::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Kobolds massed and attacked the gates of Peltarch, killing several of the Defenders on watch there, before pusing on towards the city wall. The attack seemed to be little more than a feint though, as the horde retreated back into the hills as Defender reinforcements arrived.

  • Rumors speak of an evil cult who has taken hold somewhere around the ice lace lake. The rumors also mention that a group of valiant men and women set out to destroy that cult. Their heroic efforts were not rewarded, though. It seems that the adventure did not go well. Only half the group returned alive to Peltarch and not in good spirits. Well armed undead skeletons are mentioned.

    ((Great fun! Thanks to Evendur and Andelas, and all the little group that trooped out there… and charged... heroically... x.x))

  • Once Chaevre' learns of the news she was first seen going to the temple to se if he was being raised, when she was told otherwise she went to the morgue to see his body, afterwards she went to ask the guards where is belongings were taken, shes told they are confiscated and asks if the fallens Spellbook be released to her for archival in Spellweaver Keeps libraries, which she was bluntly refused. She visited the body late at night and when no one was around (or so im told) she removes the body and while invisible takes it to an unknown location.

    (Edit by Dorakhan: Sidebar comment removed. That wasn't necessary.)

  • Rumour has it that the wizard Ezachiel walked up to the guard tower south of Peltarch with a smile on his face, still smiling when he went down with a couple of arrows in his chest. His body and belongings are said to have been removed by the guards.

  • _Those who venture outside of the city to the west will undoubtedly spot a certain tree, its leaves and branches bathed in perpetual blue flames of arcane origin. Any who would dare to touch the phenomon are met with an unpleasant shock that seems to suggest that they not do so again.

    The foliage is commonly known to be the so-called "Holy Tree of Azuth," although it had been inert for years until now. What has stirred it up again is uncertain…_

  • It would seem that the Renegades have cleared from the beach area - but not before strip-mining all available resources. Military patrols of the Western Foothills have since relaxed - but not entirely.

  • A large gathering of people could be observed recently in the Peltarch trade hall, where an eccentric merchant named Firthram hired help for yet another trip out to his island outpost somewhere in the Ice Lake. The group consisted of many well-known and capable women and men, such as the city's own Junior Magistrate Shannon, Cerulean knight Meciqtz ((shakes fist at hard to spell words and names)), pixie-loving merchant Alexi, sharpshooting elves Eluriel and Thorn, Legionaires Theaon and William and Guardians Attentus, Elena and Ragnhild. Yet a few handful more adventurers shuffled onto the ship with wary expressions before the expedition set off. The group returned to Peltarch a few days later, looking somewhat worse for wear but generally in good spirits.

    //once again my apologies to those present whose character names have slipped my feeble mind!

  • A hin and an elf were seen walked just outside the docks district when a strange bird came flying near the gate. They guards were seen striking it down and then the two aforementioned bystanders are rumoured to have walked into a portal. A while later the portal disappeared, but no one seems to have ever seen the two come back through it…

  • Rumor has it that Senator Aarron Ashald has left the city in the company of Miss Nyda and a group of servants and guards, packed for a long journey by the looks of it. Some people are talking about how he has left the Senate and city for good, others say he has some sort of plan going on in his head to make himself richer and making it look like he is leaving, is part of it.

  • _While it seems that the wraiths and spectres springing forth from the very streets of Peltarch at nightfall have seemed inexplicably absent of late… another attack comprised of a much different sort of undead to the south appears to have the Defenders in motion. A full unit of clerics from 5th Division has been posted to the southern watchtower.

    Additionally it seems that the watch on the western wall has been doubled and additional troops and siege equipment have been deployed at the western watchtower. While no units have been deployed to the beach, it's quite obvious that something is brewing._

  • All around the town posters turn up, advertising a

    Greengrass Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((If there's fees to be paid, please contact me (Pavel) about these))

  • Chaos in the Docks…

    _Around midnight last night, a great hue and cry lifted the population of the Docks from their sleep. Outside, the heavy clank of guards feet on the cobbles and the tolling of the bells alerted the common folk all was not well.

    The source of the aforesaid dizzying reaction was the Umberlite dwarf, Mercy, who was spotted by one of the audacious guardsmen of Peltarch - it is rumoured - chatting to Fenz in his, rather dingy corner of the Docks.

    Apparently, the dwarf legged it but to no avail: the shout went out "The Gates are locked!" - "the Harbour is closed!"

    Some unfortunate guardsman must have disturbed her, only to be assaulted further as the seaweed soaked wench blundered into the night. Citizens in the more affluent market district were undoubtedly bemused by a racket which broke out behind the Dancing Mermaids in the wee hours of the night. It is understood a further, violent, altercation erupted between a small detatchment of guards and the demented fish-flavoured Hag-Priest of Umberlee. From the blood lying in the street the next morning, someone got a beating in the backstreet - but the miserable criminal priestess wasn't quite brought low. By evil and questionable magicful intervention, her sweated bulk disappeared from view.

    Silence reigned, for a stage - during which, some murmer, even the High Priestess Daisy was lured from her cloistered halls to pin the miserable dwarfen wench to the soil.

    Noise! Reek! Suddenly, the dwarf apppeared at the gates of the Docks, and with vile Umberlite magics and bulk, made a run for it out of the gates, making a dart for the Giantspire foothills.

    Inexplicably, Mercy turned up yet again. Apparently not much liking the view from the Icelace beach, the cleric was spotted by lookouts, traversing the harbour on some sort of shining makeshift boat. Hurling a torrent of abuse, the dwarfen villain disappeared into the night, leaving the mousetrap of Icelace beach and the forces of Peltarchian law and order, far behind her…

    It is not known if any of the guardsmen involved in the various incidents were killed, though some were certainly wounded. What this means for Senate policy on the faith of Umberlee, or the rather tidy and polite prisoner in lock-up, Ronan, fellow member of the Black Sails organisation, remains to be seen..._

  • There have been sightings of a faintly rancid smelling young man asking around for a lady by the name of 'Dulfer'. He has eluded a few times that he might have something that belongs to her. Of those that managed to get a name, the most they got out of him was a simple 'Swift'. He's seen more frequently around the docks, but has asked to be met by Dulfer at The Mermaid should she have "lost something she never wanted to lose".

  • A bidding war has broken out amongst the Elite of peltarch. An enchantress of fine gems has arrived and the more valuable the gem, the better the spells she is implanting upon them. She is currently moving from mansion to mansion discussing the extent of her services and the final lucky noble to obtain them will be the envy of the Glitterati.


  • _Several guards came into the commons, placing the white haired mage known as Ronan under arrest. Several Sails members seemed angry. Though others of a more "good" or "lawful" nature might heave a sigh of relief. It is heard the charges were aiding in assault.

    He went without resistance, though he seemed a bit irritated by the whole ordeal.._

  • Word spreads from table to table in the Mermaid that the renegades claiming loyalty to Lord Gor of High Hold have gone so far as to set up camp on the Icelace Beach. While they show no signs of forward movement, they seem to be guarding their own "mining camps." It seems a great deal of ore is being transported into the Giantspires and the foothills are turning into somewhat of a strip mine.

  • _Word spreads like wildfire trough the docks, and then into the city…
    that Mercy, Zanetar and someone named Hawk ambushed the Lady Elenwyd and a southern barbarian in the pass. Neither was killed, and most agree that it was a rather blunt and pointless, not to mention immature, show of force.

    Still, the implication of an alliance between the Umberlants and Banites is troublesome to many._

  • One of the female knights from the Order of the Divine Shield is seen carrying lots of books and sitting on a bench outside the temple of Tyr (when it's not raining) reading.

    According to some of the guards this knight were also visiting some of the governmental building with many books.

  • _Evendur has been seen about town very often of late, and his office has been reopened. The pallor of his skin and fatigue in his demeanor, both present since his return, are inexplicably gone. In fact, he seems to be as healthy as a horse, which is saying something.

    Rumors trickle through the streets of the source for his apparent cure, but none are conclusive._

  • A woman of no particular note was lead by a Magistrate and a contigent of Gali from the Gypsy Camp were seen headed into the Temple of Tyr. A passerby getting a good look at the woman would note her eyes were…somewhat vacuous.