foothills.

    Inexplicably, Mercy turned up yet again. Apparently not much liking the view from the Icelace beach, the cleric was spotted by lookouts, traversing the harbour on some sort of shining makeshift boat. Hurling a torrent of abuse, the dwarfen villain disappeared into the night, leaving the mousetrap of Icelace beach and the forces of Peltarchian law and order, far behind her…

    It is not known if any of the guardsmen involved in the various incidents were killed, though some were certainly wounded. What this means for Senate policy on the faith of Umberlee, or the rather tidy and polite prisoner in lock-up, Ronan, fellow member of the Black Sails organisation, remains to be seen..._

  • There have been sightings of a faintly rancid smelling young man asking around for a lady by the name of 'Dulfer'. He has eluded a few times that he might have something that belongs to her. Of those that managed to get a name, the most they got out of him was a simple 'Swift'. He's seen more frequently around the docks, but has asked to be met by Dulfer at The Mermaid should she have "lost something she never wanted to lose".

  • A bidding war has broken out amongst the Elite of peltarch. An enchantress of fine gems has arrived and the more valuable the gem, the better the spells she is implanting upon them. She is currently moving from mansion to mansion discussing the extent of her services and the final lucky noble to obtain them will be the envy of the Glitterati.


  • _Several guards came into the commons, placing the white haired mage known as Ronan under arrest. Several Sails members seemed angry. Though others of a more "good" or "lawful" nature might heave a sigh of relief. It is heard the charges were aiding in assault.

    He went without resistance, though he seemed a bit irritated by the whole ordeal.._

  • Word spreads from table to table in the Mermaid that the renegades claiming loyalty to Lord Gor of High Hold have gone so far as to set up camp on the Icelace Beach. While they show no signs of forward movement, they seem to be guarding their own "mining camps." It seems a great deal of ore is being transported into the Giantspires and the foothills are turning into somewhat of a strip mine.

  • _Word spreads like wildfire trough the docks, and then into the city…
    that Mercy, Zanetar and someone named Hawk ambushed the Lady Elenwyd and a southern barbarian in the pass. Neither was killed, and most agree that it was a rather blunt and pointless, not to mention immature, show of force.

    Still, the implication of an alliance between the Umberlants and Banites is troublesome to many._

  • One of the female knights from the Order of the Divine Shield is seen carrying lots of books and sitting on a bench outside the temple of Tyr (when it's not raining) reading.

    According to some of the guards this knight were also visiting some of the governmental building with many books.

  • _Evendur has been seen about town very often of late, and his office has been reopened. The pallor of his skin and fatigue in his demeanor, both present since his return, are inexplicably gone. In fact, he seems to be as healthy as a horse, which is saying something.

    Rumors trickle through the streets of the source for his apparent cure, but none are conclusive._

  • A woman of no particular note was lead by a Magistrate and a contigent of Gali from the Gypsy Camp were seen headed into the Temple of Tyr. A passerby getting a good look at the woman would note her eyes were…somewhat vacuous.

  • Frequent visitors to the temple of Tyr will notice that Elor has taken up the position of temple librarian.. again. For now he seems mostly occupied with dusting and cleaning.

  • Seems the guard have once again stuffed up arresting a dwarf responsible for murder. This time an elf had summoned animals to protect him from the dwarf. The animals were killed and the elf bashed to bits. A red head bard was seen tagging along after the guard to the temple of tyr and leaving looking frustrated.

  • Death of a Palesman?

    _A certain dwarfen priestess has been taking time out from drowning kittens to spread the news of a bloody coup which has taken place in the otherwise drag, predictable and backward town of Norwick.

    She informs all willing to listen that, apparently, the dwarfen salesman Dwin Dolvak has bumped off Lucy, the former Chancellor of Norwick and assumed full control through a military junta consisting entirely of one person. (Himself)._

  • _Rumor has it that Evendur was found unconscious in the commons by a pair of bards. The Senator was allegedly taken to the Wilting Flower to be revived, but was later seen weakly hobbling toward the Temple of Tyr under his own power.

    Anyone on official business to his office at city hall is turned away – the clerks apologize and claim that the Senator is taking a "leave of absence."_

  • _An unusual gnome was observed by some not long ago scurrying around the commons in various states of alarm. His behavior can be described only as paranoid, if not delusional.

    He was eventually escorted into the Gondar shrine by local Artificer Dentin Strauss, and has not emerged since._

  • Troubles Afoot with the Black Sails Trading Company?

    _Rumour on the docks suggests that all might not be going quite so smoothly for the resident group of black and gold wearing ne'er-do-wells. Several prominent figures have been seen spending inordinate amounts of time in Peltarch, as if they are avoiding their Oscura operations, or perhaps anticipate some threat.

    Captain Drelan Ashire has been witnessed in a state of some distemper of late in the Lucky Ferret bar, and notorious booze-flavoured strumpet, Sabre Seasaw, has drawn a wan, washed out figure in recent appearances in the shadier corners in the shadow of the Giantspire Mountains.

    Your resident dwarfen priestess of Umberlee, however, seems rather unaffected by whatever is causing the stresses in the Company, even gleeful at some impending prospect or venture. Murmers from the wise might well conclude that such a combination bodes no good indeed._

  • The usually cheerful Headmaster of the bardic College seems to be in a foul temper of late and is very definitely not seen in black and gold colours at the moment.

  • _Alarmed citizens spread word of a recent attack on the commons by a number of horrific ghostly creatures. They claim the battle was precipitated by a thick fog rolling along the ground, an icy chill in the air, and the appearance of a mute spectral child. Oddly, the only member of the city Guard present was the stalwart Lisa – the rest seemed to make themselves scarce in time for the fighting.

    Regardless of this, there were no casualties, although several citizens did take the opportunity to chastise the Senate for its inactivity on the matter. It seems to be common knowledge that the ghosts are coming from the sewers, and people are wondering why some sort of expedition isn't being ordered._

  • _People are beginning to talk about how Senator Evendur Mildsilver has seemed to be in increasingly poor health since his return to the city. He looks extraordinarily fatigued whenever in public, and his skin is as white as the Giantspire mountaintops. Some older citizens recall this same Senator years ago being fairly energetic (if a bit stuffy) and possessed of a deep olive complexion. When asked, Evendur simply shrugs any illness off as a byproduct of his busy Senate schedule.

    His distinctive personality and sharp intellect remain untarnished, however, and he makes use of both whenever he can._

  • A set of loud booms or explosions from somewhere in the foothills seems to have prompted Senator Aarron Ashald to head out personally to investigate, accompanied by, of all people, a pair of Black Sails. The trio returned to the city a while later, unscathed but apparantly on less friendly terms than when they left.