::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Elissa kindly points out that it might be because of the well advised decision to ban using magics even in the areas around Peltarch and hopefully people having become wise and aware of the very nasty side effects. With less use of magic, there's less risk to people. It seems to her that maybe with the weave quietening down, people have once more begun to call on magic and may thus have caused a very nasty backlash.

  • Genzir can be seen running around in a dignified frenzy, casting spells (of magic detection, to those who would recognize the) all over the city and on the outskirts, and asking if anybody knows what caused the recent degradation of the Weave.

  • It seems the guards were now also seen in the civic district, questioning shop owners. The Vanity Plates was closed for a bit and a couple of Black Sails escorted to the Jail for questioning. They were released after a while, one man a bit before the group. All were seemingly unharmed and in a good mood, though they left the city shortly thereafter.

  • _Additional Defenders have been seen leaving on patrol to the eastern fringes of Peltarch's territories, tensions apparantly running a little high after the recent slaughter of Lizardfolks.

    Guards have been seen in the Docks taking several people away for questioning, including the owner of the Bait Shop, but all have been released soon after with no arrests being made as of yet._

  • Though not noticed right away, after a few days, it becomes apparent that the Defender Mark no longer wears the notorious black and gold.

  • In the past days, a young man with striking red hair and a pike, has been making his way around the city, from inn to inn, apparantly looking for an employer. He identifies himself as "Arthanis, apprentice battlemage". Generally, he gives the impression of a man who doesn't care who he works for, as long as he gets paid.

  • Serdin, intrigued by the news of a lack of wizards, begins to investigate.

  • There was some to-do earlier in the Foothills, just inside the outermost wall. Apparently Rath Ashald had come up with a way to save everyone from the wild magic.

    Something went terribly wrong, and instead of fixing the wild magic, it summoned a very old dragon of massive and one might even say, draconic, proportions. The dragon set some folks on fire, and they were none too happy about it.

    So they killed the dragon.

    Apparently there was an afterparty, but some of the Dragonslayers were unfortunatly unable to find it.

    The End.

  • Elsewhere, Dentin and like-minded spirits of the city's population seem less dismayed about the withering tree… and the phrase "It is quite symbolic" seems to be the key part in most of their conversations.

  • The magically inclined folk of the city huddle together and talk grimly over the current crisis, bemoaning the plight of decent mages everywhere…their dismayed talk is personified by the withering Holy Tree of Azuth just beyond the City's walls, once the site of many Azuthan pilgrims, now attended every now and then by dour looking priests and druids who have failed to return vitality to the ailing tree...

  • The kobolds are getting pretty riled up of late, as two members of the Black Sails learned the hard way when they were jumped in the foothills by large numbers of their strong warriors. One of the Sails was beaten unconscious and dragged off, while the other barely managed to escape and call for help. Two Far Scouts managed a daring rescue, one of the pair falling in the line of duty. The rescued Sail, a young black-haired woman known as Sabre, is later overheard praising Far Scouts and Defenders alike at the Mermaid, before drunkenly staggering upstairs with her companion.

  • So.. Nyda made Bane her bitch? Tsk. Better than th' other way 'round I suppose, eh? ..

    Sighs, walking off, muttering about gods and magicks.

  • A thin elfin lass, much bruised and beaten is seen entering the Southgate, some hours after Nyda and her procession of cheering hins and commonfolk, when the torches and cheering and free ale have faded.

    The lass spits on the cobbles and nods to the guards gruffly, slowly cursing the nature of heroes and the feebleness of the citizenry of all realms; their desire for a hero; their desire for a cynosure.

    The elfin lass, she carries herself more confidently than any maid and so we call her a lass though perhaps she is a maid, watches the noise-some procession, pulls a dagger from her thigh and proceeds in to the town. Her eye is on each place and each moment.

  • Rumours spread that the Peltarch heroine Nyda, previously decorated by the City for her bravery has outdone herself in her most recent exploit. Upon finding a magical circle surrounded by staked corpses in the Pass, next to the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, she and a member of the black sails were confronted by a being that radiated pure malevolance and power. Laughing at their insignificance the being summoned a powerful creature to go and destroy Norwick. Giving chase they were joined by others and destroyed the beast just outside Norwick. The being, whose power felt to be that of a deity, summoned another that was slain just inside Jiyyd. After much taunting and argument with the deity, who was revealed to be Bane, or at least claimed to be and had the power to back it up, summoned a third more powerful version that slew a pair of helmites in Jiyyd before being slain.

    Bane caused great wounds on several of the people around the Circle during this, though seemed unable to hurt Nyda when he tried. They spoke in both common and infernal, though none of Nyda's answers seemed to please the self-proclaimed Dark Lord until she threatened to put him over her knee and spank some sense into him. This amused him and he took her away for a private chat. Whatever the result of this he then left for good the magic circle fading. Throughout she denied his right to take anyones free will, and refused repeatedly to bow or kneel to him.

    Though he did appear to her again outside Jiyyd and confirm that his thrice refused offer to her stood if she ever tired of mortal men.

  • Nyda continues to spend most of her time in the City, predominantly reading back through archived and publically available paperwork regarding the peltarch legal system in the main library. News of the Senators walking with a sailor girl is greeted with a frosty calmness.

  • _Peltarch was awash in black and gold as the Sails gathered in the Commons in numbers not seen in the city for quite some time. Suddenly, in the midst of some friendly bickering about male dancers, the captain's parrot made an unexpected appearance. It would seem Deacon has already corrupted the colourful bird, who made kissy faces at many of the crew and uttered quite a few a lewd phrases. The parrot became too affectionate with the Lt however, biting the poor man's ear and causing him to make an ill-judged grab at the bird…who fell down dead in fright. Thanks to the timely intervention of good sir Shannon, the bird now flies again.

    Some gossip-mongerers might also mention Senator Aarron Ashald leaving the crowd with a young female from the crew on his arm._

  • A tall, muscular redhead was found uming confused at the guards who search her and eventually, after figuring out it's her clothes, she cries and storms off, leaving the town behind for now. When approached about it, she says the guards claimed she was a bad person even though she tries not to be.

  • It is said that there was a fair and honest duel between a Banite wizard and a paladin at the crossroads. The paladin died, while the Banite remained nearly unscathed.

  • Rumour has it that Talgrath went south recently with a small band of Defenders and a hired trap springer and that he came back covered in blood, which didn't seem to be his own. Some think that the old veteran might be looking to take a more active role in combat again, others think it may be a one-time "jaunt" and still others think there might be something else going on. Whatever the case may be, Captain Talgrath most likely fought against the hobgoblins plaguing the Pass, what else would he fight to the south?

    Another rumour says that Victor Cornish is selling enchanted cheese to customers he doesn't like, which makes them pass out like they were drunk. Most think this is a load of crap and that some of his customers simply drink too much.

  • As rumor about the recent sacking of Jiyyd, with great civilian loss of life as result, at the hands of the orcs reaches Peltarch, the Defender Emma Lavindo is heard often speaking about the importance of the ability to extend military and humanitarian aid to the neighbouring settlements. An increased security for Peltarch's own citiezens, travelling the pass, be it adventurers or merchants bringing trade to the city, is also needed, she sais.