::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • A group of a few of black and gold clad people gathered in the market today. Apparently there was some dispute going on, tempers almost flaring but no actual fighting began. Later, the group dispersed peacefully.

  • A dead, heavily burned guard was delivered to the south gates. Coupled with a deserted watchtower and strange machines attacking people near the city, makes for another mystery to solve.

  • There are rumours among the Saturday morning pancake-eating crowd that there is an upcoming festival in the Silver Valley. They say that the hins have planned a scavenger hunt and archery contest, and that everyone is welcome to participate.

    ((Event is scheduled for next Satuday. Start time TBA.))

  • _Word drifts in that a band of seemingly human highwaymen have taken to attacking travelers in the area of the Nars pass known as 'The Ridges', even going so far as to ambush a party of heavily armed knights from Jiyyd.

    There is some speculation that they may be a reminant of the old Eastlander bandits that used to plague the area, particularly since their bowmen used ammunition similar to that favored by many of the better-equipped Eastlander archers.

    Someone is heard to opine that this may be the infamous Black-Robe Highwayman who long troubled the high road to the south, having gathered a band and traveled to a place where the richest of prizes can be found._


  • It seems three wise men arrived from a far away country and live in Peltarch for now. They also seem to be giving the occasional cryptic answers to questions. Curiously there's a rumor going on about, saying they have evaluated the colors and ordered them.

  • Word spreads along the crafter's grapevine that Dentin is looking to hire a non-union miner…

  • _There was apparantly a scuffle in the docks, involving numbers of the Black Sails, Seafarers and a mob of other docks people. Some say that the small riot started with the Seafarers stealing the Black Sails ship. Others say that the Black Sails attempted to steal one of the Seafarer ships, but were driven away. Rumours of the death of three guards are hushed about, and things remain tense.

    In the days following, Dentin can once again be spotted spending more time in the docks than before, tending to the workers and sailors, doing amounts of work himself where it's necessary. Any guards, especially groups of guards, entering the docks, as well as known groups of rabble and troublemakers, are watched from a distance, yet always close enough to intervene._

  • Ships leave the port, ships return, some with all the crew, others lose men, and some don't return at all.

  • After the latest Wild Magic episode has calmed down, Genzir can be seen frequenting the Bardic College library. Those in the library notice that he is looking for books on Mintas Rhelgor, and specifically anything related to the portal there.

  • Elissa kindly points out that it might be because of the well advised decision to ban using magics even in the areas around Peltarch and hopefully people having become wise and aware of the very nasty side effects. With less use of magic, there's less risk to people. It seems to her that maybe with the weave quietening down, people have once more begun to call on magic and may thus have caused a very nasty backlash.

  • Genzir can be seen running around in a dignified frenzy, casting spells (of magic detection, to those who would recognize the) all over the city and on the outskirts, and asking if anybody knows what caused the recent degradation of the Weave.

  • It seems the guards were now also seen in the civic district, questioning shop owners. The Vanity Plates was closed for a bit and a couple of Black Sails escorted to the Jail for questioning. They were released after a while, one man a bit before the group. All were seemingly unharmed and in a good mood, though they left the city shortly thereafter.

  • _Additional Defenders have been seen leaving on patrol to the eastern fringes of Peltarch's territories, tensions apparantly running a little high after the recent slaughter of Lizardfolks.

    Guards have been seen in the Docks taking several people away for questioning, including the owner of the Bait Shop, but all have been released soon after with no arrests being made as of yet._

  • Though not noticed right away, after a few days, it becomes apparent that the Defender Mark no longer wears the notorious black and gold.

  • In the past days, a young man with striking red hair and a pike, has been making his way around the city, from inn to inn, apparantly looking for an employer. He identifies himself as "Arthanis, apprentice battlemage". Generally, he gives the impression of a man who doesn't care who he works for, as long as he gets paid.

  • Serdin, intrigued by the news of a lack of wizards, begins to investigate.

  • There was some to-do earlier in the Foothills, just inside the outermost wall. Apparently Rath Ashald had come up with a way to save everyone from the wild magic.

    Something went terribly wrong, and instead of fixing the wild magic, it summoned a very old dragon of massive and one might even say, draconic, proportions. The dragon set some folks on fire, and they were none too happy about it.

    So they killed the dragon.

    Apparently there was an afterparty, but some of the Dragonslayers were unfortunatly unable to find it.

    The End.

  • Elsewhere, Dentin and like-minded spirits of the city's population seem less dismayed about the withering tree… and the phrase "It is quite symbolic" seems to be the key part in most of their conversations.

  • The magically inclined folk of the city huddle together and talk grimly over the current crisis, bemoaning the plight of decent mages everywhere…their dismayed talk is personified by the withering Holy Tree of Azuth just beyond the City's walls, once the site of many Azuthan pilgrims, now attended every now and then by dour looking priests and druids who have failed to return vitality to the ailing tree...

  • The kobolds are getting pretty riled up of late, as two members of the Black Sails learned the hard way when they were jumped in the foothills by large numbers of their strong warriors. One of the Sails was beaten unconscious and dragged off, while the other barely managed to escape and call for help. Two Far Scouts managed a daring rescue, one of the pair falling in the line of duty. The rescued Sail, a young black-haired woman known as Sabre, is later overheard praising Far Scouts and Defenders alike at the Mermaid, before drunkenly staggering upstairs with her companion.